Hello to everybody,
My name is Walter from Lucca, Italy, and I’m new in the forum, this is my first message.
I contact you about Champions league finale in Kiev next may 26th.
Some months ago I booked some hotel accommodations in Kiev the day of the final, for me and for my friends with the big hope that my favourite team would go play the final… but this is not our time!
if you look to the biggest site of booking room, you can see there are only 10/15 rooms, the cheaper costs about 2000 euros!!!
I started to cancel my reservations and I saw, only after few minutes, that same room would costs thousands of euros, because there are no places for the final.
I would offer my reservations room at very reasonable price, to avoid you buy it for hundreds pounds next days.
All room are near to the stadium, maximum 10 km far, if interested contact me free in private message and I will tell you all information you would know, hotel, comfort, my personal details, no problem to tell you, I can also show you my reservations.
Please contact me before may 15th, as I will have time to cancel reservation if nobody is interested in.
Good luck for the final!!!