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      Utd fan (James White, Warwickshire) arrested at Wembley

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      Paul Red
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      Utd fan (James White, Warwickshire) arrested at Wembley
      Jun 03, 2023 10:41:57 pm
      For public order offences by wearing a Shirt with '97 not enough' on the back, talk about the lowest of low, that is absolutely appaling, hopefully he will get the book thrown at him.
      « Last Edit: Jun 04, 2023 05:47:52 pm by JD »
      • Forum Kevin Keegan
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      Re: Utd fan arrested at Wembley
      Reply #1: Jun 04, 2023 12:10:53 am
      For public order offences by wearing a Shirt with '97 not enough' on the back, talk about the lowest of low, that is absolutely appaling, hopefully he will get the book thrown at him.
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      Re: Utd fan arrested at Wembley
      Reply #2: Jun 04, 2023 12:47:43 am
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      Re: Utd fan arrested at Wembley
      Reply #3: Jun 04, 2023 01:10:59 am
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      Re: Utd fan arrested at Wembley
      Reply #4: Jun 04, 2023 01:26:55 am
      c**t of The Highest Order!
      Paul Red
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      Re: Utd fan arrested at Wembley
      Reply #5: Jun 04, 2023 01:47:50 am
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      Re: Utd fan arrested at Wembley
      Reply #6: Jun 04, 2023 11:16:05 am

      I get it now, he's a fascist scumbag too then

      No just a bigoted, ignorant tw*t!
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      Re: Utd fan arrested at Wembley
      Reply #7: Jun 04, 2023 12:32:04 pm
      sadly we have these people in all parts of society and I think its best not to give them the time they so desperately want.
      Now Istanbul can produce miracles and I have feeling City are just a tad too confident about next week and we know how Pep can over think and F**k things up. Karma can be brutal.
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      Re: Utd fan arrested at Wembley
      Reply #8: Jun 04, 2023 02:59:37 pm
      Is it me or we're getting more and more of that type of individuals popping up everywhere in society nowadays? Classless, ignorant and angry about something they can't even put into words because they don't know what they are angry about, but everyone around them will pay for it.

      You'll have the regular douchebags saying ''hurt feelings'' is not a crime. Same people who constantly get butthurt about anything/anybody different than them existing.
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      Re: Utd fan arrested at Wembley
      Reply #9: Jun 04, 2023 03:45:14 pm
      The is a lot of decent people out there, but unfortunately the are a few scumbags who canā€™t help themselves, itā€™s a great pity the cant all be put on a island full of like minded individuals and left to there own devices, NEANDERTHALS
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      Re: Utd fan arrested at Wembley
      Reply #10: Jun 04, 2023 04:04:13 pm
       There is no moral high ground here. Being a bell end doesn't follow club colours etc. You only have to look at the example set by this government to see that vermin like this are like, they almost feel empowered to behave like this
      Klopps Snood
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      Re: Utd fan arrested at Wembley
      Reply #11: Jun 04, 2023 05:27:12 pm
      Scumbag, hope they throw the book at him and ban him from ALL footy matches, let him rot. b***ard.
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      Re: Utd fan arrested at Wembley
      Reply #12: Jun 04, 2023 05:44:15 pm
      33 year old man. The thought process to get that printed and then go somewhere and someone print it for you.

      Be embarrassing it was a kid but for an adult man. Sooner AI takes over our human race the better!
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      Re: Utd fan arrested at Wembley
      Reply #13: Jun 04, 2023 05:46:50 pm
      Scumbag, hope they throw the book at him and ban him from ALL footy matches, let him rot. B***ard.

      It's probably the whoppers only game of the season. Football ban probably meaningless. I'd like to see him wear it around Anfield and see what punishment he gets then.
      Fan 86
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      Re: Utd fan arrested at Wembley
      Reply #14: Jun 04, 2023 05:54:13 pm
      Yep, 33 wasnā€™t even born when that horrible tragedy happened. What is wrong with these people. No dignity, no sense of morality, not human for me!.
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      Re: Utd fan (James White, Warwickshire) arrested at Wembley
      Reply #15: Jun 04, 2023 06:13:35 pm
      Unintelligent reprobate, nothing more, nothing less. You'd have to wonder why no other "United fans" didn't see fit to pull him up. shameful.
      Klopps Snood
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      Re: Utd fan arrested at Wembley
      Reply #16: Jun 04, 2023 06:16:35 pm
      It's probably the whoppers only game of the season. Football ban probably meaningless. I'd like to see him wear it around Anfield and see what punishment he gets then.

      He wouldn't dare, he'd be battered to a pulp, like Fan 86 said, he wasn't even born when it happened, just doing it for media attention.
      Keith Singleton
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      Re: Utd fan (James White, Warwickshire) arrested at Wembley
      Reply #17: Jun 04, 2023 06:30:23 pm
      It's probably the whoppers only game of the season. Football ban probably meaningless. I'd like to see him wear it around Anfield and see what punishment he gets then.

      To be honest JD  that would be a better punishment, better than any jail sentence.
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      Re: Utd fan (James White, Warwickshire) arrested at Wembley
      Reply #18: Jun 04, 2023 06:45:54 pm
      lets not forget somebody printed this crap as well they deserve to be slaughtered.
      Frankly, Mr Shankly
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      Re: Utd fan (James White, Warwickshire) arrested at Wembley
      Reply #19: Jun 04, 2023 07:56:15 pm
      Preferable if he had been drowned at birth tbh
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      Re: Utd fan (James White, Warwickshire) arrested at Wembley
      Reply #20: Jun 04, 2023 09:06:24 pm
      I can't believe a shop actually agreed to do that. Its just a disgrace and I just don't understand the human race.

      You've got this bell yesterday, fighting, arrests, coins being thrown , drug arrests in and around wembley, aeroplanes in the city end .... and probably Hillsborough chants as well  .... what a society we live in.
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      Re: Utd fan (James White, Warwickshire) arrested at Wembley
      Reply #21: Jun 04, 2023 09:42:31 pm
      Those of us of a certain vintage will remember the late 70's and 80's when football was extremely toxic. Back then there was far more intolerance of any subject you care to mention. There is, and always will be poisonous voices out there, but for every sh*t hell bent on causing misery, there are far more who if someone falls, they stop to assist them..... open doors for strangers...give a seat up for a woman, or someone disabled.
      There's plenty of kindness and generosity all around, admittedly not always easy to see it.
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      Re: Utd fan (James White, Warwickshire) arrested at Wembley
      Reply #22: Jun 04, 2023 09:45:07 pm
      Thought this sort of sick support was left in the seventies. Problem is, thereā€™s always an individual wanting to take the insults one step further.
      Does he realise what derision he is sbout to bring on his family as well as himself, wether they were aware of his actions or not. Just a sad person looking for acclaim from utd supported. Probably backfired big time. As for the printers. Need taking out of business if thatā€™s the sort of stuff theyā€™re prepared to promote.
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      Re: Utd fan (James White, Warwickshire) arrested at Wembley
      Reply #23: Jun 04, 2023 09:55:39 pm
      Thought this sort of sick support was left in the seventies. Problem is, thereā€™s always an individual wanting to take the insults one step further.
      Does he realise what derision he is sbout to bring on his family as well as himself, wether they were aware of his actions or not. Just a sad person looking for a claim from utd supported. Probably backfired big time. As for the printers. Need taking out of business if thatā€™s the sort of stuff theyā€™re prepared to promote.
      If the print shop knew what the message meant then they should also be charged (Hate crime). It would be difficult to prove though, I have friends who have no idea what goes on in football, and if they saw that shirt, they would have no idea of what it means...not a clue, they wouldn't even know it's a football shirt.
      Keith Singleton
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      Re: Utd fan (James White, Warwickshire) arrested at Wembley
      Reply #24: Jun 04, 2023 09:59:32 pm
      I can't believe a shop actually agreed to do that. Its just a disgrace and I just don't understand the human race.

      You've got this bell yesterday, fighting, arrests, coins being thrown , drug arrests in and around wembley, aeroplanes in the city end .... and probably Hillsborough chants as well  .... what a society we live in.

      Not going to get better either. 🤬
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      Re: Utd fan (James White, Warwickshire) arrested at Wembley
      Reply #25: Jun 04, 2023 10:30:55 pm
      He thought about getting this shirt.

      Went to a shop who agreed to print it.

      Then he still decided to wear it.

      Absolute scumbags the lot of them. Actually makes you despair for the human race
      Paul Red
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      Re: Utd fan (James White, Warwickshire) arrested at Wembley
      Reply #26: Jun 05, 2023 11:43:11 am
      He thought about getting this shirt.

      Went to a shop who agreed to print it.

      Then he still decided to wear it.

      Absolute scumbags the lot of them. Actually makes you despair for the human race

      That shop should be charged too
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      Re: Utd fan (James White, Warwickshire) arrested at Wembley
      Reply #27: Jun 05, 2023 12:00:42 pm
      Unless they admitted knowing the context of the message it would be very difficult to prove....(Beyond a reasonable doubt)
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      Re: Utd fan (James White, Warwickshire) arrested at Wembley
      Reply #28: Jun 05, 2023 12:43:45 pm
      Unless they admitted knowing the context of the message it would be very difficult to prove....(Beyond a reasonable doubt)

      They advertise the shirt in question.
      Lallana in Pyjamas
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      Re: Utd fan (James White, Warwickshire) arrested at Wembley
      Reply #29: Jun 05, 2023 01:02:00 pm
      They advertise the shirt in question.

      Advertise it with the numbers and words on the back ?
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      Re: Utd fan (James White, Warwickshire) arrested at Wembley
      Reply #30: Jun 05, 2023 01:09:27 pm
      Scumbag, hope they throw the book at him and ban him from ALL footy matches, let him rot. B***ard.

      Yes but before we do that Cas can I be not so very gentle with my blowtorch on his wee hairy sphericals, Roasted-love nuts down my way is quite a delicacy, especially if you think these types of scumbag deserve it, and this particular specimen of scumbag is top of the list !!!

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      Re: Utd fan (James White, Warwickshire) arrested at Wembley
      Reply #31: Jun 05, 2023 01:23:59 pm
      They advertise the shirt in question.
      So with that evidence there should be no reason as far as I understand it, for the shop not to be prosecuted.
      Lallana in Pyjamas
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      Re: Utd fan (James White, Warwickshire) arrested at Wembley
      Reply #32: Jun 05, 2023 01:29:55 pm
      So with that evidence there should be no reason as far as I understand it, for the shop not to be prosecuted.

      Iā€™ll be staggered if any reputable shop would advertise that shirt with what was printed on the back
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      Re: Utd fan (James White, Warwickshire) arrested at Wembley
      Reply #33: Jun 05, 2023 02:04:43 pm
      So with that evidence there should be no reason as far as I understand it, for the shop not to be prosecuted.

      They are complicit and should be prosecuted facing the same charges as the arsehole.
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      Re: Utd fan (James White, Warwickshire) arrested at Wembley
      Reply #34: Jun 05, 2023 02:07:12 pm
      Iā€™ll be staggered if any reputable shop would advertise that shirt with what was printed on the back

      Obviously it is a business devoid of reputation!
      Lallana in Pyjamas
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      Re: Utd fan (James White, Warwickshire) arrested at Wembley
      Reply #35: Jun 05, 2023 02:08:38 pm
      Obviously it is a business devoid of reputation!

      So is the shop actually advertising that exact shirt ?

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      Re: Utd fan (James White, Warwickshire) arrested at Wembley
      Reply #36: Jun 05, 2023 02:20:44 pm
      So is the shop actually advertising that exact shirt ?
      Time to name and shame
      Lallana in Pyjamas
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      Re: Utd fan (James White, Warwickshire) arrested at Wembley
      Reply #37: Jun 05, 2023 02:28:04 pm

      I canā€™t see a shop advertising that exact shirt
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      Re: Utd fan (James White, Warwickshire) arrested at Wembley
      Reply #38: Jun 05, 2023 02:39:58 pm
      So is the shop actually advertising that exact shirt ?

      Lallana in Pyjamas
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      Re: Utd fan (James White, Warwickshire) arrested at Wembley
      Reply #39: Jun 05, 2023 03:15:20 pm

      And Iā€™m guessing there isnā€™t any definitive proof of it and itā€™s jungle rumours at the moment
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      Re: Utd fan (James White, Warwickshire) arrested at Wembley
      Reply #40: Jun 05, 2023 03:30:55 pm
      And Iā€™m guessing there isnā€™t any definitive proof of it and itā€™s jungle rumours at the moment

      You guessed wrong Nobby!
      « Last Edit: Jun 05, 2023 03:59:19 pm by stuey »
      Lallana in Pyjamas
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      Re: Utd fan (James White, Warwickshire) arrested at Wembley
      Reply #41: Jun 05, 2023 05:03:40 pm

      So itā€™s a scummy independent print shop

      Looking at the rest of itā€™s the prints there itā€™s not a surprise

      They donā€™t sell the shirts
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      Re: Utd fan (James White, Warwickshire) arrested at Wembley
      Reply #42: Jun 05, 2023 05:36:54 pm
      So itā€™s a scummy independent print shop

      Looking at the rest of itā€™s the prints there itā€™s not a surprise

      They donā€™t sell the shirts

      Nobody mentioned selling the shirt, enabling the printing of the F***ing sh*t was the issue.
      Lallana in Pyjamas
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      Re: Utd fan (James White, Warwickshire) arrested at Wembley
      Reply #43: Jun 05, 2023 05:40:35 pm
      Nobody mentioned selling the shirt, enabling the printing of the f**king sh*t was the issue.

      And looking at the rest of their ā€œportfolioā€ is a print shop that wonā€™t last much longer
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      Re: Utd fan (James White, Warwickshire) arrested at Wembley
      Reply #44: Jun 05, 2023 07:05:00 pm

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