Some puerile sh*t posted on here today...So much for You'll never walk alone.
The issue isn't with thiago. He gets injured all the time. The club knew this.
My issue is with the club. They, and some on here tell us the club operates as a business. So where the fcuk is the business in that this lad has cost the club about 70m including his transfer fee and there has been no return.
He should have gone 2 years ago. We could have got a fee and saved ourselves around 24m in wages. As it is ... the club never learns and much like chamberlain and keita who also should have been shipped out, he will walk away for free having contributed the square root of fcuk all the last 2 years whilst taking gone north of 20m in wages.
That's the clubs fault . My issue is with the club. We're supposed to be a business ... where money out has yo have return on the pitch. And between the 3 of them there was no return on the pitch. They didn't learn with chamberlain and keita ... and have repeated the trick.
I'm done in this thread. My issue isn't with thiago as predictable as this weeks events have been. My issue is with the club who have just thrown money away for 2 years and didn't learn its lesson re chamberlain and keita. It's a joke and this past 2 years is as much of a joke as it was predictable.
He will head to Saudi in the summer or the US ... or just retire. Good luck to him.