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      A poem for Hillsborough

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      Re: A poem for Hillsborough
      Reply #23: Apr 15, 2009 11:21:24 am
      Thanks guys, not normally good at this poem stuff tbh :D
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      Re: A poem for Hillsborough
      Reply #24: Apr 15, 2009 11:33:47 am
      Every One A Red.

      Venison 86
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      Re: A poem for Hillsborough
      Reply #25: Apr 15, 2009 11:38:32 am
      Thanks Mags
      Joey B
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      Re: A poem for Hillsborough
      Reply #26: Apr 15, 2009 11:44:50 am
      Very Very touching.Read all the poems and would like to express my sincere thanks to all who published them.Sitting here waiting to watch the memorial.The thought of then getting off to work is going to be difficult as already i'm feeling very emotional listening to the families stories of their losses.Difficult day DEFO.God bless and RIP the 96.
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      Re: A poem for Hillsborough
      Reply #27: Apr 15, 2009 11:51:34 am
      Superb poem Mags. Really emotional.
      • Forum Gary McAllister
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      Re: A poem for Hillsborough
      Reply #28: Apr 15, 2009 04:45:30 pm
      anyone watching the poems for the 96 on lfc tv? the third one big guy with cream shirt really got me welling up, YNWA!
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      Re: A poem for Hillsborough
      Reply #29: Apr 15, 2009 07:55:33 pm
      Solid like a family,like a sister and a brother.

      Thanx Malagared.

      It made this wrinkled old b***ard weep.

      Youre in Spain ? and Im in France but I will never forget when I heard the news.

      the faith healer
      • Forum Gary McAllister
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      Re: A poem for Hillsborough
      Reply #30: Feb 28, 2010 09:47:00 am
      Cry me a tear.

      Cry me a tear, wipe it away
      does it make you feel better about that terrible day.
      Cry me a tear, wipe it away again
      the good days we had, will it ever be the same.

      Cry me a tear, maybe you don't understand
      what went on that day, in that horrible stand.

      Cry me a tear, and wipe it away
      how come that tear keeps appearing, each and every day.

      Cry me a tear, for the hurt and the cost
      for the Kop is still silent, for its people it lost.

      Cry me a tear, for we are still hear
      wipe it away, but you won't stop the tear.

      Cry me a tear, for the lads and the lasses
      we cross many borders and are loved by the masses.

      Cry me a tear, for the loud and the proud
      we won't ever walk alone, even lost in a crowd.

      Cry me a tear, I think not
      the 96 victims the media conveniently forgot.

      Cry me a tear, for the fans that survived
      think of the grief and tears that they hide

      Cry me a tear, for the families that grieve
      with your help and mine lets hope they receive.

      Cry me a tear, for the faith and love that they all had
      with hope in their hearts, it's terribly sad.

      Cry me a tear, for the future is bright
      its time for the red phoenix to flex its red might.

      Cry me a tear, for the true people you are
      whether local or away from a far.

      Cry me a tear, let it run down your face
      remember dignity, pride and grace.

      Cry me a tear, for the pride that we bear
      its our life and a hope that we share.

      Cry me a tear, for the sick in their hands
      they mock us and skit us, one day they will understand.
      Cry me a tear, for the weak and the infirm
      for they have been true reds history can confirm.

      Cry me a tear, for the loved ones we've lost
      whatever the pain or values it cost.

      Cry me a tear, for our ancestors who walked alone a head
      they set standards high, for the men dressed in red.

      Cry me a tear, don't ever forget
      lift your head up proud, lest never forget.

      Cry me a tear, for the youths of today
      lets hope they never forget that horrible day.

      Cry me a tear, King Kenny was boss
      he felt it all and cried at the loss.

      Cry me a tear, for the team that we had
      its glory is rich but terribly sad.

      Cry me a tear, with hope in your heart
      think of loved ones drastically pulled apart.

      Cry me a tear, for all the true reds
      lets hope you can settle in your comfortable beds.

      Cry me a tear, for we don't know your name
      we may walk right past you each and every game.

      Cry me a tear, as long as I last
      with god's will and strength I will never forget our past.

      John Alfred Anderson (62)
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      David Leonard Thomas (23)
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      Patrik John Thompson (35)
      Stephen Francis Harrison (31)
      Peter Reuben Thompson (30)
      Peter Andrew Harrison (15)
      Stuart Paul William Thompson (17)
      David Hawley (39)
      Peter Francis Tootle (21)
      James Robert Hennessy (29)
      Christopher James Traynor (26)
      Paul Anthony Hewitson (26)
      Martin Kevin Traynor (16)
      Carl Darren Hewitt (17)
      Kevin Tyrrell (15)
      Nicholas Michael Hewitt (16)
      Colin Wafer (19)
      Sarah Louise Hicks (19)
      Ian David Whelan (19)
      Victoria Jane Hicks (15)
      Martin Kenneth Wild (29)
      Gordon Rodney Horn (20)
      Kevin Daniel Williams (15)
      Arthur Horrocks (41)
      Graham John Wright (17)

      Cry me a tear, for those left behind
      who live each day with thoughts in their mind.

      Cry me a tear, cry for the 96 that died
      cry me a tear, for the press that lied

      Cry me a tear, with hope in our heart
      think of the loved ones drastically drawn apart.

      Cry me a tear, some say it's just a football team
      its bigger than that, its more than a dream.

      Cry me a tear, wipe them all away
      we love and feel for them everyday.

      Cry me a tear, Bill,Bob and Joe welcome you with open arms

      The 96 are now immortal, never to be forgotten, my heart still bleeds and feels for you and those you left behind.

      One day, we will all meet up in heaven, my thoughts are with you.

      Cry me a tear, because I haven't stopped crying yet.
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      Re: A poem for Hillsborough
      Reply #31: Sep 14, 2012 01:26:00 pm
      Im no poet by any means but just felt lik I had to write one. Sorry if its crap!

      "Scum, Scum" they said
      "Where to lay the blame
      for the 96 dead
      We must pass the book
      from the police and authorities
      No further then there own
      need we look"

      So the scosuers were blamed
      they were "drunk and unruley"
      "out of control"
      Picked the pockets of there dead
      or so we were told
      Wouldn't let the rescus services do there job
      "very typical of this scouse mob"

      So for 23 years the world believed
      the headline of a rag
      and not the words of those who survived
      But because the families fought
      on September 12th the truth arrived
      And the world found out


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      Re: A poem for Hillsborough
      Reply #32: Sep 14, 2012 02:51:12 pm
      Some fantastic poems in this thread. Really powerful and emotional words. Thanks to all for posting.

      RIP the 96.
      • On Trial

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      Re: A poem for Hillsborough
      Reply #33: Sep 15, 2012 12:16:23 am
      After the past few days i've been totally moved and upset about all the stuff which has happened. i've joined the
      forum not as liverpool supporter but to just try and express how i feel about this. I'm a warrington rugby league fan
      and a warringtonian whos worked in knowsley for the past 5 years and find it so despicable and upsetting that the
      the most friendliest people can be treated in this way. i can't find words or even try and
      imagine how it must feel. since the news came out i've been astonished at how all the families have kept
      going and fighting for justice agianst  everything, in the most descent and respectful ways-
      never being aggressive but always fair and honorable in the face of the biggest national cover up.
      God only knows how those police officers (100+) tried to blame 96 deceased fans to cover up
      everything. How can anyone do that. and for the government at the time to not give a sh*t
      is just heartwrenching. I've been listening a lot to the radio-radio 5 and talksport in the past
      few days to hear what the commentators and listeners who phone in think about it. Micky
      Quinn was brilliant on talk sport and what really moved me was the callers from all
      around the country, supporting different clubs, passionalty backing up the Liverpool
      supporters and the families of 96. Even the the Man u fans who'd rung in were in total
      support of the Liverpool fans. I've just seen that horrendous picture from the the post of that
      supposed man u fan and I trully believe that that person would be spat on if
      any of the people he respects personally saw that. I listened all night to radio 5 and
      talksport in the following days after the announcement to hear what people thought
      and whether the injustice had sunk in around the country after all the propoganda agiainst
      Liverpudlians through the papers had been exposed. going by all the comments (and the
      phones were jammed) every single fan from everywhere backs the families from 96
      and the Liverpool fans. This Manu fan came on the airwaves and said "ju know what,
      i first look at the man u result if i can't get to the game and secondly, i look to see
      if Liverpool have lost, and the best thing that came out of Liverpool is the M62,",
       (this was on radio 5 on thursday night), then he said,'  really
      upset' and you could hear his tears on the phone. "it's just terrible
      what's happened" and said that "our hearts go out to to the
      Liverpool fans" and you could hear on the radio that he was
      really upset.

      I'm so privileged to work in Knowsley and to
      work in such a fine city with such fine people.
      Where'ever I travel, I will make sure that
      there are no sun newspapers in sight and
      and that my heart will be with the 96, and
      i'm so proud and honoured to be working in
      Liverpool with the most hearty of people.

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      Re: A poem for Hillsborough
      Reply #34: Sep 16, 2012 12:02:42 am
      dunlop liddell shankly
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      Re: A poem for Hillsborough
      Reply #35: Apr 15, 2015 12:47:26 am
      Open The Gate

      Open the gate mam
      Before you go to bed
      I'll come home the back way
      After watching the Reds
      We're going to Hillsborough
      To watch our great team
      A League and Cup double
      Is still Kenny's dream

      Open the gate mate
      We said at Lime Street
      We're going to Sheffield
      To watch the Reds beat
      Clough's Forest side
      They're a good little team
      But they can't stop
      Our double winning dream

      Open the gate Sir
      We say at the ground
      There's too many in here
      Or can't you hear that sound
      We need more space
      Or tragedy is bound to occur
      The crushing's now started
      Please open the gate sir

      Open the gate God
      For all ninety-six
      What happened st Hillsborough
      Can never truly be fixed
      Incompetence and negligence
      From those in charge
      Open the gate God
      For a crowd too large

      Open the Shankly Gates
      Kenny said to the club
      Let the bereaved in
      We'll share the pain and the love
      We'll fight this together
      Under one Liverpool hat
      This isn't about football
      Its more important than that
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      Re: A poem for Hillsborough
      Reply #36: Apr 15, 2015 07:42:14 am
      Open The Gate

      Open the gate mam
      Before you go to bed
      I'll come home the back way
      After watching the Reds
      We're going to Hillsborough
      To watch our great team
      A League and Cup double
      Is still Kenny's dream

      Open the gate mate
      We said at Lime Street
      We're going to Sheffield
      To watch the Reds beat
      Clough's Forest side
      They're a good little team
      But they can't stop
      Our double winning dream

      Open the gate Sir
      We say at the ground
      There's too many in here
      Or can't you hear that sound
      We need more space
      Or tragedy is bound to occur
      The crushing's now started
      Please open the gate sir

      Open the gate God
      For all ninety-six
      What happened st Hillsborough
      Can never truly be fixed
      Incompetence and negligence
      From those in charge
      Open the gate God
      For a crowd too large

      Open the Shankly Gates
      Kenny said to the club
      Let the bereaved in
      We'll share the pain and the love
      We'll fight this together
      Under one Liverpool hat
      This isn't about football
      Its more important than that

      Billy it makes me proud that we have lads like you who will make sure the 96 are never forgotten. Well done mate.

      Quick Reply