I feel like Klopp…
I’m too running out of energy..
Give Slot funds ffs..
Are you actually aware that the buying and financing of players hasn't been discussed by FSG and Arne ? Do you know that Arne has told them he hasn't anyone in particular in mind. Or do you know he hasn't targeted players who have chosen to go elsewhere, or even stay where they are.
Are you privy to all this and furthermore, Has Arne been told, find your targets in the Jan window and we'll support you with the funds.
NO NO NO. You don't know any of the above. Just guessing because nothing has been made public.... Again.
Why don't you p[ost on facts or reports from the people in the know, instead of guessing and making yourself look a prat.
I'm not 100% behind FSG but I hold fire on slaughtering them because I just feel like it. Get your facts right first, or a least some bonafide inside knowledge.