I thought so ,hits the spot Tartan ma boy ,
What do you think will happen at the Old Firm match this weekend , normal game of football between rivals or bedlam
If they get it right this time ,they will make a right shopfront of it in the next game , they cant help themselves Lennons nailbomb threat could make it turn very very nasty especially if Rangers win ,it could well kick off .
Watty ,Ian Bain ,and David Murray just had a chat with the Anti- terrorism people to keep their wits about them ,not good ,not good at all .
The tensions like the build up to the episode of Dallas when JR got shot
The football world waits ,Ruperts got Sky ,that rag The Sun and NOTW primed ,the SFA are kaaking it ,
Wee Michael Platini cant wait to sort them both out ,to impose ,fines ,points deducted ,etc
Will it go tits up on Easter Sunday , will it put another nail in there coffins , does your arse point down the way , come one come all to the bigots weekend .
I wonder how many casualties this time, seemed to go ok the last game ,I hope it goes of peacefully but I have my doubts its not in the nature of the beast as you well know Tartan .
Everything you should know about The Uglies be warned its not pretty
BBC Hooligans - Scotland's Secret Shame (Celtic - Rangers) part 2/5