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      Georginio Wijnaldum (Barça / Bayern Munich)

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      Re: Georginio Wijnaldum (Barça / Bayern Munich)
      Reply #115: May 21, 2021 06:29:27 pm

      But anyone who thinks or says his performance for the past several months are worthy of being given start after start are deluded.

      So Klopp is deluded?  ???
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      Re: Georginio Wijnaldum (Barça / Bayern Munich)
      Reply #116: May 21, 2021 07:36:22 pm

      Clearly 😂

      Seriously though, does Jürgen pick him if Hendo is available? Does his performance level pick him over Thiago Fab and a fit Hendo
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      Re: Georginio Wijnaldum (Barça / Bayern Munich)
      Reply #117: May 21, 2021 07:39:58 pm

      That play at 3:35. What a player.
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      Re: Georginio Wijnaldum (Barça / Bayern Munich)
      Reply #118: May 21, 2021 07:40:51 pm

      Yes but where has that Gini gone?
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      Re: Georginio Wijnaldum (Barça / Bayern Munich)
      Reply #119: May 21, 2021 07:43:15 pm
      Yes but where has that Gini gone?

      No idea. He does not appear the same, no. Could be physical as he is always available to play, or could be mental fatigue from the season, or maybe he is checked out. Who knows. But if this is it and he is a goner, wish him well and thanks for the memories.
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      Re: Georginio Wijnaldum (Barça / Bayern Munich)
      Reply #120: May 21, 2021 07:52:12 pm
      No idea. He does not appear the same, no. Could be physical as he is always available to play, or could be mental fatigue from the season, or maybe he is checked out. Who knows. But if this is it and he is a goner, wish him well and thanks for the memories.


      If he is gone I hope he signs off with a performance that made us adore him
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      Re: Georginio Wijnaldum (Barça / Bayern Munich)
      Reply #121: May 22, 2021 08:42:58 am
      I'll miss that smile!
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      Re: Georginio Wijnaldum (Barça / Bayern Munich)
      Reply #122: May 22, 2021 11:15:38 am
      Yes but where has that Gini gone?

      It’s hard to be fully on your game & be focused when the club you want to stay at won’t give you the contract you deserve..
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      Re: Georginio Wijnaldum (Barça / Bayern Munich)
      Reply #123: May 22, 2021 01:38:49 pm
      Gini has been a great signing for us, and will rightly have his place in club folklore.

      But anyone who thinks or says his performance for the past several months are worthy of being given start after start are deluded.

      If Keita, Shaq, Ox to name 3 got his chances and performed to the same level the place would be in uproar saying its time to move them on.

      If what we done in previous seasons was how it works then Rush be still up front with Barnes trying to feed him. His current form is below par and its quite possible whoever replaces him might spark us into new life.

      Honest answer, has he performed like a captain when given that armband? Has he bossed games? Has he created much? When is the last time you watched us and said Gini was boss there?

      Have to disagree Brian,  Gini on his game there's no one better,  on his off days he still contributes, he has been a fantastic player for us,  sometimes only 5/10 most of the seasons he's been 7,8 or better, I'm discounting this season because no player from Ali to Salah has been stand out performers, on occasion yes there has been 9/10 performers but not consistently,
      I'm gutted he's leaving and he will be missed, more than some will realise, who will fill the roles he has played as well as he has ?

      He's one of those unsung hero players that when you look back in years to come and say, Yeah, that Gini Wijnaldom was some player wasn't he, and immediately think of those two goals V Barca, a bit like a Jimmy Case or a Ray Kennedy,  vitally important but yet in the background with others taking the limelight,

      His boots will be hard to fill, however I do like the look of Telimans at Leicester, I think he his made to play in a Klopp side, and he would be my choice If indeed Gini seeks pastures new, he goes though with his head held high, and  wherever he plays I wish him well, he has served this club with distinction and will forever be remembered for that special night against Barcelona.

      All the best Gini, thx for the memories.


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      Re: Georginio Wijnaldum (Barça / Bayern Munich)
      Reply #124: May 22, 2021 02:07:19 pm
      I can see where the criticism is coming from this season but when I look at him and compare him to the rest of the squad this season I'd say he was not worse than most of the other players. My guess is that there is a lot of people who are reacting this way because they know he's leaving so there's a bit of an ego thing in there (perfectly normal IMO).

      Sure he isn't a passing master and this season, at times, I felt like his energy levels and focus were not at 100% (1st leg against RM being a perfect example) but then again, I can say that about 5 or 6 other players in the starting 11. I reckon our season just went sideways in such a way that it kinda brought down the morale of everybody involved (players, coaches, fans, etc) and we only started finding our rhythm and morale levels like a month or so ago (which is great because ending the season on a strong note is key for us not only for the CL spot but for the confidence levels going into next season)

      With that said, Gini is underrated. He does not give away the ball, he is a pressing machine, tracks back and supports the defence very well, etc. I would've loved to see us use him as the AM in the a 4-2-3-1 this season but it just went to sh*t in such a way that playing different formations wasn't even an option most of the time. 

      I'll miss him. Thank you for the memories Gini!
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      Re: Georginio Wijnaldum (Barça / Bayern Munich)
      Reply #125: May 22, 2021 07:14:59 pm
      Gini has been a great signing for us, and will rightly have his place in club folklore.

      But anyone who thinks or says his performance for the past several months are worthy of being given start after start are deluded.

      If Keita, Shaq, Ox to name 3 got his chances and performed to the same level the place would be in uproar saying its time to move them on.

      If what we done in previous seasons was how it works then Rush be still up front with Barnes trying to feed him. His current form is below par and its quite possible whoever replaces him might spark us into new life.

      Honest answer, has he performed like a captain when given that armband? Has he bossed games? Has he created much? When is the last time you watched us and said Gini was boss there?

      I had to read your post a couple of times. Has your account been hacked or have you been possessed by Hemidall?

      “Based on his assists and goals this season, do you still think he deserves to be our player?” It’s all too familiar. Even if Gini starts, it’s Klopp’s way of appreciating him for all that he has done for us. Sometimes it’s about giving back to football for all that good football has done for us.

      He’s our player and wish him well.
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      Re: Georginio Wijnaldum (Barça / Bayern Munich)
      Reply #126: May 22, 2021 07:37:32 pm
      I had to read your post a couple of times. Has your account been hacked or have you been possessed by Hemidall?

      “Based on his assists and goals this season, do you still think he deserves to be our player?” It’s all too familiar. Even if Gini starts, it’s Klopp’s way of appreciating him for all that he has done for us. Sometimes it’s about giving back to football for all that good football has done for us.

      He’s our player and wish him well.

      Steady on Ruth 😅😅

      I might be on my own on this or maybe I just didnt get my pair of rose tinted Gini glasses but Im not recalling a lot of times this season where im saying Gini was brilliant today, or Gini bailed us out today, or Gini showed real leadership today when needed.. Can everyone who thinks Im out of order here give me regular examples of where Im wrong.

      If his head is gone because he flirted with Barce and it fell though is that acceptable?

      If his form is gone because were missing other players is that acceptable?

      Maybe im unfair and expect the high standards hes set for himself more then hes shown this year?

      Lastly whatever way it ends I will also wish him well as he has been a tremendous servant the past few years and has earned his place in the pantheon of greats, but for me that does not abstain him from being called out for being poor this season, in my opinion
      • Forum John Toshack
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      Re: Georginio Wijnaldum (Barça / Bayern Munich)
      Reply #127: May 22, 2021 08:54:25 pm

      that does not abstain him from being called out for being poor this season, in my opinion

      Can you name me a player who hasn't been poorer than their previous standards?

      Because I'm struggling.

      Worse than previous seasons: Trent, Robbo, pointless including the centre backs, Gini (agreed), Salah, Bobby, Sadio

      Arguably Trent has been better in patches but not overall

      Hendo I don't really have an opinion on but suspect he would join the others above; Millie has defo got worse as he loses half a yard of pace

      Fabinho would be my POTY but even he hasn't been better than previous seasons (not at DM anyway), it's just everyone else has been worse than him

      Thiago not applicable as it's his first season, nor is Jota, nor is Curtis really as this is effectively his first season (done very well for me) and same for Nat and Rhys (both also better than could have been reasonably expected)

      No point even considering the usual sicknotes like Keita, Ox, Shaq, Div (and the list goes on) and the new sicknotes like Kostas

      I do actually think Alisson's keeping has got a little bit better, and that's ignoring his last minute headers, so he's the only player I can think of who has actually shown a wee bit more than in previous years (and I reckon plenty will disagree that Ali has got any better)

      So Gini is in pretty good company among almost every single one of his teammates in not being as good as we have come to expect.

      For me the biggest drop-off in performance has been Sadio, by an absolute mile, and that's not a criticism, that's just an observation, I'm sure it's covid-related and the club know his physical capacity has been affected and are rightly not broadcasting it from the rooftops. But we can all see it, right?

      Go ahead, call out the players for being poor, you can start with Gini if you like, but it'll take you a few minutes to go through them all...
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      Re: Georginio Wijnaldum (Barça / Bayern Munich)
      Reply #128: May 22, 2021 08:58:48 pm
      Can you name me a player who hasn't been poorer than their previous standards?

      Because I'm struggling.

      All have, but all have at times stood uo and done the job

      Ali, Trent, Sadio, Mo, Bobby, all took stick this year, but turned it around or played parts in vital moments.

      Has Gini? If he has I cant recall, genuinely, not just to suit my argument.

      « Last Edit: May 22, 2021 09:04:17 pm by Brian78 »
      • Forum John Toshack
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      Re: Georginio Wijnaldum (Barça / Bayern Munich)
      Reply #129: May 22, 2021 09:04:09 pm
      All have, but all have at times stood uo and done the job

      Ali, Trent, Sadio, Mo, Bobby, all took stick this year, but turned it around or played parts in vital moments.

      Has Gini?


      He's just got a less glamorous role than other players anyway and has probably played even more conservatively because of the centre back shitfest meaning he's got to spend 90 minutes offering protection

      Certainly been better than Sadio and Bobby who have both been awful for most of the season

      Gini is never poor. I've never seen him have a bad game for us ever. Quiet, yes. Bad, never, not one game. He barely ever makes a mistake.
      • Forum John Toshack
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      Re: Georginio Wijnaldum (Barça / Bayern Munich)
      Reply #130: May 22, 2021 09:06:20 pm
      I don't reckon we're gonna agree, Brian

      I give up, you're wearing me out  :lmao:
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      Re: Georginio Wijnaldum (Barça / Bayern Munich)
      Reply #131: May 22, 2021 09:14:58 pm
      I don't reckon we're gonna agree, Brian

      I give up, you're wearing me out  :lmao:

      Well agree on that then ✌
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      Re: Georginio Wijnaldum (Barça / Bayern Munich)
      Reply #132: May 22, 2021 09:21:17 pm
      Im sticking a bet on him to score first or score the winner tomorrow now, nothing surer will happen now!
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      Re: Georginio Wijnaldum (Barça / Bayern Munich)
      Reply #133: May 23, 2021 01:22:06 am
      Im sticking a bet on him to score first or score the winner tomorrow now, nothing surer will happen now!

      I don't reckon he plays, may be on the bench but might not even be asked to come on.

      Just a thought!
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      Re: Georginio Wijnaldum (Barça / Bayern Munich)
      Reply #134: May 23, 2021 01:51:55 am
      I don't reckon he plays, may be on the bench but might not even be asked to come on.

      Just a thought!

      If this is indeed his last game with us, no effing way Jürgen keeps him on the bench all game.
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      Re: Georginio Wijnaldum (Barça / Bayern Munich)
      Reply #135: May 23, 2021 02:29:05 am
      There will be no sentimental decision regarding Gini, Klopp will simply pick the best team possible to win the match. Obviously.
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      Re: Georginio Wijnaldum (Barça / Bayern Munich)
      Reply #136: May 23, 2021 02:43:39 am
      There will be no sentimental decision regarding Gini, Klopp will simply pick the best team possible to win the match. Obviously.

      Has always been the case. He will play because the boss thinks he’s the best person for the job.
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      Re: Georginio Wijnaldum (Barça / Bayern Munich)
      Reply #137: May 23, 2021 07:22:20 am

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