From time to time I have this dream, well it's not always the same, but it ends the way I am walking and all of a sudden my legs start to feel heavy, till I get to a point where I can't move them at all and I always wake up really upset.
Hate those dreams, they really do hurt. After I wake up, I have to make sure my legs are still there.

My dreams have been getting very strange lately, no idea why. Last night, i dreamt was at university with my friends and I left something behind so I told them to carry on and I'd catch up with them. I got the thing (can't remember what it was) and decided to run to my friends. But I'd reach a certain point and I'd have to start again to the point where i grabbed the thing I left behind. Kind of like when you die when playing a game and you'd start from the point where you had last saved. And this just kept happening and happening and I'd never actually reach my friends.
I remember thinking what the F**k is happening and then I woke up.

Any dream interpreters about?