He just came down from high altitude and lack of oxygen (posted taking oxygen), he is not superman. He was not up to speed and the team did not help him and vici-versa.
Nothing to worry about.
But macca isn't a no6. It seems we've 2 of those on the books ... Endo and Bajcetic.
When Endo came in ... I'm thinking Japan captain, Stutggart captain , well respected in Germany, 29/30 years old and Jürgen wants him so thats good enough for me. I'm thinking this is a great move ... he slots in and we don't have to rush Bajcetic who is young and can play LC, Europa and some league games.
Jürgen was raving on his signing day ... we need you, we needs your legs, energy , quality, your press etc etc.
And now he's playing Macca out of position when he's got someone there who can do the job.
I'm not knocking Jürgen ... but I don't get it. I doubt Macca is too happy bring played out of position and Endo deep down must be a little miffed.
Maybe he's giving him time to bed in ... but he was a beast against Germany ... get him in I say and let him show us what he can do.