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      ** Investment News - finally the LFC TAKEOVER! (Part 1) **

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      • Forum Emlyn Hughes
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      Re: ** LFC Investment News
      Reply #115: Jan 29, 2007 07:52:11 am
      I'm sure Hillsborough was not the only factor that grounds became all seater, it was just the final straw, there is a Strong movement to put part of the grounds as a standing area, most clubs that have been asked are in favor of it, but it won't happen for a few years, but if it does come then seats in a part of the ground can be taken out and it would double that part of the ground, but not till a major study has taken place.
      As far as the take over talks I'm sure that DIC. will be are new owners, Liverpool have to pay by the rules so thy have to show the books to the American, it has put it back a few weeks thats all, it will all work out in the end.
      • Forum Kevin Keegan
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      Liverpool's board have decided to take more time to consider the sale to DIC
      Reply #116: Jan 30, 2007 11:42:08 pm
      Owner and chairman David Moores (pictured) and the club's board met in London on Tuesday to talk over DIC's bid and also a second offer from George Gillett.

      The Montreal Canadiens owner has made an improved offer to Moores of Ā£88million for his 51.6 per cent majority shareholding.

      DIC had hoped to be able to make a formal bid via the stock exchange early next week after completing due diligence.

      However, Gillett's new offer has thrown the takeover into confusion, with board members keen to think again.

      DIC officials were expected to be in attendance for Saturday's Merseyside derby to confirm the deal but must now wait to learn whether their bid has been successful.

      "We have worked very hard over a long period with Liverpool to come up with the best possible offer for shareholders and for the long term of the club," a DIC source said.

      "Our deal is not just about buying some shares, it is about financing the stadium, getting the stadium built and making money available for players.

      "We hope to make our formal offer very soon, and think it is an offer for everyone, not least one the supporters will be happy with."

      A decision is still expected to be made by the end of the week to ensure construction on the club's new Stanley Park stadium is able begin in March.

      Moores' majority holding means he will have the final say on the future of the club.

      If this goes tits up because those greedy b***ard board members want more money then they should be hunt down and F***ing hung !

      What can be hard to think about DIC and their wealth (who are reds) or some cunting Yank who only wants to make money and will rape the sole of this club !  >:(
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      • Rafa, Gone but not forgotten
      Re: Liverpool's board have decided to take more time to consider the sale to DIC
      Reply #117: Jan 31, 2007 08:49:39 am
      Yeah its a pain in the ass!!

      I hate all this s**t goin on when its pretty clear that the DIC bid is the better for the long term of the club!
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      Re: Liverpool's board have decided to take more time to consider the sale to DIC
      Reply #118: Jan 31, 2007 09:00:29 am
      It seems some of the other board members want to have a look at Gillets proposal this includes Granada who own 10% of the shares,this comes a week after they said it didnt matter what Gillet offered?
      But as far as i know Moores as the majority share holder has the final say on who's bid we accept, so is he holding on for more money or hasnt he got the bottle to make a decision.
      Our board havent been the most forward thinking in the past but if they dither over this deal with the new stadium due to begin in March,where will we be if DIC pull out.
      • Forum Erik Meijer
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      Re: Liverpool's board have decided to take more time to consider the sale to DIC
      Reply #119: Jan 31, 2007 09:04:00 am
      Instead of looking at the short term financial gain, which seems to be the fashion these days the board MUST have the long term future of the club foremost in their minds. The DIC is an arm of government with much more security than this gillet bloke. Now is not the time to be greedy.
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      Re: Liverpool's board have decided to take more time to consider the sale to DIC
      Reply #120: Jan 31, 2007 09:49:21 am
      If Moores has got the majority share holding then the last word is his no matter what goes on surely ?  And i'm sure that he wont want to groundshare or relinquish control over the club for a few bucks more.  He's probably been pressured from lesser share holders (greedy ones looking to make money), into taking time and weighing everything up.  Its easy for us cos we can see what the most sensible decision is for Liverpool Football Club as  we dont have any financial interest in this deal, but you would think that anyone involved at shareholder level would have Liverpools long-term future  as priority, sadly it looks like money talks yet again  >:(     I still think the DIC deal will go ahead  ;)
      The Fallen Soldier
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      Re: Liverpool's board have decided to take more time to consider the sale to DIC
      Reply #121: Jan 31, 2007 10:14:03 am
      The fact of the matter is this, Moores has stated he wants 150 million for his stake, and he has stated this on more than one occasion. As far as I can see it Gillet has offered him 88 million, well short of his asking price. So for the sake of a better word I think everyone has their knickers in a twist over this. Personnally I have complete confidence in the fact that DIC will prevail in their takeover efforts, and to be honest the board are right to meet over the offer which Gillet proposes to see and discuss what the details of such an offer are.

      I think before anyone takes any creedence from hyped up media speculation, you should just take a step back and look at the facts and the evidence, no matter what Gillet offers the other board members on a personal level Mooresy has the final say, and I am telling you this for a fact he will not sell his shares for 88 million no matter what the board try to force him to do or what choclate covered coting deal Gillet comes up with. People need to be more abjective about listening to the media when it comes to this kind of thing, the media over sensationalise everything no matter what type of media they are papers TV or other news sources, they do this in order to get viewers or readers and try and lend creedance to their suspect and often misleading statements to the public.

      I would urge everyone to not panic and start raging on I have complete faith in David Moores he loves this club and he knows that to sell to anyone other than DIC would be a big mistake, the reason the meeting is taking place is because by law they must discuss the deal Gillet proposes.

      On the front cover of a book is written in big words


      The deal with DIC will go through its just a matter of time.
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      • YNWA - JFT96
      Re: Liverpool's board have decided to take more time to consider the sale to DIC
      Reply #122: Jan 31, 2007 10:25:55 am
      The fact of the matter is this, Moores has stated he wants 150 million for his stake, and he has stated this on more than one occasion. As far as I can see it Gillet has offered him 88 million, well short of his asking price. So for the sake of a better word I think everyone has their knickers in a twist over this. Personnally I have complete confidence in the fact that DIC will prevail in their takeover efforts, and to be honest the board are right to meet over the offer which Gillet proposes to see and discuss what the details of such an offer are.

      I think before anyone takes any creedence from hyped up media speculation, you should just take a step back and look at the facts and the evidence, no matter what Gillet offers the other board members on a personal level Mooresy has the final say, and I am telling you this for a fact he will not sell his shares for 88 million no matter what the board try to force him to do or what choclate covered coting deal Gillet comes up with. People need to be more abjective about listening to the media when it comes to this kind of thing, the media over sensationalise everything no matter what type of media they are papers TV or other news sources, they do this in order to get viewers or readers and try and lend creedance to their suspect and often misleading statements to the public.

      I would urge everyone to not panic and start raging on I have complete faith in David Moores he loves this club and he knows that to sell to anyone other than DIC would be a big mistake, the reason the meeting is taking place is because by law they must discuss the deal Gillet proposes.

      On the front cover of a book is written in big words


      The deal with DIC will go through its just a matter of time.

      Hi Prag, I dont think anyone has really sensationalised this affair on TV, its just a lot of worried fans with no faith in David Moores, as you say, they have to look at all offers made by law.  I'm with you as i've already stated, this deal will go ahead, i'm looking forward to sitting in the new stadium !!     ;) ;D
      • Forum Legend - Benitez
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      Re: Liverpool's board have decided to take more time to consider the sale to DIC
      Reply #123: Jan 31, 2007 10:42:05 am
      Reds board want more time

      Jan 31 2007

      THE takeover of Liverpool was thrown into confusion on Tuesday night when the club's board met in a London Docklands hotel - ahead of the game at West Ham - and did not formally accept the bid from Dubai International Capital.The board, under chairman and owner David Moores, met to consider the second bid from George Gillett - the owner of Montreal Canadians ice hockey team - and it is believed decided they needed more time to make a decision.That, though, is expected to be by the end of the week with the board accepting that they cannot delay a decision any longer, with the need to start work on the club's new stadium in Stanley Park in March.The Liverpool board's lack of a decisive move has surprised DIC, who have completed due diligence and want to make their formal bid, via the Stock Exchange, for Moores' 51.6% majority shareholding early next week.They believed Moores was in favour of a bid which would have given the club's chairman Ā£80million at Ā£4,500 a share.
      Gillett's original offer had been rejected before Christmas, but last week he submitted a new offer by letter to Moores which in effect upped the bid to give Moores Ā£88million for his holding.
      It is believed there are other board members - including representatives from Granada, who own 10% of the club - who also want to think again about Gillett's terms.
      A DIC source said: "We have worked very hard over a long period with Liverpool to come up with the best possible offer for shareholders and for the long term of the club.
      "Our deal is not just about buying some shares, it is about financing the stadium, getting the stadium built and making money available for players.
      "We hope to make our formal offer very soon, and think it is an offer for everyone, not least one the supporters will be happy with."

      The above was taken from the icLiverpool website,I donā€™t take much notice over media hype unless it is in the local media e.g Liverpool Echo.
      What isnā€™t surprising is the board once again doing there best to cock things up! I agree totally that David Moores is a fanatical red with only our best interests at heart itā€™s the board members I donā€™t know to much about who worry me.
      The paragraph beginning ā€œThe Liverpool board's lack of a decisive moveā€ is a slight cause for concern but perhaps nothing new, and for me changes in the boardroom cannot come soon enough.
      I agree with Pragmatic that the DIC take over will go ahead and will be the best thing for our club I just wish some of the dealings could be done behind the scenes and the first we know about them is when they go through, but I am probably stuck in a time warp and takeovers and signings now become public knowledge from the first minute there mentioned.

      The Fallen Soldier
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      Re: Liverpool's board have decided to take more time to consider the sale to DIC
      Reply #124: Jan 31, 2007 02:34:20 pm
      Hi Prag, I dont think anyone has really sensationalised this affair on TV, its just a lot of worried fans with no faith in David Moores, as you say, they have to look at all offers made by law.  I'm with you as I've already stated, this deal will go ahead, I'm looking forward to sitting in the new stadium !!     ;) ;D

      smigg m8 sensationlism comes in many different forms as far as Im concerned having a rolling banner across the bottom of a page during prime time news reading on s*y news with NEWS FLASH LIVERPOOL BUYOUT NOT TO PROGRESS BOARD TO LOOK AT OTHER OFFER every 20 seconds oversensationlises something that is quite simply very simple and a simple way of misinforming people to all the facts.
      I happen to agree with what Glenbuck says I dont really pay much attention unless its from the Echo or a press statement from the club itself. For example ā€œThe Liverpool board's lack of a decisive moveā€ could add doubt to those already worried fans and in retrospect cause more agro and we could have a situation like the SCUM did when that hunchback yank took over their club.

      This sort of situation I would rather avoid because a lot of agro from the SCUM fans could have been avoided, by the media not over sensationlising something as business trivial as a football club being taken over. Misinformation from Sky TV The S*n(scum) and other media caused and outbreak of violence and ill feeling toward the new owners of that club, scenes which I and many other reds do not want to be repeated at the top of arkles lane thankyou very much. For me personnally any other form of reporting other that the plain facts in detail is oversenstioalising something and like I stated the board have to look at this by law and all other details have to be discussed and looked over before any decsions are made. Thing is you cant get all that info into a big blue and red flashing banner scrolling along the bottom of a screen can you, or come to think of it could a s*n reporter string more than two coherrant sentances together reporting on this often very boring business process.......... I think not.
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      Re: Liverpool's board have decided to take more time to consider the sale to DIC
      Reply #125: Jan 31, 2007 03:05:49 pm
      LFC: we're taking US buy-out bid seriously

      Jan 31 2007

      EXCLUSIVE by David Prentice, Liverpool Echo
      LIVERPOOL FC today confirmed that American businessman George Gillett is a serious rival to Dubai International Capital's bid for control of the club.The US sports tycoon has astonished Anfield officials by completing his due diligence procedure in three days.By confirming that a shared stadium with Everton has never been on his agenda, by agreeing to personally underwrite the new stadium funding, and by making a firm commitment to investing in future transfers, he has now moved alongside DIC as a realistic future owner.Up until 48 hours ago, chairman David Moores was focused solely on a takeover by DIC, the investment arm of the Makhtoum family.
      But he has come under increasing pressure from minor shareholders to think about the American's proposals, which are worth Ā£500 a share more than DIC's.
      Moores would net Ā£8m more from the American's offer, but sources at Anfield say the Reds chairman only wants to make the best decision for the club.
      It is the speed and decisive nature of the American's proposals which have caused him to think again.
      DIC took more than a month to complete there due diligence procedure, and even now no formal offer has been made.
      Reds officials were hoping to vote on the DIC proposals at a board meeting in London last night before the match at West Ham, but the documentation was still not in place.
      It was this latest hitch which convinced Moores to reconsider.
      Building work on the new stadium is due to start in March, so a decision is imminent.
      Moores is carefully considering both offers, but is expected to make a decision by the end of the week.

      Why have DIC took so long maybe they thought they where the only buyers, hopefully this Gillett bid will give DIC the kick up the backside they need and move things along quick enough to coincide with the start of building work on the new stadium.
      I tell you what though isnā€™t that Gillett a shady fishcake? Iam certain he was all for a shared stadium with Knowsley FC and now he denies the thought ever entered his head. And completing due diligence in such quick time on a deal so big, Whats the rush all of a sudden?

      The Fallen Soldier
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      Re: Liverpool's board have decided to take more time to consider the sale to DIC
      Reply #126: Jan 31, 2007 03:42:15 pm
      LFC: we're taking US buy-out bid seriously

      Why have DIC took so long maybe they thought they where the only buyers, hopefully this Gillett bid will give DIC the kick up the backside they need and move things along quick enough to coincide with the start of building work on the new stadium.
      I tell you what though isnā€™t that Gillett a shady fishcake? Iam certain he was all for a shared stadium with Knowsley FC and now he denies the thought ever entered his head. And completing due diligence in such quick time on a deal so big, Whats the rush all of a sudden?

      I agree with everything you have said there. The bottom line is this:


      And remember never judge a book by its cover.
      At the end of the day we need someone to take over, and its up to the board to make the right choice. I still think DIC is the way to go though no matter what Gillets statements are.
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      Re: Liverpool's board have decided to take more time to consider the sale to DIC
      Reply #127: Jan 31, 2007 04:07:17 pm
      DIC have pulled out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! B**tard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      Just come on Sky Sports news now. Gutted. I was really confident that it was all going through with DIC like a lot of the rest of you's.  :(
      « Last Edit: Jan 31, 2007 04:11:18 pm by redkenny »
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      DIC Consortium have pulled out of Liverpool deal
      Reply #128: Jan 31, 2007 04:24:08 pm

      A statement read: "Dubai International Capital LLC today announces that it has decided to end negotiations with Liverpool FC & Athletic Grounds plc about a possible investment in the club.

      "Having completed due diligence, DIC submitted a comprehensive offer to the Liverpool board.

      "The offer had been accepted in principle by majority shareholder David Moores. It appears that the Liverpool board and the majority shareholder David Moores were unable to approve these terms in order to allow DIC to make a formal offer to all shareholders."

      The news prolongs Liverpool's long search for the outside investment they believe they need to compete at the top end of the Premiership and in Europe.

      DIC had been their most likely suitor and entered into discussions with the club late last year.

      The deal would have valued the club at Ā£450million but the Dubai group have decided to withdraw following the board's decision to allow more time to consider the Gillett bid.

      Gillett, owner of the Montreal Canadiens ice hockey team, has proposed a deal which is thought to offer shareholders more for their holdings.

      Sameer Al Ansari, executive chairman and chief executive officer of DIC, said: "We are very disappointed to be making this announcement. DIC are a serious investor with considerable resources at our disposal.

      "At the same time, we are supporters of the game and of the club. Liverpool's investment requirements have been well publicised and, after a huge amount of work, we proposed a deal that would provide the club with the funds it needs, both on and off the pitch.

      "We were also prepared to offer shareholders a significant premium on the market price of the shares. However, we will not overpay for assets."
      « Last Edit: Jan 31, 2007 04:24:44 pm by Glenbuck »
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      Re: DIC Consortium have pulled out of Liverpool deal
      Reply #129: Jan 31, 2007 04:29:59 pm
      oh dear.................

      why has this been goin on for about 4 years and we still cant get this sorted.

      what a complete nightmare!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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      Re: Liverpool's board have decided to take more time to consider the sale to DIC
      Reply #130: Jan 31, 2007 04:30:47 pm
      The fact of the matter is this, Moores has stated he wants 150 million for his stake, and he has stated this on more than one occasion. As far as I can see it Gillet has offered him 88 million, well short of his asking price. So for the sake of a better word I think everyone has their knickers in a twist over this. Personnally I have complete confidence in the fact that DIC will prevail in their takeover efforts, and to be honest the board are right to meet over the offer which Gillet proposes to see and discuss what the details of such an offer are.

      I think before anyone takes any creedence from hyped up media speculation, you should just take a step back and look at the facts and the evidence, no matter what Gillet offers the other board members on a personal level Mooresy has the final say, and I am telling you this for a fact he will not sell his shares for 88 million no matter what the board try to force him to do or what choclate covered coting deal Gillet comes up with. People need to be more abjective about listening to the media when it comes to this kind of thing, the media over sensationalise everything no matter what type of media they are papers TV or other news sources, they do this in order to get viewers or readers and try and lend creedance to their suspect and often misleading statements to the public.

      I would urge everyone to not panic and start raging on I have complete faith in David Moores he loves this club and he knows that to sell to anyone other than DIC would be a big mistake, the reason the meeting is taking place is because by law they must discuss the deal Gillet proposes.

      On the front cover of a book is written in big words


      The deal with DIC will go through its just a matter of time.
      mous last words!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      • Forum Legend - Benitez
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      Re: DIC Consortium have pulled out of Liverpool deal
      Reply #131: Jan 31, 2007 04:37:12 pm
      the bid has fallen through because they are unhappy that the reds are encouraging the yanks to bid more money
      Madzz Adzz
      • Forum Billy Liddell
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      Re: DIC Consortium have pulled out of Liverpool deal
      Reply #132: Jan 31, 2007 04:41:42 pm
      DIC will be the best for the club, the yanks will just want to make money from us. so if they do take over then say bye bye to liverpool that we know and love. bloody board they are greedy gets, more money. the best for the club is wont they shud think first. football is ruled by money and its the same here. i am gutted.
      • On Trial

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      Re: DIC Consortium have pulled out of Liverpool deal
      Reply #133: Jan 31, 2007 04:49:10 pm
      What a pain in the backside. There does not seem to be any logical reason for this stalling by moores. Unless he is just after more money. If so, its dispicable and he should fcuk off now. We need an explanation from the club.
      Madzz Adzz
      • Forum Billy Liddell
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      Re: DIC Consortium have pulled out of Liverpool deal
      Reply #134: Jan 31, 2007 04:51:49 pm
      if moore is hangin out for more money then he shud be hung in the streets of liverpool. greedy basterd.
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      Re: DIC Consortium have pulled out of Liverpool deal
      Reply #135: Jan 31, 2007 04:56:31 pm
      We need an explanation from the club.

      Couldn't agree more!! I want to know why DIC took their time looking in to our club, but then it only took Gillett three days??? Has he seen a way of making money in the short run and not all that interested in the long run?
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      Re: DIC Consortium have pulled out of Liverpool deal
      Reply #136: Jan 31, 2007 05:01:34 pm
      Why is it that the players give there all on the pitch for the club and want to drive the club forward, and the board are clueless, unproffessional and plain greedy.
      40,000+ will show there passion and pride for the club on Saturday - just hope that the board take note.
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      Re: DIC Consortium have pulled out of Liverpool deal
      Reply #137: Jan 31, 2007 05:14:28 pm
      Why is it that the players give there all on the pitch for the club and want to drive the club forward, and the board are clueless, unproffessional and plain greedy.
      40,000+ will show there passion and pride for the club on Saturday - just hope that the board take note.

      So do I. But it seems too late for them to take note now. The damge is done.

      Can anyone see any other reason why the board would consider Gillett over DIC, other than to line their own pockets? I can't. Gutted.

      Quick Reply