As usual the man with all the sense. Are you Richard Attenborough in disguise 🥸 I can listen to him all day too. 
Ha ha! Love you too Keith!
But honestly, it beggars belief why Mab Utd would need let alone want Qatari owners. Unlike City back in 2008, United are big enough to sustain and be victorious on their own. Without the need to financially dope and corrupt their way to the top. As a Liverpool supporter, Ratcliffe would worry me more because he savvy and would probably develop United in a way that was self sufficient and sustainable long after he leaves / sells the club.
Those fans gagging for state ownership have to envision an end game years down the future. The chances are that with oil rich dictatorships it will end in tears.
Some have already tethered themselves dangerously close to Russia over the last year. It's not inconceivable that these states will find themselves on the wrong side of a diplomatic divide between East and West in future. And then what? Sanctions galore. City's owners are expunged from UK and assets are seized. Miraculously all the totally non UAE affiliated sponsors of City disappear and the club find themselves close to insolvency.
There's a lot of Qatari and Middle Eastern money flowing around Britain at the moment. Not least London and Manchester. So some will say, it can never happen because we're financially bound to these corrupt states. Well, that's what they said about Russian money in London throughout the last 20/30 years and now look at that.
And yet some Liverpool and Man Utd fans are gagging for that.