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      BREAKING: Jürgen Klopp to leave Liverpool at the end of 2023/24 season

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      Re: BREAKING: Jürgen Klopp to leave Liverpool at the end of 2023/24 season
      Reply #391: Jan 31, 2024 11:22:38 am
      It’s well documented on here my feelings about Jürgen  Ian. Like you I love the guy apart from him managing your club rather than United. Not that it was ever really an option but that’s another story.

      When Fergie left it was like somebody stealing my heart, devastated was an understatement. I’ll always remember the date, it’s fixed in my head May 8th over 10 years ago. I honestly believe you don’t get over it, maybe if someone came along like Pep or Klopp I might of thought differently. Obviously United have never been the same since.

      I was 26 years young when he took over so it’s safe to say I’ve had the best time ever as a United fan under his reign. What he brought to United and us fans is no different (( IMHO )) than the great Shanks-Paisley and now Klopp at your place.  When we won the league for the first time under Fergie I honestly new United were back in the big time, not a term I use often but I just knew in my heart we were the real deal/top draw again.

      I was a season ticket holder back then so went to most home matches and some away games. The feeling you get at weekends knowing you were extremely confident of a win made us the force we were at OT and many away games too. I was never a big drinker but did celebrate often, it was hard not to given we’d been dormant as a club for over 20 years. Life was at its best in my 20s/30s and it’s all down to Fergie.

      Every time we won I used to think what Fergie did to get the players playing at their best week in week out. His Fergie time goals use to annoy every club in the league, non more than you lot. 😂 Obviously the greatest memory of them all was doing the treble in 1999. Once again I knew and still think of those days where I was watching what was then the best domestic team in the world.

      So yeah Ian it hurt, and hurt a lot to the extend that as a fan it put you in depression mode and hard to shift. Has the depression gone as a fan you may ask? Not really mate, 10 years and counting. Watching City and you lot doing so well ( since Klopp took over ) hurt, hurt real bad. There’s no hiding places either, not now with social media being what it is.

      Being a member on here for over a decade now I’ve made some good friends now that I even call mates. You being one of them when I meet you a few years ago, such a bubbly character and basically a fun guy to have around you, your company is a breath of fresh air. That’s why I feel for you and others on here the heartache of learning Klopp was leaving. I instantly thought of Fergie when he retired.

      That in its self is a testament to how good I think Klopp was when I compared him with Fergie. I honestly believe had he stayed you were winning a lot more trophies/cups. Klopp could do what Fergie did, gets the best out of players and improves them, Klopp had a bit more finesse how he went about it though where Fergie was brutal in the dressing room.

      It’s going to be one very very sad day his last game at Anfield, I’ll be glued to the telly for all the right reasons as I genuinely love this guy I really do. I’m pretty sure I’ll even shed a tear so god knows what you lot will be like. Make sure you have plenty of hankies Ian as I can 100% say you’ll need them.

      It will hit you and many Liverpool fans really bad, I know this because I follow your club like I do my own so know how you breath/sh*te/fart/ passion you have for your club. You can’t really even prepare yourself, seeing Klopp do his fist pumps for the very last time. His interviews are very special, I just don’t see a bad bone in his body.

      I was looking yesterday at some of his stats. Many pundits stating/arguing/debating because he’s only won one league and 6 major trophies how can you compare him with the best? Well it’s about opinions. Mine is he was one of the best managers I’ve ever seen since I started watching football nearly 60 years ago.

      Going back to some of his stats I read the follow.
      He has the highest win rate ever for Liverpool football club which obviously means he passes the great Shanks/Paisley records.

      Average two goals a game since he took over.
      Scored more 90+min goals than any other club.
      Won more games from losing positions than anyone else.
      Had the two longest winning streak (18) in the league.
      The first Liverpool manager to reach CL-FA Cup- League Cup finals in the same year.
      Had the 3rd highest % rate (60%) in the league. Only Fergie & Pep above him.

      Yep!! I can safely say when I talk about the great managers in English football he’s in my top 6.

      In no particular order.

      Ps. Remember!!  I QUOTE! Make sure you have a bag of tissues for his last game.

      What a load of f***in soft hearted Fat Manc  bullshit !!!!  :f_whistle:

      That I gotta be honest is a hard read, very honest and fair, anyone reading this that have let’s say ‘not so friendly’ opinions of our resident Manc might think otherwise, it’s a brilliant post Keith,

      I think you know deep down there will be a few on here who have a lot more respect for Fergies achievements than they will admit, we’ve all called him bacon face and sh*t like that but if they were to have a serious conversation about football in general they’d soon change their tunes,

      So yeah from your perspective it would have hurt like a muther f**ker, the same as we are feeling now, the difference though in terms of management style is chalk N cheese, Fergie was a typical chuck the tea cups around kind of bully, and I mean that in the kindest of terms, whereas Jürgen is exactly the opposite,

      Add in the difference of life in Britain back then to what it is now and again it’s totally different Fergies style was acceptable back in those days although not every manager worked in that way, but it was his way, and it’s hard to argue it was wrong, today we exist in a lily livered woke society miles away from the reality of real life,

      Jürgen’s style is very obvious, everyone is on the same level, there’s no one above their station, from the boardroom to the litter pickers, we’re all the same in his eyes, Shanks was like that too, the same philosophy, we all work together to achieve the the same goals and we share the spoils at the end,

      I think that’s why Jürgen is loved so much and not just Liverpool fans & suporters, even our greatest rivals fans love him and that’s exactly what respect is and testament to what Jürgen has brought to the EPL.

      Keith is spot on that last day, that final match, those last fist pumps, the emotion will be overwhelming, even the hardest of hearts will be broken in those final moments, it’s gonna be so painful, it will feel like a bereavement a massive one, so we will need to prepare for it, and hope that the title & tin that we win will be enough to take some of that inevitable pain away!!

      Almost welling up now ffs !!!


      sore monad
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      Re: BREAKING: Jürgen Klopp to leave Liverpool at the end of 2023/24 season
      Reply #392: Jan 31, 2024 11:39:40 am
      My memory is that the United squad had been getting worse for the last few years of Ferguson's management. That was due to the Glazers taking all the money rather than Fergie's incompetence. The old sh*t kept them competitive because he was a brilliant football manager..

      Moyes inherited a team that needed lots of talented new players, he got Fellaini and it all went downhill from there.

      Yep. Their squad had gone downhill in the last few years of Ferguson. His competitiveness plus Rooney n Van Persie ( and DeGea maybe, not sure?) were keeping them in the race ( V Persie was unbelievable for about 18 months, hardly seemed to miss).

      Meanwhile they were building their future around Tom Cleverley n Phil Jones etc. Our squad is in miles better shape.
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      Re: BREAKING: Jürgen Klopp to leave Liverpool at the end of 2023/24 season
      Reply #393: Jan 31, 2024 11:48:49 am
      I'd have Kenny and Wenger in that list before Pep.

      Wenger, for me at least, remains the most influential manager this country has seen in the last 30-40 years so has to be on the list.

      His methods totally changed English football and is a major reason why the Prem is as big as it now.
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      Re: BREAKING: Jürgen Klopp to leave Liverpool at the end of 2023/24 season
      Reply #394: Jan 31, 2024 11:55:20 am
      Virgil? Who mentioned him? Certainly not me, still waiting to see the video clip of his comments that have upset some of you lot.

       My comments on him are only an opinion and nothing more. He owes you lads nothing and has been a great ambassador for the club. I just think given his age and the obscene money that you’ll allegedly get for him not only is it a win for the club but surely most of the money obtained will go towards a younger replacement ?

      Obviously you lot want him to stay which I can’t blame you. At the end of the day the pros and cons of the deal suggest ( to me ) let the oilys have him. I do believe Salah will end up there anyway, it’s just when.

      I also agree Don, who wants to play in a Sunday league? Well enough of you scousers have chosen that option, not because of the standard of play though. We all know it’s money oriented. That’s the sad truth of it all. 🤷‍♂️

      Salah is happy to be here, I don’t think he’ll change his mind when Jürgen goes either, it’s the EPL that’s the attraction for him, not money, he has plenty of that already, but if and when he decides he can longer play how he wants to play that’s when he will make that decision ultimately, that could mean full retirement or indeed playing in front of three camels and a Sheik,

      Van Dijk’s apparently unsure stance is him being honest cos know one knows if the new gaffer won’t shuffle things about, so he’s just being open and not taking anything for granted,
      He’s the club captain so he won’t be going anywhere!!
      Keith Singleton
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      Re: BREAKING: Jürgen Klopp to leave Liverpool at the end of 2023/24 season
      Reply #395: Jan 31, 2024 12:14:45 pm

      Salah is happy to be here, I don’t think he’ll change his mind when Jürgen goes either, it’s the EPL that’s the attraction for him, not money, he has plenty of that already, but if and when he decides he can longer play how he wants to play that’s when he will make that decision ultimately, that could mean full retirement or indeed playing in front of three camels and a Sheik,

      Van Dijk’s apparently unsure stance is him being honest cos know one knows if the new gaffer won’t shuffle things about, so he’s just being open and not taking anything for granted,
      He’s the club captain so he won’t be going anywhere!!
      We could go round in circles here. We think alike in many ways but the sad truth things have changed now. The good old days are no longer, gone! Dead & buried.

      The new generation don’t look at it in the same was as you and I did/do.  The players that left your club and many others that choose to join the camels didn’t need the money either but they choose greed, it’s the modern way now.

      I’m not saying for sure Salah will go but just think he will. I’ve never mentioned VVD in any correspondence of what he’s recently supposed to of said which looks like it’s been taken out of context anyway.
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      Re: BREAKING: Jürgen Klopp to leave Liverpool at the end of 2023/24 season
      Reply #396: Jan 31, 2024 03:11:11 pm
      Tom Cleverly was typical of Fergie's ability to motivate and control, but once released from the Fergie Zoo, into the wild, he went down quicker than a pint of Guinness in the Irish bar...
      • Not Actual Geek
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      Re: BREAKING: Jürgen Klopp to leave Liverpool at the end of 2023/24 season
      Reply #397: Jan 31, 2024 10:09:02 pm
      How long are you expecting Salah and VVD to be at the club, until they are 40 maybe 50?

      As Paisley once said let players legs go on someone else’s pitch.

      Why be disingenuous about what i'm saying?

      No one is saying they will stay forever, it is obviously impossible. These are 2 very different claims.

      What IS actually being said here AS A MATTER OF FACT is that Virgil will not renew his contract or be sold and Salah will definitely be sold in the summer. With zero facts behind either claim.

      Wow a player will leave a club eventually. Brave prediction there.
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      Re: BREAKING: Jürgen Klopp to leave Liverpool at the end of 2023/24 season
      Reply #398: Jan 31, 2024 10:21:16 pm
      Quite sad watching the fist pumps now, we don’t have many left.
      Kurt Cocaine
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      Re: BREAKING: Jürgen Klopp to leave Liverpool at the end of 2023/24 season
      Reply #399: Jan 31, 2024 10:22:47 pm
      It’s performances like that which lay bare how much we are going to miss this man. Just went to town on them from 1st minute.....
      Arab Scouse
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      Re: BREAKING: Jürgen Klopp to leave Liverpool at the end of 2023/24 season
      Reply #400: Jan 31, 2024 10:48:36 pm
      Please do a u-turn
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      Re: BREAKING: Jürgen Klopp to leave Liverpool at the end of 2023/24 season
      Reply #401: Jan 31, 2024 11:48:01 pm
      Thanks for that Keith, great read but I didn't need to know your life story, ya c**t  :lmao: :lmao: xxxxx:action-smiley-065:

      I'm gonna need more then tissues mate, gonna wear a towel around my face!

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      Re: BREAKING: Jürgen Klopp to leave Liverpool at the end of 2023/24 season
      Reply #402: Feb 01, 2024 12:01:09 am
      Seeing the team so energised and motivated and looking like they may well be a force for the foreseeable, just amplifies the misery of JK not being around to oversee it.....I'd love him to change his mind....we all would.
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      Re: BREAKING: Jürgen Klopp to leave Liverpool at the end of 2023/24 season
      Reply #403: Feb 01, 2024 12:35:07 am
      Keith Singleton
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      Re: BREAKING: Jürgen Klopp to leave Liverpool at the end of 2023/24 season
      Reply #404: Feb 01, 2024 09:04:19 am
      Thanks for that Keith, great read but I didn't need to know your life story, ya c**t  :lmao: :lmao: xxxxx:action-smiley-065:

      I'm gonna need more then tissues mate, gonna wear a towel around my face!


      Well you did ask me what it was like you kunt so I told you.  :lmao:
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      Re: BREAKING: Jürgen Klopp to leave Liverpool at the end of 2023/24 season
      Reply #405: Feb 01, 2024 02:45:09 pm
      Just watched peps interview on YouTube. As much as I respect Xabi ... I think Pep should be offered it. He's played a huge part in the identity of the club. The players respect him ... and promote from within didn't do us any harm back in the day.
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      Re: BREAKING: Jürgen Klopp to leave Liverpool at the end of 2023/24 season
      Reply #406: Feb 01, 2024 02:52:23 pm
      Just watched peps interview on YouTube. As much as I respect Xabi ... I think Pep should be offered it. He's played a huge part in the identity of the club. The players respect him ... and promote from within didn't do us any harm back in the day.

      I agree, I would like to keep Pep - very happy if he stayed on as manager.
      Kurt Cocaine
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      Re: BREAKING: Jürgen Klopp to leave Liverpool at the end of 2023/24 season
      Reply #407: Feb 01, 2024 06:34:22 pm
      I'm sure the club has spoken with Jürgen and he offered his opinion and maybe Pepijn isn't ready for the step up into the hottest seat in town just yet...
      I personally think it's Xabi and his staff that are coming to town...
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      Re: BREAKING: Jürgen Klopp to leave Liverpool at the end of 2023/24 season
      Reply #408: Feb 01, 2024 08:06:49 pm
      • Forum Ian Callaghan
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      Re: BREAKING: Jürgen Klopp to leave Liverpool at the end of 2023/24 season
      Reply #409: Feb 02, 2024 07:20:52 am
      It’s well documented on here my feelings about Jürgen  Ian. Like you I love the guy apart from him managing your club rather than United. Not that it was ever really an option but that’s another story.

      When Fergie left it was like somebody stealing my heart, devastated was an understatement. I’ll always remember the date, it’s fixed in my head May 8th over 10 years ago. I honestly believe you don’t get over it, maybe if someone came along like Pep or Klopp I might of thought differently. Obviously United have never been the same since.

      I was 26 years young when he took over so it’s safe to say I’ve had the best time ever as a United fan under his reign. What he brought to United and us fans is no different (( IMHO )) than the great Shanks-Paisley and now Klopp at your place.  When we won the league for the first time under Fergie I honestly new United were back in the big time, not a term I use often but I just knew in my heart we were the real deal/top draw again.

      I was a season ticket holder back then so went to most home matches and some away games. The feeling you get at weekends knowing you were extremely confident of a win made us the force we were at OT and many away games too. I was never a big drinker but did celebrate often, it was hard not to given we’d been dormant as a club for over 20 years. Life was at its best in my 20s/30s and it’s all down to Fergie.

      Every time we won I used to think what Fergie did to get the players playing at their best week in week out. His Fergie time goals use to annoy every club in the league, non more than you lot. 😂 Obviously the greatest memory of them all was doing the treble in 1999. Once again I knew and still think of those days where I was watching what was then the best domestic team in the world.

      So yeah Ian it hurt, and hurt a lot to the extend that as a fan it put you in depression mode and hard to shift. Has the depression gone as a fan you may ask? Not really mate, 10 years and counting. Watching City and you lot doing so well ( since Klopp took over ) hurt, hurt real bad. There’s no hiding places either, not now with social media being what it is.

      Being a member on here for over a decade now I’ve made some good friends now that I even call mates. You being one of them when I meet you a few years ago, such a bubbly character and basically a fun guy to have around you, your company is a breath of fresh air. That’s why I feel for you and others on here the heartache of learning Klopp was leaving. I instantly thought of Fergie when he retired.

      That in its self is a testament to how good I think Klopp was when I compared him with Fergie. I honestly believe had he stayed you were winning a lot more trophies/cups. Klopp could do what Fergie did, gets the best out of players and improves them, Klopp had a bit more finesse how he went about it though where Fergie was brutal in the dressing room.

      It’s going to be one very very sad day his last game at Anfield, I’ll be glued to the telly for all the right reasons as I genuinely love this guy I really do. I’m pretty sure I’ll even shed a tear so god knows what you lot will be like. Make sure you have plenty of hankies Ian as I can 100% say you’ll need them.

      It will hit you and many Liverpool fans really bad, I know this because I follow your club like I do my own so know how you breath/sh*te/fart/ passion you have for your club. You can’t really even prepare yourself, seeing Klopp do his fist pumps for the very last time. His interviews are very special, I just don’t see a bad bone in his body.

      I was looking yesterday at some of his stats. Many pundits stating/arguing/debating because he’s only won one league and 6 major trophies how can you compare him with the best? Well it’s about opinions. Mine is he was one of the best managers I’ve ever seen since I started watching football nearly 60 years ago.

      Going back to some of his stats I read the follow.
      He has the highest win rate ever for Liverpool football club which obviously means he passes the great Shanks/Paisley records.

      Average two goals a game since he took over.
      Scored more 90+min goals than any other club.
      Won more games from losing positions than anyone else.
      Had the two longest winning streak (18) in the league.
      The first Liverpool manager to reach CL-FA Cup- League Cup finals in the same year.
      Had the 3rd highest % rate (60%) in the league. Only Fergie & Pep above him.

      Yep!! I can safely say when I talk about the great managers in English football he’s in my top 6.

      In no particular order.

      Ps. Remember!!  I QUOTE! Make sure you have a bag of tissues for his last game.

      Very good post. This week has shown the worst of football fans with a small minority of wolves and west Brom fans fighting and showing hatred for each other. It's good to see that a United fan can come on a Liverpool forum and talk emotionally about football, that club and Fergie.

      I must add 8th May to my calendar so every year I can have a toast (red wine obviously) on the day Fergie retired.   xxxxx:action-smiley-065:
      Keith Singleton
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      Re: BREAKING: Jürgen Klopp to leave Liverpool at the end of 2023/24 season
      Reply #410: Feb 02, 2024 08:18:57 am

      I must add 8th May to my calendar so every year I can have a toast (red wine obviously) on the day Fergie retired.   xxxxx:action-smiley-065:

      Can you remind me to do the same on Klopps last match in charge Gaz.  :f_tongueincheek: ;D
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      Re: BREAKING: Jürgen Klopp to leave Liverpool at the end of 2023/24 season
      Reply #411: Feb 02, 2024 10:49:07 am
      Just watched peps interview on YouTube. As much as I respect Xabi ... I think Pep should be offered it. He's played a huge part in the identity of the club. The players respect him ... and promote from within didn't do us any harm back in the day.

      You couldn’t have watched it closely enough, he said he would go when Jürgen was going, that’s why he’s leaving, he wants to start his own project with a other club, so even if we offered him the position he would say no,

      He’s had ten years here and that’s a fair chunk off anyone’s life, and as sad as it is to see them both go, ultimately it’s their decision, Pep obviously feels he has the experience and knowledge to move onto another venture,

      Like most I’m still trying to come to terms that neither will be in our dugout next season, however, we have to move on and embrace whatever happens next, it’s the beginning of a new chapter and we all obviously hope it’s as successful as this one !!

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      Re: BREAKING: Jürgen Klopp to leave Liverpool at the end of 2023/24 season
      Reply #412: Feb 03, 2024 11:28:39 am
      The announcement has clearly affected us because we haven’t kept a clean sheet since Jürgen said he’s going.
      David Wright
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      Re: BREAKING: Jürgen Klopp to leave Liverpool at the end of 2023/24 season
      Reply #413: Feb 03, 2024 11:51:40 am
      The announcement has clearly affected us because we haven’t kept a clean sheet since Jürgen said he’s going.

      Still winning our games quite comfortably, despite injuries.
      « Last Edit: Feb 03, 2024 12:13:16 pm by David Wright »

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