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      Jimmy McGovern's "Hillsborough"

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      Jimmy McGovern's "Hillsborough"
      Sep 16, 2012 01:12:04 am
      Hillsborough (1996) (complete ITV TV film)

      Make sure people watch this. Especially now, while we have a chance of JUSTICE!
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      Re: Jimmy McGovern's "Hillsborough"
      Reply #1: Sep 16, 2012 01:16:23 am
      Watching it now Ken and the F***ing rage is as great as ever, in spite of events.
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      Re: Jimmy McGovern's "Hillsborough"
      Reply #2: Sep 16, 2012 01:32:23 am
      Know how you feel mate. Really do. I think it's important to channel that rage into power. Power that was taken away from us at, and after Hillsborough.

      By the powers that be.. Our supposed protectors.
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      Re: Jimmy McGovern's "Hillsborough"
      Reply #3: Sep 16, 2012 01:41:31 am
      Know how you feel mate. Really do. I think it's important to channel that rage into power. Power that was taken away from us at, and after Hillsborough.

      By the powers that be.. Our supposed protectors.
      ....and they're all going to pay.
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      Re: Jimmy McGovern's "Hillsborough"
      Reply #4: Sep 16, 2012 10:42:29 am
      Watched it yesterday but good idea to post it here Kenny.
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      Re: Jimmy McGovern's "Hillsborough"
      Reply #5: Sep 16, 2012 11:09:17 am
      Last time I watched it I was sobbing like a baby so I can't watch it again. That may sound selfish but I remember it vividly.

      I'd still have to say that if you haven't watched it you should, a top job done by Jimmy McGovern.
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      Re: Jimmy McGovern's "Hillsborough"
      Reply #6: Sep 16, 2012 03:32:48 pm
      Last time I watched it I was sobbing like a baby so I can't watch it again. That may sound selfish but I remember it vividly.

      I'd still have to say that if you haven't watched it you should, a top job done by Jimmy McGovern.

      Couldn't watch it myself, seen it twice before, found the most horrific part of the programme was the second hour which concentrated on the inquest, Ricky Tomlinson's portrayal of John Glover is amazing and the scene were he loses it in the inquest is heart-breaking. Chris Eccleston was superb as Trevor Hicks, again the scene were he is driving home with Jenni is just so hard to comprehend what that must of been like.
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      Re: Jimmy McGovern's "Hillsborough"
      Reply #7: Sep 16, 2012 04:09:18 pm
      The scene where Mrs Hicks looked out of their window and was overjoyed shouting to her husband ''Trevor here are the girls, our girls are home'' the two hearses drew up outside.
      I'm welling up as I type, last night I shed a tear. 
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      Re: Jimmy McGovern's "Hillsborough"
      Reply #8: Sep 16, 2012 04:14:58 pm
      Couldn't watch it myself, seen it twice before, found the most horrific part of the programme was the second hour which concentrated on the inquest, Ricky Tomlinson's portrayal of John Glover is amazing and the scene were he loses it in the inquest is heart-breaking. Chris Eccleston was superb as Trevor Hicks, again the scene were he is driving home with Jenni is just so hard to comprehend what that must of been like.

      That's the bit (the inquest) that finally broke me, I held it in till that point with just chin wobbles and teary eyes and then I was uncontrollable. Done me right in. I'd like my missus to watch it so she's a bit more informed, even though she knows most facts it'd give her that extra insight into the depth of feeling but I'd have to watch it and even if it makes me sound like a wuss I just couldn't.
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      Re: Jimmy McGovern's "Hillsborough"
      Reply #9: Sep 16, 2012 05:20:18 pm
      I know it's hard to watch lads and I understand the difficulty in going back over old sensitive ground.

      I just thought I best post it up as it's a huge refresher for those who have not took much notice or had the time to understand what truly happened.

      The general public knowing now, what they didn't last week, would do well to watch it and get a good understanding of how evil and disrespectful the establishment were and probably still are. Not to mention all the heartbreak and torture the families and survivors have had to endure over the years.

      We have to keep the momentum going from last Wednesday. The campaign for justice needs to be completed.
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      Re: Jimmy McGovern's "Hillsborough"
      Reply #10: Sep 16, 2012 05:52:57 pm
      I know it's hard to watch lads and I understand the difficulty in going back over old sensitive ground.

      I just thought I best post it up as it's a huge refresher for those who have not took much notice or had the time to understand what truly happened.

      The general public knowing now, what they didn't last week, would do well to watch it and get a good understanding of how evil and disrespectful the establishment were and probably still are. Not to mention all the heartbreak and torture the families and survivors have had to endure over the years.

      We have to keep the momentum going from last Wednesday. The campaign for justice needs to be completed.

      Wasn't having a dig mate, you're exactly right and knew it was on last night, just couldn't watch it again at the minute, the hardest part of the programme is the inquest, the disgusting way the families were treated, but I agree with those who haven't seen it should give it a watch, a very powerful two hour programme from Jimmy McGovern.
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      Re: Jimmy McGovern's "Hillsborough"
      Reply #11: Sep 16, 2012 06:08:35 pm
      I know it's hard to watch lads and I understand the difficulty in going back over old sensitive ground.

      I just thought I best post it up as it's a huge refresher for those who have not took much notice or had the time to understand what truly happened.

      The general public knowing now, what they didn't last week, would do well to watch it and get a good understanding of how evil and disrespectful the establishment were and probably still are. Not to mention all the heartbreak and torture the families and survivors have had to endure over the years.

      We have to keep the momentum going from last Wednesday. The campaign for justice needs to be completed.

      As HR said, you're right to put it up to be watched. As I said earlier, if anyone hasn't seen it they should. They shouldn't be put off by my words at all, quite the opposite really.
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      Re: Jimmy McGovern's "Hillsborough"
      Reply #12: Sep 16, 2012 07:46:44 pm
      Anger is the first emotion I feel when watching that, but soon sadness takes over.

      I cant ever imagine the feeling Trevor Hicks must have had in choosing which of his girls to stay with my God
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      Re: Jimmy McGovern's "Hillsborough"
      Reply #13: Sep 16, 2012 07:55:45 pm
      It is a very powerful programme ! Ricky and Eccelstone are superb in it. I go through every emotion from anger to sadness
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      Re: Jimmy McGovern's "Hillsborough"
      Reply #14: Sep 16, 2012 09:14:22 pm
      It's definitely a difficult watch but as has been said above it should be seen by those not totally familiar with the tragedy.

      I got my wife to watch it when it was in a few years back, I'm not sure exactly when, as she wasn't totally sure what had happened and why and it's only after that she started to realise what I had been telling her about that day and the aftermath.
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      Re: Jimmy McGovern's "Hillsborough"
      Reply #15: Sep 16, 2012 11:01:52 pm
      Haven't seen that before Kenny, so many heart-wrenching scenes.

      I don't know how the families kept going to be honest.  Justice MUST now be served.  F**k me, when will those bas**rds pay for what they did.  They have to.
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      Re: Jimmy McGovern's "Hillsborough"
      Reply #16: Sep 30, 2012 11:21:13 pm
      My baby daughter was 6 months old as I nursed her and watched the horror unfold in front of me on the tv, I couldn't believe what I was witnessing, how could this happen, I will never ever forget that day on 15th April 1989, this should never have happened, and for the sakes of the 96 who died that day and for all these years that the families have suffered, my heart goes out to you all.
      Thank goodness after all these heartbreaking years, finally we are moving towards what we've been fighting for all this time. JUSTICE !!!!!

      Justice for the 96
      We will never give up, never stop fighting.

      Don't Buy The S**

      Watching this on TV now is extremely difficult  :(
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      Re: Jimmy McGovern's "Hillsborough"
      Reply #17: Oct 01, 2012 12:11:29 am
      Watching this on TV now is extremely difficult  :(

      Cas  :hug:  Not big hugs, just a with you big hug.

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      Re: Jimmy McGovern's "Hillsborough"
      Reply #18: Oct 01, 2012 12:19:12 am
      Cas  :hug:  Not big hugs, just a with you big hug.


      Cheers hun, and thankyou so much   :hug:
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      Re: Jimmy McGovern's "Hillsborough"
      Reply #19: Oct 01, 2012 10:04:47 am
      I remember at the time a TV reviewer talking about Persil families and some minister saying that he didn't see why Jimmy wanted to go over old ground again, powerful stuff, you could almost feel the anger and emotion that went into it.
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      Re: Jimmy McGovern's "Hillsborough"
      Reply #20: Oct 01, 2012 09:00:20 pm
      My son who was there still won't watch it, I know he has issues and I know what he experienced - I do not press him.
      Christ knows how many are affected in the same way, the lies all these years must have been tortuous.
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      Re: Jimmy McGovern's "Hillsborough"
      Reply #21: Oct 02, 2012 10:04:30 am
      Thank you Kenny,all the younger ones on the forum should watch it so they get a full understanding of what happened.
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      Re: Jimmy McGovern's "Hillsborough"
      Reply #22: Apr 08, 2014 10:40:07 pm
      Jimmy McGovern is the king of scriptwriters, never seen better gritty stuff on tv. He goes where no one else dares, tackling hard emotional heart wrenching stories, like he did here...

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