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      International Fans Ticket Questions.

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      International Fans Ticket Questions.
      Oct 11, 2019 05:55:04 pm
      Hopefully the mods will help me out by allowing this post or by messaging me the answer to my question!  haha...

      That's terrible.  Hopefully they do the right thing and honor those tickets. 

      I'm new to the forums (but have been following Liverpool since 2010).  Anyway, I had a quick question regarding international travel to watch Liverpool.  I didn't realize that there is no secondary market for tickets in England, so I bought "tickets" on craigslist (I thought I'd investigated a fair amount, got pics of the tickets, personal contact info, etc.) and had planned on making my way out to England to watch the game.  Since then, I've been doing a lot of reading and it sounds like my plan is frowned upon.  I get that (and have since joined supporters clubs and await the Nov. sales to see if I can get tickets the legal way).  Regardless, now I'm almost 100% positive that I've been scammed...  I get that what I intended to do isn't rare (although illegal), but there's no way I'd be able to attend the game and then leave the tickets at the ticket office for the seller to get after the game, correct?  That's the plan that the seller told me would allow him to pick his tickets up.  I figured it was just a courtesy that the club provided before realizing the entirety of the situation.  Sucks to be out the ticket money, but I'm not interested in doubling down to travel to England to find out!

      Thanks in advance if you respond.  Also, I apologize for hijacking a post, but as I'm new, I can't post a new forum. 
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      Re: International Fans Ticket Questions.
      Reply #1: Oct 11, 2019 11:39:55 pm
      Thank you for allowing this as a post.  Hopefully someone can help me out with an answer!
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      Re: International Fans Ticket Questions.
      Reply #2: Oct 16, 2019 09:38:46 am
      Almost certain the club wouldn't allow that. It would allow mass touting without any real repercussions for touts. This is something they've been trying their best to cut down on the last few years, I've heard of lads who have had their membership suspended due to passing a ticket to a mate for a game & the club somehow finding out

      Unfortunately I think you have been sold a dud
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      Re: International Fans Ticket Questions.
      Reply #3: Jan 18, 2020 08:30:42 am
      I'd like to purchase 4 tickets in our away fan section for the game v Athletico Madrid
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      Re: International Fans Ticket Questions.
      Reply #4: Jan 25, 2020 05:08:19 pm
      Hi new to the forum big fan since the early 80's I'm looking for tickets for the athletic Madrid game home or away and travel or both cheers LFC#1

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