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I think this is the one that everyone has their eye on with both Benteke and Firmino due to make their debuts. Has Benteke played any pre-season football with Villa this season? Hopefully both players can get at least 70 minutes under their belts. I'm hoping Sakho has a stormer as he seems to have inexplicably been eased out of the starting line up if the last few games are anything to go by.
I am choosing to believe that Lovren is playing more preseason for the same reason Gomez is. Gomez is probably going to get fewer minutes than Moreno as a LB but as a less experienced option he needs more game time in the games which don't matter to prove he is up to the task of playing when called upon. Based on Sakho's injury record (which is about as bad as Sturridge's) its not a totally insane plan, as whoever is Sakho's backup is going to be required to play.The other option (that Rodgers prefers Lovren whether it is due to favouritism for his buys or that he prefers players who are more likely to be fit for a settled back line) could be true, but I'm not going to cry the sky is falling until the lineup for Stoke is released.
I think Lovren has got the nod mate and I'm pretty nervous about it tbh. I also think that Gomez will get the start at left back next week, I hope so because I really like him and he gives me a lot more confidence than Moreno.
Looking forward to this as Scott says hopefully we'll get to see our two most expensive signings. We could also get to see some of the young lads again as well and also some of our young lads that are on loan at Swindon for the new season.
That had completely slipped my mind. Will be good to see them play.
I've no idea if they will mate but I'm hoping they do.
I hope we don't pull the "we don't want them playing against us" stunt.
Toure Can Sakho Moreno Lucas Allen Tex Markovic Benteke FirminoThink we can play better football with this line up and formation than yesterday's game.
Can centre back in a back 4?
I said it before and I'll say it again, I think he can be a beast of a CB, especially with Lucas and Sahko looking after him.
I think he is far too talented technically to be playing as CB long term. Can could become our YaYa.
sh*t, sh*t, sh*t, just got back to Bristol, from Swindon, because I thought I left my ticket at home. Can't find the f'n thing. Arrggh. Just got enough time to make it back to Swindon, if I find it soon.
Stop postin on here then and get lookin man!!Good luck.
It's not here, I got a horrible feeling it's at work, which won't be open until 3am..F**k.