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      Frankly, Mr Shankly
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      Re: Dreams
      Reply #299: Jul 06, 2012 05:15:05 pm
      Had a very strange one last night where I was going swimming and suddenly became very scared of the water and I couldn't go in.

      As for lucid dreaming - I can't ever say I've had one or even begun to realise that I've been dreaming. When I dream I genuinely believe it's real so everytime I wake up from one there's a feeling of immense relief!
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      Re: Dreams
      Reply #300: Jul 06, 2012 05:33:43 pm
      You can choose the film Tom ;)

      From time to time I have this dream, well it's not always the same, but it ends the way I am walking and all of a sudden my legs start to feel heavy, till I get to a point where I can't move them at all and I always wake up really upset.
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      Re: Dreams
      Reply #301: Jul 06, 2012 08:31:59 pm
      You can choose the film Tom ;)

      From time to time I have this dream, well it's not always the same, but it ends the way I am walking and all of a sudden my legs start to feel heavy, till I get to a point where I can't move them at all and I always wake up really upset.

      Deal Kate :). I'd have to strip search you very throughly for any sharp objects before the film so you can't stab me ;).

      You're dream is very unusual Kate, hope you get rid of them.

      Seriously, I've always had bad dreams, so I hope they don't occur too often.
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      Re: Dreams
      Reply #302: Jul 06, 2012 09:08:23 pm
      You can choose the film Tom ;)

      From time to time I have this dream, well it's not always the same, but it ends the way I am walking and all of a sudden my legs start to feel heavy, till I get to a point where I can't move them at all and I always wake up really upset.

      I've had dreams like that.
      Except I'm being chased when it happens.
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      Re: Dreams
      Reply #303: Jul 07, 2012 08:44:51 am
      Deal Kate :). I'd have to strip search you very throughly for any sharp objects before the film so you can't stab me ;).

      Trust me Tom, there are some things I will only do in your dreams ;D

      I've had dreams like that.
      Except I'm being chased when it happens.
      Sometimes I'm being chased and sometimes I just desperately need to get somewhere, it's the feeling of impotence that scares the hell out of me, even after I wake up.
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      Re: Dreams
      Reply #304: Jul 07, 2012 09:01:33 am
      it's the feeling of impotence that scares the hell out of me, even after I wake up.

      Now impotence is a problem I don't suffer with, especially when I wake up.
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      Re: Dreams
      Reply #305: Jul 07, 2012 06:07:33 pm
      Trust me Tom, there are some things I will only do in your dreams ;D

      Some dreams come true ;).

      I trust you alright Kate, I'm confident you aren't a serial killer (like my ex) but I'd still need to search you, only because I want to :D.

      If you do kill me, just don't stab me. Imagine the mess it'll make. Just trying to save you a few hours cleaning up the evidence :laugh:.
      « Last Edit: Jul 07, 2012 06:46:55 pm by lfc_ynwa »
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      Re: Dreams
      Reply #306: Jul 07, 2012 06:15:15 pm
      Balotelli was in my dream last night, I dont remember what happened, just that he was there...  :confused-smiley-013:

      For some reason the advert with him in the salon getting all the hair cuts keeps popping into my head, so maybe I was the barber xD
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      Re: Dreams
      Reply #307: Jul 07, 2012 07:45:37 pm
      Nolan and the wait for TDKR taking over my dreams now.
      Last nights went a bit TDK v Memento.
      Best in awhile.
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      Re: Dreams
      Reply #308: Jul 07, 2012 07:51:26 pm
      Nolan and the wait for TDKR taking over my dreams now.
      Last nights went a bit TDK v Memento.
      Best in awhile.

      You're dreaming about Batman. Nice one :). Although you've got a little while to wait for The Dark Knight Rises.


      I've chosen :laugh:. I'll get the popcorn, cus I'm such a nice guy an all.
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      Re: Dreams
      Reply #309: Jul 07, 2012 08:29:37 pm
      You're dreaming about Batman. Nice one . Although you've got a little while to wait for The Dark Knight Rises.
      More like Memento in Gotham.
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      Re: Dreams
      Reply #310: Jul 08, 2012 12:50:27 pm
      From time to time I have this dream, well it's not always the same, but it ends the way I am walking and all of a sudden my legs start to feel heavy, till I get to a point where I can't move them at all and I always wake up really upset.

      Hate those dreams, they really do hurt. After I wake up, I have to make sure my legs are still there. :-[

      My dreams have been getting very strange lately, no idea why. Last night, i dreamt was at university with my friends and I left something behind so I told them to carry on and I'd catch up with them. I got the thing (can't remember what it was) and decided to run to my friends. But I'd reach a certain point and I'd have to start again to the point where i grabbed the thing I left behind. Kind of like when you die when playing a game and you'd start from the point where you had last saved. And this just kept happening and happening and I'd never actually reach my friends.

      I remember thinking what the F**k is happening and then I woke up. ???

      Any dream interpreters about? :D
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      Re: Dreams
      Reply #311: Jul 08, 2012 02:10:35 pm
      Hate those dreams, they really do hurt. After I wake up, I have to make sure my legs are still there. :-[

      My dreams have been getting very strange lately, no idea why. Last night, i dreamt was at university with my friends and I left something behind so I told them to carry on and I'd catch up with them. I got the thing (can't remember what it was) and decided to run to my friends. But I'd reach a certain point and I'd have to start again to the point where i grabbed the thing I left behind. Kind of like when you die when playing a game and you'd start from the point where you had last saved. And this just kept happening and happening and I'd never actually reach my friends.

      I remember thinking what the f**k is happening and then I woke up. ???

      Any dream interpreters about? :D

      You have to find the golden coin before you can proceed to the next checkpoint!

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      Re: Dreams
      Reply #312: Nov 21, 2012 07:03:07 pm
      I've been having some weird and very vivid dreams recently. I wonder if it's the nicotine patches I'm wearing to give up smoking with because the dreams have become more 'real' since I started using them.

      In last night's dream, I volunteered to sing before a crowd of people. I can't sing to save my life and all I succeeded in doing in the dream was to empty the room.
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      Re: Dreams
      Reply #313: Nov 22, 2012 02:14:39 pm
      I have loads of dreams where i can jump from any height and land so i rush around jumping from supermarkets roofs and sh*t like that...very odd.

      And ones where i need to dial a number but keep getting it wrong everytime.

      gareth g
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      Re: Dreams
      Reply #314: Nov 22, 2012 02:50:53 pm
      I have loads of dreams where i can jump from any height and land so i rush around jumping from supermarkets roofs and sh*t like that...very odd.

      And ones where i need to dial a number but keep getting it wrong everytime.

      And I bet you wear your pants over your  trousers!  ;)
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      Re: Dreams
      Reply #315: Nov 22, 2012 02:59:35 pm
      And I bet you wear your pants over your  trousers!  ;)

      Does have the initals for a certain Super hero ;)
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      Re: Dreams
      Reply #316: Nov 22, 2012 05:16:26 pm
      I have loads of dreams where i can jump from any height and land so i rush around jumping from supermarkets roofs and sh*t like that...very odd.

      And ones where i need to dial a number but keep getting it wrong everytime.
      I used to have a dream in which my family are driving to Blackpool, but they forget me so I start running like 100mph down the motorway dodging cars, jumping over the signs etc... catch up to them and just carry on running at the side of them till we get to Blackpool... :\
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      Re: Dreams
      Reply #317: Nov 22, 2012 06:34:39 pm

      In last night's dream, I volunteered to sing before a crowd of people. I can't sing to save my life and all I succeeded in doing in the dream was to empty the room.
      So you are the one who is out of tune when Y.N.W.A. is sung at Anfield,and blaming the patches as well.
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      Re: Dreams
      Reply #318: Nov 22, 2012 07:17:53 pm
      So you are the one who is out of tune when Y.N.W.A. is sung at Anfield,and blaming the patches as well.


      Yes, it's all my fault.  ;)
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      Re: Dreams
      Reply #319: Nov 23, 2012 06:34:24 am
      That's what I like a good honest RED,cheers mate.
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      Re: Dreams
      Reply #320: Nov 23, 2012 09:11:25 am
      Another weird one last night.....I was playing for England Rugby against South Africa, stole the ball off one of their players in a tackle in the dying minutes and passed it to Raheem Sterling to run in and score....!!!
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      Re: Dreams
      Reply #321: Mar 10, 2013 10:43:43 am
      Had this weird dream that I got banned from here for supporting Rafa.

      Really weird.

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