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      Today is the 11th of February and on this date LFC's match record is P25 W17 D2 L6

      How will Covid change you?

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      How will Covid change you?
      Jan 15, 2021 12:44:56 am
      Just wondering how the last  12 months will change your perspective on life?

      I work from home already so that won't change but I'm interested in other people's jobs?

      Personally, I won't be shopping in the big four supermarkets. I'll be doing a Lidl/Aldi shop and local butchers/greengrocers.

      I also think I'm going to go the pub less often. We've got a poker zoom group weekly now.

      Takeaways are going to take a massive F**k off. I've learned to make much better pizzas than a takeaway would charge me £8 for. Even bought my own pizza boxes to totally fake it. Could easily punt £25 on a family takeaway before this.
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      Re: How will Covid change you?
      Reply #1: Jan 15, 2021 01:28:14 am
      Prior to covid i had never worked from home more than a snow day or random day here and there. Overall didn't like it and told my wife i don't know how she does it as a telecommuter and that i would never be able to do it fulltime. Now that i've been home since March i have no desire to go back to an office environment more than 1-2x a week, if that. I enjoy being able to go for bike rides, beach runs, watch LFC games, etc while being home, all things i would have not been able to do at an office. I get to put kids on the bus in the morning and be there to get them off in the afternoon. It has been great.

      Beyond that, it will not impact me in any other way. I was supposed to go to Anfield last March and once we're back to normal i will look to make it happen. I will continue to live life as i was before.
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      Re: How will Covid change you?
      Reply #2: Jan 15, 2021 10:38:55 am
      What's your pizza making recipe/technique?
      FL Red
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      Re: How will Covid change you?
      Reply #3: Jan 15, 2021 03:30:27 pm
      I've always worked from home but I did travel a good bit for my job. That pretty much dropped to almost zero in the last year. I actually had to go to a client on the east coast of Florida this week. It was nice to get out to be honest but I don't miss the weeks of dealing with airports, rental cars and hotel stays. One thing Covid has actually done for me is allowed me to spend even more time at home than before, I've got to be here for my oldest son's last year before he heads to college so that's been great. I got in the best shape of my life because I took up cycling and got healthy so I could run more regularly. So those things have been great. I don't really want to go back to an intense travel schedule again so I'll have to see how that works out once things start to return to normal. Other than that, I basically live my life as normally as I can. I'm not scared of getting Covid (pretty our whole family already had it back in July) but I do dislike how the media, politicians and politically motivated people have hijacked good sense and logic, so I try not to watch or read much news about the "pandemic". I go shopping when I need to go shopping, try to be smart but for the most part, I despise having to be anywhere requiring me to have a diaper strapped to my face so I well swerve those types of situations as best I can. Florida has actually been a great state for keeping some level of sanity for people. We have one of the lowest rates of infection per capita in the country and we've not had to be Nazi's about lockdowns, masks, etc.....

      I miss being able to go to concerts, I miss seeing sporting events with large crowds and I was actually supposed to travel to the UK last summer with the family and was hoping to get to Liverpool but that's likely off the books even for this year now.

      Oh and one final plus....we got a new puppy at Christmas. He's a Bassett Hound named Moses and he's the best dog ever. So Covid hasn't been all bad although I have lost someone that was close to me from it, may she rest in peace and I pray for all of the people having to deal with it because although numbers wise, it's really not something to get all torqued up about in my opinion, I do realize that if you are affected by it, the numbers and statistics don't matter, only what's happening to you at that time matters and for that I feel for people.
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      Re: How will Covid change you?
      Reply #4: Jan 15, 2021 04:44:29 pm
      I've always worked from home but I did travel a good bit for my job. That pretty much dropped to almost zero in the last year. I actually had to go to a client on the east coast of Florida this week. It was nice to get out to be honest but I don't miss the weeks of dealing with airports, rental cars and hotel stays. One thing Covid has actually done for me is allowed me to spend even more time at home than before, I've got to be here for my oldest son's last year before he heads to college so that's been great. I got in the best shape of my life because I took up cycling and got healthy so I could run more regularly. So those things have been great. I don't really want to go back to an intense travel schedule again so I'll have to see how that works out once things start to return to normal. Other than that, I basically live my life as normally as I can. I'm not scared of getting Covid (pretty our whole family already had it back in July) but I do dislike how the media, politicians and politically motivated people have hijacked good sense and logic, so I try not to watch or read much news about the "pandemic". I go shopping when I need to go shopping, try to be smart but for the most part, I despise having to be anywhere requiring me to have a diaper strapped to my face so I well swerve those types of situations as best I can. Florida has actually been a great state for keeping some level of sanity for people. We have one of the lowest rates of infection per capita in the country and we've not had to be Nazi's about lockdowns, masks, etc.....

      I too was able to get in shape by being home and going on bike rides and beach runs, though most of it is lost the past few weeks when weather turned cold in the northeast.

      If there is one thing i hope people take away from this pandemic is to exercise more and take their health more seriously so that their body can withstand the next virus.

      Florida does deserve credit for the handling of the pandemic and balancing caution while letting its residents live life.
      FL Red
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      Re: How will Covid change you?
      Reply #5: Jan 15, 2021 06:14:51 pm
      I too was able to get in shape by being home and going on bike rides and beach runs, though most of it is lost the past few weeks when weather turned cold in the northeast.

      If there is one thing i hope people take away from this pandemic is to exercise more and take their health more seriously so that their body can withstand the next virus.

      Florida does deserve credit for the handling of the pandemic and balancing caution while letting its residents live life.

      Yea, we get a lot of stick from people like Cuomo and some other dickheads but if you actually take a measured look at it, Florida has handled this all pretty well, especially considering the loonies we have down here ;D
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      Re: How will Covid change you?
      Reply #6: Jan 16, 2021 01:10:08 am
      Cuomo is a special kind of dirtbag. Sends recovering patients to nursing homes killing thousands then releases a book about leadership during covid in October to profit from it all.
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      Re: How will Covid change you?
      Reply #7: Jan 22, 2021 11:57:26 am
      Takeaways are going to take a massive f**k off. I've learned to make much better pizzas than a takeaway would charge me £8 for. Even bought my own pizza boxes to totally fake it. Could easily punt £25 on a family takeaway before this.

      Can't stand those pizzas you get from kebab / chicken shops which are about 4 inches thick. Genuinely no better than the ones you can get from the supermarket.

      Tortilla pizzas are great - just need to lash some puree and mozzarella on a tortilla wrap then add any toppings and you're good to go. Don't take any longer than five minutes in the oven
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      Re: How will Covid change you?
      Reply #8: Jan 22, 2021 12:30:23 pm
      Just to appreciate things more, like being able to meet up and sit down with family in a restaurant, or even visiting them, before Covid I’d been to my mums new house a total of like... three times in five years even though it’s only a hour away, we’d usually meet up outdoors somewhere, I’ll be taking more home visits once this is over.

      The main one is from something unrelated but made worse by being alone and not being able to do much outside to distract myself due to Covid, and that’s the hearing issues I’m having right now. Every sound, including the sound of my own breath is causing me discomfort and annoyance right now, and my TV has been on mute since November... so hopefully, I can get to the bottom of it and appreciate simple things like being able to listen to a podcast, listen to birds in the morning, people’s voices... everything.
      el batez
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      Re: How will Covid change you?
      Reply #9: Feb 25, 2021 07:07:00 pm
      Well I have been furloughed twice now made redundant kin covid....ah'well at least now I've had the vaccine and should be able to have a holiday this year. 10 wks till follow on vaccine. Stay safe everyone.
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      Re: How will Covid change you?
      Reply #10: Feb 25, 2021 07:12:02 pm
      Well I have been furloughed twice now made redundant kin covid....ah'well at least now I've had the vaccine and should be able to have a holiday this year. 10 wks till follow on vaccine. Stay safe everyone.

      Sorry about the job stuff mate. Always a worry.

      Good to hear about the vaccine tho fella. Look after yourself and you'll be soaking up the rays before you know it 🍻
      el batez
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      Re: How will Covid change you?
      Reply #11: Feb 25, 2021 07:25:27 pm
      Sorry about the job stuff mate. Always a worry.

      Good to hear about the vaccine tho fella. Look after yourself and you'll be soaking up the rays before you know it 🍻

      Cheers kidda,just wish I could go to a game,but like many others looks like next season take care mate and stay safe. 

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