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      Is it Empathy, Sympathy or What ?

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      FL Red
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      Re: Is it Empathy, Sympathy or What ?
      Reply #23: Nov 06, 2020 10:33:29 am

      Your country should be renamed as the Dis-united States of America, every state has its own laws or different from others, so how the hell is it United,
      The trouble is like here in the UK, your Government along with the media & social networking, brainwash the generation public into believing their way is the best way, and ppl just follow like Sheep,

      You can have a opinion of course but it doesn’t really matter because you live in a dictatorship and what they say goes, of course they want you to believe you have freedom of speech and all of that but you don’t, not really, the police your police are the Gov’s bullies, they make sure you Don’t get to say or do what you want, they are the most corrupt racist fascist bas**rds , some akin to the SS,

      I believe  most normal American ppl to be hard working ordinary folk, but unfortunately your Gov like the one here constantly let them down and are truly only interested in what’s in it for them, Capitalism is the other guilty party, where it’s all about greed and more greed and yet more greed, it’s all about the fat cats getting fatter and f**k everyone else, if you haven’t got a dime, they won’t give you the time, simple as that, another Capatilist mantra is Wealth before health, where if you want to live long it’s gonna f**king cost you 100’s of thousands of dollars, there is no NHS, but you have Medicare etc, a medical insurance that barely stretches to pay for the ambulance and a couple of sticking plasters if you have cancer,

      My Sister lives there and she f***in hates it, she married a Yank so is stuck in this land of dis- believe, where most chase a American dream that doesn’t exist, it’s not the American folks fault it’s down to those in Government as with our own Gov, they only want your taxes, and your wee X every 4 or five years,

      Please don’t get me started on Trump, he’s part of the reason the states are fu**ed, he’s the biggest racist greediest fat useless b***ard ever to have the presidency, in other words a Total Kunt who somebody should wipe of the face of this Earth, he is everything the normal working American ppl are not, yet in the time of elections it’s still a close run thing, says a lot about the brainwashing that ppl believe in doesn’t it ?

      Over here we have a equally greedy fat useless b***ard in Boris, and his peers, the Tories who again don’t give a f**k about its ppl until a election comes around but are quite happy to rape  you of your hard earned money through taxes, income tax, corporate tax, value added tax, national insurance another tax, then everything you buy is taxed at 20%, , no wonder we’re all f***in depressed, but this what they call freedom, it is , so long as you pay for it ....

      F**k IT, IM DONE, IM OUTTA HERE, f***in sh*t STATE OF AFFAIRS  ! !

                                                                                  Y  N  W  A

      It’s interesting what you are saying about the Tories taxing you to death because here the Democrats are the party of taxes. I don’t know enough about the UK to speak on your politics, but over here we do have more freedom and that’s what most of us are looking to protect. Can’t tell you the number of immigrants I’ve talked to, known and worked with that still think the US (with all its flaws) is the best place to be able to have a chance at fulfilling a dream. People from Asia, Eastern Europe, South and Central America that came here and have been able to make a much better life for themselves.  Obviously your mileage may vary.
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      Re: Is it Empathy, Sympathy or What ?
      Reply #24: Nov 06, 2020 06:25:42 pm
      It’s interesting what you are saying about the Tories taxing you to death because here the Democrats are the party of taxes. I don’t know enough about the UK to speak on your politics, but over here we do have more freedom and that’s what most of us are looking to protect. Can’t tell you the number of immigrants I’ve talked to, known and worked with that still think the US (with all its flaws) is the best place to be able to have a chance at fulfilling a dream. People from Asia, Eastern Europe, South and Central America that came here and have been able to make a much better life for themselves.  Obviously your mileage may vary.

      Could it be that those immigrants who came from Asia, Eastern Europe, South and Central America came from beginning’s far worse than the lowest in the States, what they can earn in America is much more than what they could earn in their own countries, perhaps as much as three times more ?

      It happens here in the UK, where immigrants come in mainly from Eastern Europe because they can earn  triple what the get in their homelands, even tho it’s minimum wage, £8.72ph if your over 25, £4.55 if under 18, still chicken feed if you consider the standard of living of the country, basically a pittance to the indigenous ppl, but to immigrants it’s quite a wedge from what they are used to,

      Oh and by the way, if your in the UK on a working visa, any tax you pay can be reclaimed, so it’s a real carrot for those who come here, whereas the indigenous ppl get shafted time and again, since that f***in bi*ch Thatcher killed off the biggest union (the Miners) the UK government has systematically bullied the working classes into submission,(particularly Tories) any union we have now are no more powerful than a parish council, so the ordinary working man/ woman have no say, in matters relating to wages or disputes within your place of work, and now that’England’ (not Scotland) voted to come out of Europe it will get worse.

      I think you will find there are similarities between the UK & the States, reason being the States are predominantly a capitalist state, where here in the UK the Gov want it to become one, hence all the privatisation of major services like Trains, Telecommunications, water, Post office (mail) almost all the national services, the one they haven’t got yet is the NHS, National Health Service, that belongs to the ppl, but guess what the Tories want privatise that too so they can claim Wealth before health too, the Kunts.

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      Re: Is it Empathy, Sympathy or What ?
      Reply #25: Nov 07, 2020 12:36:45 pm
      Back on topic, even though I was enjoying the to- and fro of the debate across the Atlantic!  Whatever else, the world should be a safer place without Trumpster in the White House. 

      Regarding the minute's silence thing:

      Who decides when/why we do the minute's silence/clap/black armbands etc?  What criteria are used? 

      Its all part of the public relations to show a 'human side' of the Premier League and win the sympathy vote from all and sundry.
      The Prem corporate fat cats love to rob everyone blind for what for most of us is almost a physical need (to support, watch, love, celebrate, be with people, become invested).  They feel they have to show us they care from time to time, I reckon.  Its good marketing.

      Look at any corporate website or marketing campaign these days and you'll see every possible token gesture nod towards any current news and social-media-worthy issue from gender, to race, to the environment.  It's all bollocks.  Oil companies say they're as GREEN as the Anfield grass while they destroy the planet.  The BBC claims to represent all minorities while being 90% white male middle class southerner led. 

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      Re: Is it Empathy, Sympathy or What ?
      Reply #26: Nov 08, 2020 09:49:07 am
      Sorry to say but I think we are ruled by the media - if a public figure or anyone else who has been in the media warrants it, suddenly we take comfort in taking time to honour them.. there are too many people who deserve to have this honour and the shocking truth can be seen by the absence of those who are not remembered 😔

      I think we have to find a way to honour everyone, or don’t just stop honouring anyone. harsh but that’s my opinion unfortunately
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      Re: Is it Empathy, Sympathy or What ?
      Reply #27: Nov 22, 2020 07:06:38 pm
      Ray Clemence pre match today

      Totally appropriate and deserved.
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      Re: Is it Empathy, Sympathy or What ?
      Reply #28: Nov 23, 2020 08:34:26 pm
      I’m sure not many Liverpool Dane of the same era as Clem, needed the media corp to show their respect to the great man. I know I didn’t. And when the corporate fat cats suggest we wear black arm bands, take the knee, hold minutes silence or a minutes applause. I look on and often think, WTF is that all about ?
      I make my own decisions on what and who I show respect, and for why. I done need anyone to tell me what should be done, because that happens to be their opinion.
      May be that’s why I’ve worked for myself all my life, can’t be doing with being ordered to do stuff I don’t agree with, but do it to safeguard my job.
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      Re: Is it Empathy, Sympathy or What ?
      Reply #29: Nov 25, 2020 06:33:28 pm
      RIP to  a great footballer ... but are we going to see applause / silence for Maradona ?

      We'll see.
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      Re: Is it Empathy, Sympathy or What ?
      Reply #30: Nov 28, 2020 10:48:45 am
      RIP to  a great footballer ... but are we going to see applause / silence for Maradona ?

      We'll see.


      European games this week

      Toon v Palace last night. Maradona and The Knee.

      Today  Reds v Brighton will be the same.... and the rest of the Premier league.

      WHY ?

      Any connection with the UK clubs ? No.

      Maradona has admitted over the years that he scored against England with his hand and when he saw the the linesman plus ref hadn't seen it he celebrated to con them.
      So we are pre match celebrating a self admitted South American cheat.

      Luis got hung out to dry over Evra and slammed for his goal line hand ball for Uruguay.
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      Re: Is it Empathy, Sympathy or What ?
      Reply #31: Dec 07, 2020 04:52:48 pm
      Hadn't realised that that the other English leagues weren't undertaking The Knee.

      Why still the premiership?

      Is it because it is televised around the world so it makes us look p.c.?

      Call me cynical.
      • Spotify Bob
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      Re: Is it Empathy, Sympathy or What ?
      Reply #32: Dec 07, 2020 08:25:01 pm
      Hadn't realised that that the other English leagues weren't undertaking The Knee.

      Why still the premiership?

      Is it because it is televised around the world so it makes us look p.c.?

      Call me cynical.

      The thing I don’t get about it is that it’s compulsary. I’m all for equality and such like, but why don’t we mix it about. One week take the knee to highlight racism. Next week all lie down to support Palestine. Week after all clap to support homosexuals. Week after do something else to support mental health. Then start again.
      lfc across the water
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      Re: Is it Empathy, Sympathy or What ?
      Reply #33: Dec 07, 2020 08:59:29 pm
      Quote from MIRO
      Hadn't realised that that the other English leagues weren't undertaking The Knee.

      Why still the premiership?

      Is it because it is televised around the world so it makes us look p.c.?

      Call me cynical.

      None of the other major leagues are going through the chore before every game. Even countries where racism and rights issues are much more serious issues than in England.

      6 months it's been going on now. What has it achieved?
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      Re: Is it Empathy, Sympathy or What ?
      Reply #34: Dec 07, 2020 09:57:40 pm
      So Millwall fans boo the taking of the knee, and are railed as racist. No respect for BLM. What about freedom of choice. If you don't wish to take the knee, that doesn't brand you as racist, only in the eyes of the likes of Sterling, Hamilton, Dion Dublin etc. A couple of my best mates used to go and support Millwall when they lived in the area. That was their team. Including all the scrapping and abuse. They're Black ! So what are they gonna do with the Black guys who boo taking the knee ?
      It's run its course, its not having any impact any more, Its served its purpose, FFS Move on. If anything, its now having a negative effect.
      Keith Singleton
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      Re: Is it Empathy, Sympathy or What ?
      Reply #35: Dec 07, 2020 10:38:11 pm
      So Millwall fans boo the taking of the knee, and are railed as racist. No respect for BLM. What about freedom of choice. If you don't wish to take the knee, that doesn't brand you as racist, only in the eyes of the likes of Sterling, Hamilton, Dion Dublin etc. A couple of my best mates used to go and support Millwall when they lived in the area. That was their team. Including all the scrapping and abuse. They're Black ! So what are they gonna do with the Black guys who boo taking the knee ?
      It's run its course, its not having any impact any more, Its served its purpose, FFS Move on. If anything, its now having a negative effect.

      I'm in agreement, I don't support the movement of BLM (( against some of their policy's ))  but against racism yet many will see that I'm being racist.   :f_steam: Which is total bullshit. I think/feel many footballers bullied into kneeling fearing repercussions from social media.

      Catch 22 for so many of us but worse for those in the public eye.
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      Re: Is it Empathy, Sympathy or What ?
      Reply #36: Dec 08, 2020 05:37:38 am
      It may seem pointless to you guys, taking the knee, and you may feel it has run its course, that’s your opinion and you are entitled to it, but I think the point their trying to get across is to keep it going and that racism needs to be stamped out totally,

      I’ve said this before, if it was to stop suddenly then the fear is that once again such statements or action against the racists would fade and eventually nothing would seem to be getting done about it, continuing to take the knee is simply sustaining that racism of any form is or won’t be tolerated, it doesn’t cost you anything it shouldn’t bother you in any way, and it only takes a few seconds, so what is the problem?

      I’m slightly more concerned that ((Keith)) has to use double brackets to emphasise a point he’s making,
      (( what’s all that about)) Keith ? 🤪


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      Robby The Z
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      Re: Is it Empathy, Sympathy or What ?
      Reply #37: Dec 08, 2020 05:57:28 am
      I'm in agreement, I don't support the movement of BLM (( against some of their policy's ))  but against racism yet many will see that I'm being racist.   :f_steam: Which is total bullshit. I think/feel many footballers bullied into kneeling fearing repercussions from social media.

      Catch 22 for so many of us but worse for those in the public eye.

      When the kneeling began, I thought it was stated that it was in opposition to racism per se, rather than in support of BLM as an organization (because of some of those policies).

      When it stops (kneeling) I expect some statement about, "we've tried to make our point and don't want to lose impact, but we will continue to look for real actions to fight racism."
      Keith Singleton
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      Re: Is it Empathy, Sympathy or What ?
      Reply #38: Dec 08, 2020 04:24:40 pm
      It may seem pointless to you guys, taking the knee, and you may feel it has run its course, that’s your opinion and you are entitled to it, but I think the point their trying to get across is to keep it going and that racism needs to be stamped out totally,

      I’ve said this before, if it was to stop suddenly then the fear is that once again such statements or action against the racists would fade and eventually nothing would seem to be getting done about it, continuing to take the knee is simply sustaining that racism of any form is or won’t be tolerated, it doesn’t cost you anything it shouldn’t bother you in any way, and it only takes a few seconds, so what is the problem?

      I’m slightly more concerned that ((Keith)) has to use double brackets to emphasise a point he’s making,
      (( what’s all that about)) Keith ? 🤪


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      Basically Billy one example of the BLM policy is to defund the police force, well I'll never be for that mate.
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      Re: Is it Empathy, Sympathy or What ?
      Reply #39: Dec 31, 2020 07:35:27 pm

      The acid test .

      Don't want to be disrespectful but.......

      Are we and all the Premier League expected to  have a minute's silence or a clap for Tommy Docherty ?

      We'll see.

      Robby The Z
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      Re: Is it Empathy, Sympathy or What ?
      Reply #40: Dec 31, 2020 08:14:35 pm

      The acid test .

      Don't want to be disrespectful but.......

      Are we and all the Premier League expected to  have a minute's silence or a clap for Tommy Docherty ?

      We'll see.

      Did all the other clubs/grounds have a minute's applause for Houllier?
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      Re: Is it Empathy, Sympathy or What ?
      Reply #41: Dec 31, 2020 09:30:08 pm
      I live in the US and I'm a cop, so in a lot of ways I get looked eyed all kinds of cross from some of you guys. I see where you said the US is dysfunctional, and I don't know if I agree. I think most people think we are because that's what the mainstream media say. But the media is sh*t, plain and simple. They paint the country as 2 different sides, and most people don't adhere to that. Most people I know could give a f**k about the left or the right, or defunding the police, or socialism, etc. Most people around here in Central VA  don't care if your black or white , or police, of gay or straight. Life is too busy for that and generally people are bigger than that. They have COVID to deal with, and money to think about. Their kids have sports and they need to pick something up for dinner. The typical person is just trying to get by, not in a miltia or ANTIFA

      I work narcotics, so I'm detached in personal experience on what a road cops life has been like the past 10 months, but all my guys tell me people have been cool and understanding. Granted I live in Central VA, a few hours away from a major city. Still, people know who we are as people and don't judge us by the acts of the few. The George Floyd situation was awful, it doesn't take a cop or a rocket scientist to see that. Unfortunately there are bad apples in every walk of life, but when a cop is bad its even worse because of the consequences being so dire.

      Unfortunately it was an electon year though, and so many things were spun to fit a political narrative. I do agree that hopefully things will calm down here and around the world now that it is over. It sickens me to see the media try to divide a country for personal gain. But they've all used Covid 19 to fit their agenda, sooo. I would like to see teams get away from kneeling before each game as imo all it does is keep the discussion alive when it was way more complicated then it was painted out to be.

      Just my two cents
      David Wright
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      Re: Is it Empathy, Sympathy or What ?
      Reply #42: Dec 31, 2020 11:06:13 pm
      Always have believed people should be treated with the same respect as they treat you, in any walk of life. I have always felt that way and am fortunate to have many good friends. I believe taking the knee has run it's course and we need to move on.
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      Re: Is it Empathy, Sympathy or What ?
      Reply #43: Jan 01, 2021 02:01:09 am
      Any thing that annoys racists keep taking the knee!
      Keith Singleton
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      Re: Is it Empathy, Sympathy or What ?
      Reply #44: Jan 01, 2021 04:38:40 am

      The acid test .

      Don't want to be disrespectful but.......

      Are we and all the Premier League expected to  have a minute's silence or a clap for Tommy Docherty ?

      We'll see.

      Not sure why all clubs would do it but certainly the ones he's been associated with...
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      Re: Is it Empathy, Sympathy or What ?
      Reply #45: Jan 01, 2021 04:57:11 am
      Not sure why all clubs would do it but certainly the ones he's been associated with...

      Blanket rule these days.

      Not like it's an issue, players and officials only clapping, not like there's any fans allowed in at the moment!

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