Firstly let’s get that one off F**k up Vs the Munts out of our minds, today is completely different, this is our bread & butter, this is the main event, the one we all want to win,
City & Arse will cancel themselves out hopefully, leaving us with a two point advantage over Arse, and three over City, this is the first of a ten run winning streak, we have to, assuming City will do the same, but if we do we win the league simples, Arse still have to visit Spuds, potentially dropping two more points, both have major CL commitments to face whilst we are breezing thru the Europa, after today only Spuds at home, Villa & Blueshite away stand in our way, but with the momentum we will have, the motivation of Klopp’s last moments, add our Monster mentality and the sheer desire to win at all costs should see us crowned Champions,
The quad was always going to prove a bridge too far, something had to give, I think the Europa League has a inevibility about it imo, and the league is ours to F**k it up, and I don’t think we will, so our re-focus on the league title starts today……..
Bradley Quansah Virgil Gomez
Szlobos Macca
Salah. Nunez. Diaz