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      Members Sale 2018/19 season

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      Members Sale 2018/19 season
      Jul 02, 2018 03:54:46 pm
      Liverpool FC has released the following information regarding Members' ticket sales in July.

      Ticket sales are outlined below with 10 Premier League home games being available during this period. Eligibility is based on attendance at Premier League home games during the 2017-18 season.

      Sale dates

      Disabled Members sales:

      From 8.15am BST on Friday July 13: Members who require a wheelchair bay.

      From 8.15am BST Monday July 16: Members who require ambulant seating.

      Non-disabled Members sales:

      Tickets can be purchased online only.

      From 8.15am BST on Tuesday July 17: Members who recorded a minimum of 13 games wishing to purchase tickets for the following fixtures: West Ham United, Brighton and Hove Albion, Southampton, Manchester City, Everton, Manchester United, Newcastle United, Arsenal.

      Members eligible to purchase tickets during this sale are guaranteed a ticket for each match.

      From 8.15am BST on Wednesday July 18: Members who recorded a minimum of 4 games wishing to purchase tickets for the following fixtures: Manchester City, Everton, Manchester United, Arsenal.

      Tickets for this sale will be sold strictly on a first come, first served basis subject to availability, and we cannot guarantee that tickets will be available to all that apply.

      From 8.15am Thursday July 19: ALL Members wishing to purchase tickets for the following games: West Ham United, Brighton and Hove Albion, Southampton, Cardiff City, Fulham, Newcastle United.

      Tickets for this sale will be sold strictly on a first come first served basis subject to availability, and we cannot guarantee that tickets will be available to all that apply.

      Visit to follow the live blog for sale updates during the Members' sale.

      To ensure the best experience for all supporters during the Members' ticket sale, supporters are asked to follow these guidelines:

      Ensure you qualify for the sale before you join the queue. Do not select more seats than necessary as this will slow down the sales and queuing process. Do not queue in more than one browser as this will increase yours and others' queuing time.

      The Local Members’ sale, Local general sale and additional Members’ sale will also take place ahead of each match. Members are encouraged to check availability on a regular basis.

      As a Member, you can also purchase hospitality and record your match attendance too.
      • Forum Markus Babbel
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      Re: Members Sale 2018/19 season
      Reply #1: Jul 19, 2018 09:26:50 pm
      How did everyone else go? I managed to get two in U9 for the Cardiff game. Not the greatest seats but you’ll take it when you can.

      For the future, anyone know how to be near the front of the queue. I thought I was ready by opening right at 8:15 but it took me 3 hours in the queue.
      el batez
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      Re: Members Sale 2018/19 season
      Reply #2: Dec 11, 2018 01:09:48 pm
      Online sales are still a f***ing joke!.
      • Forum John Aldridge
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      Re: Members Sale 2018/19 season
      Reply #3: Jan 23, 2019 11:32:58 pm
      Online sales are still a f***ing joke!.

      Agreed, something needs to be done (what I’m not quite sure) I pay my membership every year, I have the recent history for fa cup and league cup, so get tickets for these, but never even get close for a league or champions league match. Maybe they could do a ballot for the general sale, register you’re interest and if you get lucky, you get lucky, surely that’s better than battling online at 8.15 and having to que an hour knowing it will have sold out
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      Re: Members Sale 2018/19 season
      Reply #4: Jan 24, 2019 12:56:56 pm
      If you've paid out for a membership then you should be guaranteed one if not more than one ticket a season.

      Should be some kind of ballot system in place that also recognises and rewards loyalty.  Current system is a bit of a joke.

      In all honesty, if you are not a regular attender at Anfield then you have to question if you need a members card and not simply just get a fancier ticket for a one off. 
      • Forum John Aldridge
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      Re: Members Sale 2018/19 season
      Reply #5: Jan 24, 2019 06:20:31 pm
      I used to get to at least 8-10 league games a season, but with the emergence of kids and working away meant I had to stop, I want to go and would love to take my kids too, but not once in the last couple of seasons have I been successful when I’ve tried. Surely they could try and implement something whereby if you buy a membership you are at least guaranteed 1 ticket a season, they must be making a fortune selling memberships to people who think they have a chance of getting a ticket but it reality they don’t
      lfc across the water
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      Re: Members Sale 2018/19 season
      Reply #6: May 31, 2019 08:51:59 pm
      Having been to one home game for the last 4 seasons, I find that the best time to find spare tickets is between 10am and 3pm GMT the day before the fixture. But you need to have the patience of job and be prepared to wear out your refresh button. It will say SOLD OUT for a long time, then 10 seconds later, A spare ticket will become available. And just as quickly it will be gone. Or will it? It's not uncommon for the exact same ticket to resurface a few minutes later. It makes you want to tear your hair out. It also means having all your other expenses and arrangements booked and ready to go, ticket or not.

      I got a ticket for Huddersfield just 36h before ko, and less than 2 hours before setting out. I haven't stayed overnight in Liverpool since 1990, so the extra time gave me the chance to discover areas I never heard of before, let alone knew about, e.g. Kensington. There is not a lot to discover in Kensington tbh, but it's a nice area and the beauty of travel is discovering things and places you haven't seen before.

      The current ticket system is much better and fairer than it used to be. That doesn't mean it's any less frustrating. While I would welcome the access to one ticket per season, I don't know how it would work. Most would want a ticket to the most glamourous games, rather than home bankers against cannon fodder as I usually go to, as winning the game justifies the trip imo. Not only that, but what long term season ticket holder should give up his ticket because someone from China with no record of previous games, wants to come and experience the derby? I'm sure there is some way to satisfy everyone, but I'll leave that to those who can find it.
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      Re: Members Sale 2018/19 season
      Reply #7: Jun 04, 2019 11:51:13 pm
      extra time gave me the chance to discover areas I never heard of before, let alone knew about, e.g. Kensington. There is not a lot to discover in Kensington tbh, but it's a nice area

      Last time I walked down there I got approached by two prostitutes and I'm fairly sure it was an afternoon game so I'm not sure I'd agree with your definition of 'nice area'.

      Glad you got sorted though and a good tip there on the return tickets.
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      Re: Members Sale 2018/19 season
      Reply #8: Jun 05, 2019 09:53:46 am
      Last time I walked down there I got approached by two prostitutes and I'm fairly sure it was an afternoon game so I'm not sure I'd agree with your definition of 'nice area'.

      Glad you got sorted though and a good tip there on the return tickets.

      Could be exactly what he means by 'nice area' to be fair.

      One mans trash is another mans treasure and all that ;)
      lfc across the water
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      Re: Members Sale 2018/19 season
      Reply #9: Jun 19, 2019 10:52:19 pm
      Quote from JD
      Last time I walked down there I got approached by two prostitutes and I'm fairly sure it was an afternoon game so I'm not sure I'd agree with your definition of 'nice area'.

      I didn't look for any and I didn't find them.  Maybe the rain puts them off, but they were nowhere to be seen when I was there. From what I saw, it's mainly a residential area, and the biggest attraction I discovered was a 24h McDonalds. Like I said, not a lot, but that's fine.
      • Forum Legend - Benitez
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      Re: Members Sale 2018/19 season
      Reply #10: Jul 18, 2019 08:55:34 am
      Here we go again for the 2019/20 season but something has changed!!!

      i got 6 tickets in the 2018/2019 July sale but when i logged on this time within 5 seconds of 8.15am the ticket availability for all games apart from the Turkish Chelsea game is limited.  It was good last year.

      PS Newcastle is now sold out.

      Clearly there are a lot less tickets available for the membership sale this year so shouldn't the club tell us what is going on?  Or more to the point why bother having a membership sale at all.  It just gives the members hope and then p*sses the vast majority of them off.

      Better to have a grand draw before each game then at we wouldn't expect to get a ticket and we would know when the match was (we all know the nearly all the dates will change anyway).

      PS Leicester is also sold out now.

      I've been in the queue for over 40 minutes and still have over an hour left.  I've no chance of getting a ticket. :mad:

      PPS there is only Watford left.

      PPPS all gone in well less than an hour.
      « Last Edit: Jul 18, 2019 09:09:14 am by Oldred »
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      Re: Members Sale 2018/19 season
      Reply #11: Jul 18, 2019 11:19:13 am
      Not one ticket it’s a piss take of the highest order , still selling membership in the knowledge the vast majority have no chance of getting a ticket,
      • Forum John Aldridge
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      Re: Members Sale 2018/19 season
      Reply #12: Jul 18, 2019 04:23:56 pm
      Same old, same old, you spend your money on a membership, but you’re not even guaranteed 1 ticket, you have to fight it out during work time to try and get anything, surely you could just register your interest for a game and they do a ballot, that way you know if you’ve got one or not - no messing around, A bit more transparency is required, They could work out the demand for tickets and tell you what your chances would be, they did it for the champions league final, why not for league matches? if you know what the realistic chances are, it’s up to you whether you buy the memberships going forward, seems like they are just cashing in on memberships, knowing realistically people won’t get tickets.
      I’m 3500 on the ST waiting list, really hoping the Anny Road is extended, this seems like my best chance of getting tickets anytime soon
      lfc across the water
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      Re: Members Sale 2018/19 season
      Reply #13: Jul 19, 2019 08:57:27 pm
      Quote from Oldred
      Here we go again for the 2019/20 season but something has changed!!!

      when i logged on this time within 5 seconds of 8.15am the ticket availability for all games apart from the Turkish Chelsea game is limited.  It was good last year.

      I don't know when you logged on before the stated time last year, but you usually have to join the queue well before the time. Joining within 5 seconds beforehand effectively puts you at the back of the queue.
      • Forum Legend - Benitez
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      Re: Members Sale 2018/19 season
      Reply #14: Jul 24, 2019 09:19:31 pm
      I don't know when you logged on before the stated time last year, but you usually have to join the queue well before the time. Joining within 5 seconds beforehand effectively puts you at the back of the queue.

      I must be missing something here.

      You cant log on before the allocated time 8.15am as that all that happens is a message comes up saying there are no tickets on sale.

      I did this this year and last year and the only way to log on was to wait until exactly 8.15am and then hope you don't get the same message.  If you do keep refreshing until you can log on.

      Last year it took me a couple of minutes before I logged on and the availability was still good.  This year I got on almost immediately - within a few seconds - and the availability was limited so your theory about automatically going to the back of the queue doesn't stand up.  Anyway my position in the queue is irrelevant as the status at 8.15am when the tickets go on sale was limited

      Obviously there must be a lot less tickets than last year.  Still need an explanation form the club as to why this was so!!!

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      Re: Members Sale 2018/19 season
      Reply #15: Jul 27, 2019 01:03:51 pm
      Obviously there must be a lot less tickets than last year.  Still need an explanation form the club as to why this was so!!!

      More memberships all going for the same tickets. Unfortunately the ground is no longer big enough to deal with demand for tickets.
      • Forum Billy Liddell
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      Re: Members Sale 2018/19 season
      Reply #16: Jul 27, 2019 01:20:33 pm
      Think the issue will be resolved in terms of members as people begin to realise that your loyalty counts for nothing. I have had tickets for every European match since some of the horrors put on to us by Brendan. I never got a Champions League allocation this season. Therefore there is no point purchasing a membership next season as it has not one benefit in terms of tickets despite previous loyalty. I know of many others who will do the same.
      lfc across the water
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      Re: Members Sale 2018/19 season
      Reply #17: Jul 30, 2019 10:57:51 pm
      Quote from Oldred
      I must be missing something here.

      You cant log on before the allocated time 8.15am as that all that happens is a message comes up saying there are no tickets on sale.

      I did this this year and last year and the only way to log on was to wait until exactly 8.15am and then hope you don't get the same message.  If you do keep refreshing until you can log on.

      Last year it took me a couple of minutes before I logged on and the availability was still good.  This year I got on almost immediately - within a few seconds - and the availability was limited so your theory about automatically going to the back of the queue doesn't stand up.  Anyway my position in the queue is irrelevant as the status at 8.15am when the tickets go on sale was limited

      It's similar to waiting for the opening of a shop. You have to stand in a queue until the time the shop opens. Those at the head of the queue have less waiting time and more options when the shop opens, than those who arrive at the last minute.

      Your position in the queue is critical. The queue begins 45-60 minutes before the designated sale start time. Once you join the queue, you have to keep the page open until you finally get into the sale, by then most if not all available tickets have been snapped up, if you were towards the back.

      After that, you're relying on the generosity of st holders putting their tickets up for resale. The closer to the date of the game you want, the more tickets appear. But you usually have to wait until the morning of the last day before the game, for most spares to become available.
      • Forum John Aldridge
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      Re: Members Sale 2018/19 season
      Reply #18: Aug 01, 2019 05:20:37 pm
      It's similar to waiting for the opening of a shop. You have to stand in a queue until the time the shop opens. Those at the head of the queue have less waiting time and more options when the shop opens, than those who arrive at the last minute.

      Your position in the queue is critical. The queue begins 45-60 minutes before the designated sale start time. Once you join the queue, you have to keep the page open until you finally get into the sale, by then most if not all available tickets have been snapped up, if you were towards the back.

      After that, you're relying on the generosity of st holders putting their tickets up for resale. The closer to the date of the game you want, the more tickets appear. But you usually have to wait until the morning of the last day before the game, for most spares to become available.

      This didn’t work for me, I logged in at least an hour before hand, and I had a wait of over 45 minutes, and  got nothing
      • Forum Legend - Benitez
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      Re: Members Sale 2018/19 season
      Reply #19: Aug 01, 2019 10:29:13 pm
      It's similar to waiting for the opening of a shop. You have to stand in a queue until the time the shop opens. Those at the head of the queue have less waiting time and more options when the shop opens, than those who arrive at the last minute.

      Your position in the queue is critical. The queue begins 45-60 minutes before the designated sale start time. Once you join the queue, you have to keep the page open until you finally get into the sale, by then most if not all available tickets have been snapped up, if you were towards the back.

      After that, you're relying on the generosity of st holders putting their tickets up for resale. The closer to the date of the game you want, the more tickets appear. But you usually have to wait until the morning of the last day before the game, for most spares to become available.

      Still not getting it.  Tickets go on sale at 8.15am.  I got in a few seconds after that time.  Availability was shown as limited.  Are you saying in the three seconds it took for me to get in enough tickets were sold to to make the availability go from good to limited?
      B*llocks.  You know how long it takes when you get in to buy even one ticket.
      The availability was clearly limited from the off and this is a lot less than usual.  My question still stands.  The club should explain why there are a lot less tickets available in the general sale than last year.
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      Re: Members Sale 2018/19 season
      Reply #20: Nov 21, 2019 04:40:03 pm
      How did people fare in the sale it’s still a horror show , the criteria being set out by the club is unachievable , and I feel the club are truly mis representing the facts  , way over prescribed the membership, to the point of saturation , and still selling it with the lure of tickets .
      • Forum Legend - Benitez
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      Re: Members Sale 2018/19 season
      Reply #21: Nov 22, 2019 10:29:44 am
      How did people fare in the sale it’s still a horror show , the criteria being set out by the club is unachievable , and I feel the club are truly mis representing the facts  , way over prescribed the membership, to the point of saturation , and still selling it with the lure of tickets .

      Didn't bother with it myself, didn't have the cash at the time, just gonna try on the late availability sales - a mate of mine got through and actually managed to nearly enough get a full house but that's the only real success story I've heard. Seemed like a nightmare for basically everybody else. I'd love to know how many people are officially "members" at the minute & how much the club actually make from the scheme, the fact that you even need to pay nearly £30 a season for a slim chance of getting to a few games is ridiculous - a few years ago it was a one off payment of £5 for a fan card & that was supposed to last indefinitely. Now they've changed to members cards & it's £30 a season with a few store discounts thrown in to try and justify the ridiculous price! I suppose the membership cost maybe stops every Tom, Dick & Harry for logging in and trying for tickets but I'm sure there's thousands of unhappy supporters who feel like they've been robbed as the way they advertise the benefits are very misleading
      • Forum Legend - Benitez
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      Re: Members Sale 2018/19 season
      Reply #22: Nov 22, 2019 10:56:40 am
      It's similar to waiting for the opening of a shop. You have to stand in a queue until the time the shop opens. Those at the head of the queue have less waiting time and more options when the shop opens, than those who arrive at the last minute.

      Your position in the queue is critical. The queue begins 45-60 minutes before the designated sale start time. Once you join the queue, you have to keep the page open until you finally get into the sale, by then most if not all available tickets have been snapped up, if you were towards the back.

      After that, you're relying on the generosity of st holders putting their tickets up for resale. The closer to the date of the game you want, the more tickets appear. But you usually have to wait until the morning of the last day before the game, for most spares to become available.

      On this point as well - I don't think it really matters what time you get in the pre-queue

      Here's an example I had this morning in the Napoli Local General Sale

      Opened one chrome browser in work & one Internet Explorer browser both at 8AM. Got over an hour for both once I finally entered the queue.

      The queue then ran down for 20-30 minutes or so and I eventually ended up on 7 minutes on the Chrome browser & 22 minutes on the Internet Explorer one. I then, just for the sake of it decided to open another chrome window... 4 minutes wait. So the browser I opened half an hour into the sale managed to get onto the stadium plan quicker than the 2 browsers I'd had open 15 minutes prior to the sale opening (Internet Explorer browser was still on 20 minutes by the time I got in with the second Chrome tab!)

      Luckily managed to get a single in the end after hammering F5 on the Stadium Plan for a good 10 minutes but I've got no idea at all how the club go about allocating these queue places. It's beyond random, absolutely baffling

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