Hahaha they're the kind of taxi drivers I like - complete nutters.
Remember getting one in Istanbul to go and get ale, end up me and my brother going back with him and his brother in law, who was acting as intrepreter, to find half his family having a barbeque, couple of bevvies and some food later, he actually took us back to the ground, while we were hanging out of his window, thumping the top of the cab singing Liverpool songs, while he was on the horn beeping away.
Boss fella!
Bloody hell, that sounds like an absolute ripper!

Which, not to turn this into crazy taxi driver stories, but reminds me of a bloke I had pick me up from bars in Adelaide 8-9 years ago. 5am-ish, taxi driver on his last job before he knocks off for the night. Loose cannon, I'm chatting all sorts of sh*t being three sheets to the wind, and he's just like "Mate, you mind if I let loose a little with this thing?" and I'm like "nah go for it mate!" as I munch away on the 40 chicken nuggets I'd just made him go through Maccas for. So he proceeds to rip burnout after burnout, smoking up the tyres as he does some donuts on back roads, standstills, the lot. Ten minute drive turns into half hour of hectic hilarity.
Stomach started to turn towards the end, but otherwise a fun way to end the night
