Indeed, but the lies do stick. I have been told several times over the years that "drunken LFC" fans were to blame, by people who don't even know who we were playing that day. That's the way it is.
Throw enough sh*te and some will stick. Tangled web etc. So many lies it's hard to keep up.
The sh*t did stick, it was bound to find some recipients the amount that was hurled about in the years following the tragedy.
Demands for an official enquiry were refused time and again while that sh*t was repeated but as we all know sh*t has no substance and does fall by the side.
Since the inquests in Warrington and the verdict of Unlawful Killing was arrived at and a specific statement saying there was no evidence to support claims that drunken fans were to blame, only the most bigoted or mentally unfit would believe otherwise.
The only lies in evidence are those by S. Yorkshire police force whose actions that day are under further scrutiny, the sh*t they threw was bound to impact, and soil temporarily, the truth on the other hand will stick.