Got to be one of the worst things in life , watching your parents go downhill , got a phone call off my mam this morning luckily I wasn’t in work , my dad had collapsed on the bedroom floor , I only live around the corner so was there quickly, turns out his legs just give out and he had no power in them , slight bang to the head but was ok just couldn’t get himself up ,
Well dad still weighs around 12.5/ 13 stone
Took a great effort for me to pick him off the floor dead weight and sit him on the bed , I’ve steadied him now and got him to his stair lift and downstairs , he suffers with low blood pressure so hoping that was just the case , he’s had some breakfast and is feeling a lot better when I think back to the days , when he was dropping eight in the Derry club and then going to the game seems like a lifetime ago .