F**kin hell this forum likes to get up on its high horse.
Nobody on this thread, that I can see, has said that they want to sell Alisson, who clearly has been our best player this season by a mile. The question, posed by myself and Walton, was would Jürgen/the club think of selling him IF it is true, as many one here think, that we will have to sell in order to buy?
Personally, I want us to buy 2 top class CMs (would like it if Bellingham was one) and 1 top class CB. We would almost certainly then need to spend >£150m to get the quality we need in those areas.
To fund this, I'd like to see us move on Ox, Keita, Firmino. Milner, Phillips, Jones and, maybe, although I'm not sure, Fabinho. The most that that lot will bring in would be around £50-£60m,
So are FSG going to stump up the extra >£100m? Personally, i haven't given up hope that they might. But if they don't, and demand something close to eg another £50m in sales to help fund it, where is Jürgen going to find that? Either he is going to have to sell somebody big (cos the squad will already have got quite a bit smaller), or give up on at least one of those new signings. So, if he needs the big signings many of us think he needs, that basically would mean selling either Mo or Ali. Now I do not want to sell either of these players. But Jürgen may have to chose (if FSG are as tight as we all say they are) and, while I hear what others are saying about Ali having more years ahead of him than Mo: (a) we would get more for Ali; and (b) we have a reasonably proven replacement for Ali already in the squad in Kelleher.
So would Jürgen think of selling Ali IN THOSE CIRCUMSTANCES?
That's all that's being asked. Please feel free to discuss.