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      Spirit of Shankly do - Munich chants

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      Re: Spirit of Shankly do - Munich chants
      Reply #23: Jun 12, 2009 04:02:33 pm
      Sadly the truth is that even if the whole of the S O S resigned the damage is already done and the name of all Liverpool supporters will be dragged through the dirt again

      From one incident captured on you tube.

      Man Utd fans sing sing their Hysel and Hillsborough songs at nearly every game they play, do the commentators/reporters/journalists ever say or write anything condemning them - no.

      Every time we play Chelsea, you can hear them sing several unsavoury songs about us, again anything ever said by the media - no

      Same goes for the derby, do the Liverpool Echo EVER condemn Everton fans outright for singing "Murderers" - no.

      IMO it seems people with axes to grind towards the union are using one silly, stupid, drunken incident as an excuse to slag the whole of the union and any good, positive work they may have done.

      Tom, George, Sckinny et al would be very proud!
      dunlop liddell shankly
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      Re: Spirit of Shankly do - Munich chants
      Reply #24: Jun 12, 2009 04:34:27 pm
      Get off your high horse DLS, would you go over and have a stern word, would ya, and what do you think the response would be. A mouthful of abuse, a slap (or worse), maybe thats why no one went over.

      It's a small F***ing incident that has been blown far too out of proportion. We're were you with your anger on the day after (I heard about what happened on the monday) complaining about it (A couple of lads I know went) in their opinion it was something small that happened and was quickly forgotten. Christ, not all our fans are F***ing saints you know.

      Being honest now, I don't want us and Man U to become any closer thanks, F**k them and their opinions. Gary f***in Neville and the other manc cu*ts
      ran up to their fans singing "Without killing anyone we won it three times" in Moscow, where was all this f***in anger then! Yeah exactly and what did Manchester United do? Threaten any newspapers with legal action who printed anything about the incident. Did any Man U fans bang on about how there players and fans are a disgrace. Do they ever condemn those fans who sing those songs or do the fingers pressed against their faces on websites such as Red Issue, Red Cafe or Repiublik of Mancunia, do they F**k.

      The lad who videoed and stuck it up on you tube should know better, but for fucks sake, stop doing the jobs of the tabloid press for them eh!

      Put it this way DLS, if you're so pissed off and angry why not e-mail the SOS group and ask them for answers or even go along to one of their meetings.

      So people are too afraid to do right because they might get a slapped wrist? Well that's a disappointment because I can safely assume that the ratio of people singing/chanting to those not would be around 1:10. But since nobody tried to stop it, they're all to blame.

      It may very well be a small incident but it's still not something that should be brushed under the carpet. It's a disgraceful act, as is any club singing about any death of any form. I'm not expecting fans to be saints, but I would expect fans of this club to know F***ing better. I've always been under the impression that the SOS group was for Liverpool fans to discuss Liverpool Football Club not somewhere to have a dig at United, maybe I'm wrong. I didn't realise our fans were that petty.

      In Moscow the United players and fans may have sang "without killing anybody" but that's them. That doesn't bother me if they wish to be that petty. I always thought our club and our fans were much bigger than that. I always assumed our club and our fans knew how to act in the right way. In the same way some United fans would have thought the same way about their club and their fans. Not all United fans are that sick minded and I'm sure some would be sick to the bottom of their stomach hearing those songs in Moscow. On a night where they've just won the Champions League, most sensible United fans would rather bask in their own glory than have a pop at us. In the same way, after the season we've just had I'd expect Liverpool fans to be so chuffed with what we'd achieved they wouldn't even feel the need to think about United.

      Now I don't know long these SOS events go on for, maybe it was a five minute thing in a three hour show I don't know. But it still can't be seen as accepted in any shape or form. Now I'm not gonna waste me own time going to any of their meetings because I don't agree with it in the first place. I've heard enough problems with the way it's run, the way information is present to it's members and so on and so on. I have already emailed them to express my own disgust at what was said but as of yet haven't had a reply, surprisingly.
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      Re: Spirit of Shankly do - Munich chants
      Reply #25: Jun 12, 2009 06:17:01 pm
      Iv'e no axe to grind whatsoever but if you use Shankly's name some responsibility goes with that. Did anyone try to stop him?. Its very difficult to defend isn't it and its probably best not to try.
      We always struggle with Stereotypes and this will help the media no end.
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      Re: Spirit of Shankly do - Munich chants
      Reply #26: Jun 13, 2009 01:58:48 am
      The simple fact is, as a union that wants respect and to be taken seriously by everyone - not just Liverpool fans - this behaviour can't be defended.

      We all know what goes on amongst certain sections of all fans. It's always been that way and always will be. Nothing anyone says or tries to do will ever change that. So there's no point trying to debate that factor.

      But with events like this it brings big responsibility to the representation of all Liverpool fans. It's a massive learning curve for a union in it's infancy. And if they want to be taken seriously, they've got to really make changes after this terrible blunder. Nobody can stand there and say to me that they didn't think any footage of this event wouldn't end up on the internet? Shouldn't this have been talked of and planned in detail before the event?

      Be serious in their aims and gain respect by achieving these aims. That's what Shankly stood for. That is the notion that has to be drummed into the powers that be.

      And for F**k's sake! We've got more to sing about than any English club! So let's sing our songs!!!
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      Re: Spirit of Shankly do - Munich chants
      Reply #27: Jun 13, 2009 10:23:45 am
      The simple fact is, as a union that wants respect and to be taken seriously by everyone - not just Liverpool fans - this behaviour can't be defended.

      Spot on.  Absolutely no defence for allowing it to continue.

      The fact they allowed it to continue, and I'm sure senior SOS were in attendance, was in a way condoning it.

      To be honest I haven't been impressed with what I've heard about SOS organised away trips - maybe we should get Les from the OLSC to come and post in here.  See what they think are the reasons behind us suffering some major loss of allocations at away grounds.

      In my opinion a few heads should of rolled in the SOS over this.  We can hardly have a go at the owners for 'actions speak louder than words' when our own fan group seems unable to correctly act.  It disappoints me, but I'm not surprised by the lack of response.

      I hope they can put this behind them and move forward stronger, but I'm not so sure.
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      Re: Spirit of Shankly do - Munich chants
      Reply #28: Jun 15, 2009 04:15:34 pm
      A decent read from TIA regarding SOS and the stuff that went on at the end of season do.
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      Re: Spirit of Shankly do - Munich chants
      Reply #29: Jun 15, 2009 07:19:41 pm
      A decent read from TIA regarding SOS and the stuff that went on at the end of season do.

      'We hate the SOS'

      'We love the SOS'

      'We hate the SOS'

      red trooper
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      Re: Spirit of Shankly do - Munich chants
      Reply #30: Jun 15, 2009 11:10:28 pm
      Sporting banter is one thing ..but this sort of disrespect of people who have lost lives and loved ones has it's own place the gutter
      • Forum David Johnson
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      Re: Spirit of Shankly do - Munich chants
      Reply #31: Jun 18, 2009 03:06:09 pm
      I was there JD so were about 1400 others, but only a small minority were there singing that sh*te.  I'm not condoning it, having that occur in front of an image of shanks looks F***ing awful, especially considering the friendship between Shanks and Busby.   But don't tarr the Union because of a small minority of pissed up young'ns. Yes the plug should have been pulled rather than allow it to go on, in fact the fella wasn't a scheduled act so he should'nt have been allowed onstage. Lessons learned for next years do.

      I did'nt sing Munich as it boils my piss whenever i hear the mancs singing hillsborough every match they play. I don't really understand why anyone would sing it considering the mancs love it when we stoop to their level.

      The Union is still doing good work, SOS have organised a letter campaign to local MP asking for their help in ensuring RBS don't renew the yanks loan, it seeps to be working.

      Strength in a Union.
      • Forum David Johnson
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      Re: Spirit of Shankly do - Munich chants
      Reply #32: Jun 18, 2009 10:19:30 pm
      The first statement issued was an acknowledement of the event, the committee met for the first time, at the first oppertunity this week. Here is a more full statement on these events by the Union.
      • Forum Dean Saunders
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      Re: Spirit of Shankly do - Munich chants
      Reply #33: Aug 26, 2009 10:30:29 am
      Listen, you cant control the opinions of everyone.

      As someone that goes to Old Trafford every year to watch us play the Mancs i have heard the Munich songs being sung by a minority of fans, but not the entire end. No fan organisation in the world can stop people singing these, its peoples choice, right or wrong.

      As long as the SOS distance themselves or condemn these idiots then they should come out of it unscathed.

      Not being funny though, United fans are as bad.
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      Re: Spirit of Shankly do - Munich chants
      Reply #34: Aug 26, 2009 12:41:26 pm
      It's a disgrace. It makes Liverpool fans on the whole look bad, which most are above this sort of thing.

      I hate United as muchas the next Liverpool fan, but there are things that are more important than a rivalry. Human lives come under that category.
      • Forum Dean Saunders
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      Re: Spirit of Shankly do - Munich chants
      Reply #35: Aug 26, 2009 12:53:25 pm
      totally agree with the  fact that human lives come first.

      problem is we have a small minority of fans on both sides that will say "we wont stop singing until they do". The majority of proper fans on both sides will shake their heads and think it is sick. But these idiots wont.

      Think for the time being we are in a bit of a catch 22 situation.
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      Re: Spirit of Shankly do - Munich chants
      Reply #36: Aug 26, 2009 01:13:57 pm
      If the group really want to be the spirit of Shankly then maybe they should have thought about his reaction to singing about Munich.... I doubt he would join in let's just put it that way
      • Forum Dean Saunders
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      Re: Spirit of Shankly do - Munich chants
      Reply #37: Aug 26, 2009 01:48:42 pm
      Think the Spirit of Shankly should do the decent thing and kick out the idiots that were doing the singing. At least that way they will retain a shred of decency and let the members that are left that they are not going put up with the name being dragged through the mud.
      Teenage Mutant Ninja SKRTEL
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      Re: Spirit of Shankly do - Munich chants
      Reply #38: Sep 10, 2009 09:47:16 pm
      Think the Spirit of Shankly should do the decent thing and kick out the idiots that were doing the singing. At least that way they will retain a shred of decency and let the members that are left that they are not going put up with the name being dragged through the mud.

      Exactly people like this are surely giving all liverpool fans a bad name. Tragedy has been felt at both Liverpool and Manchester. The singing of these songs is hurtful not only to the club but the families who lost loved ones.
      Scott Barton
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      Re: Spirit of Shankly do - Munich chants
      Reply #39: Sep 11, 2009 11:56:21 am
      That is f**king disgraceful and reflects poorly on all Liverpool fans.

      couldnt agree more F***ing idiots
      • Forum Emlyn Hughes
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      Re: Spirit of Shankly do - Munich chants
      Reply #40: Sep 11, 2009 01:14:54 pm
      I don't approve of the Munich chants at all, if we are lovers of this game then we should show respect for the lads that lost their lifes that day as should people respect the 96.

      Although the chant is good (obv without munich at the end), does anyone have the lyrics?
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      Re: Spirit of Shankly do - Munich chants
      Reply #41: Sep 20, 2009 03:14:37 am
      Eugh...any more of this sh*te and Im cancelling my membership.
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      Re: Spirit of Shankly do - Munich chants
      Reply #42: Sep 20, 2009 06:25:36 pm
      Eugh...any more of this sh*te and Im cancelling my membership.

      Get a F***ing grip, last game of the season and plenty of ale, you always get a few dickheads.

      But if you want to cancel your membership, why not go spend that tenner on Lancaster City?
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      Re: Spirit of Shankly do - Munich chants
      Reply #43: Sep 20, 2009 06:33:30 pm
      Eugh...any more of this sh*te and Im cancelling my membership.

      No one is saying it was right but it has been pointed out that it was a minority of drunken gobshites in a 1500 crowd who sang it.
      • Forum Legend - Fagan
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      Re: Spirit of Shankly do - Munich chants
      Reply #44: Sep 20, 2009 09:59:49 pm
      But if you want to cancel your membership, why not go spend that tenner on Lancaster City?

      A tenner would get me a match and a scarf at City :D And I dont get why people are acting like this isnt really a big would be if the mancs had done the same thing.
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      Re: Spirit of Shankly do - Munich chants
      Reply #45: Sep 21, 2009 03:03:32 pm
      A tenner would get me a match and a scarf at City :D And I dont get why people are acting like this isnt really a big would be if the mancs had done the same thing.

      Difference between us and them is though they sing their sh*te at all their games, when have you EVER, at least since Hillsborough, heard the Munich song be sung at Anfield. I'll tell you now never.

      So as I said a few dickheads get a few beers inside them at an end of season do, NOT a meeting and unfortunately let rip. It's that F***ing simple.

      Also people are treating it as no big deal, because in life these things go on, humans are humans and all that sh*t.

      There would be a vast different reaction if it was inside a ground, apart from Old Trafford, because the mancs don't really care anymore, you only have to listen to them singing "Where's your famous Munich Song" and all the other songs they have made up for Michael Shields, Hillsborough and Heysel.

      This might also be the reason why some of us are acting like it's no big deal.

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