Same old, same old bullshit, Tezmac, Don77, DeeCee, why don’t you all band together and come with a better solution to our current owners, since you all hate them so much, calling the ‘FUCKWITS & PARASITES, it’s the same Rhetoric crap almost every f***in day,
Whinging and f***in moaning all the time, yet you know F**k all about what May or may not be happening indoors, here’s a suggestion, bump yer heads together and tell us all what owners you would like to take over from FSG, and how much money should be thrown at our team to make us more competitive, to make us winners, to make us respected in the whole f***in world of football ??
Go on….we’re waiting!!
God hope not but…..
Wait till we run out of steam, or even worse get an injury to VVD…..SEE WHO THE MOANING bas**rds ARE THEN.
No supporters match officials managers or anyone else are doing F**k all about how much money is spent by other teams, only we are run on a shoestring, last summer we earned more money from transfers than what we spent. David Moors sold us because he couldn’t keep up with other clubs, ok sold with good intentions to a bunch of shysters who were fleecing us, FSG Steped in and got lucky with managers who worked wonders on tight budgets.
I have read so where if after all that went on if Moores had have kept hold of the club he would have spent more than FSG have in their tenure after inflation, and I’m sure by how much the club has increased in value it being Mores property and passion he would have spent more than FSG would have.
All of Anfield football clubs renovations have been payed by loans made against LFC, ok I see reason in this but when FSGsell who takes the profit in such investment, certainly not LFC , why can’t we have a slice of this profit. We will run out of investment and it’s not going to be to long before the bids come home to roost
I would prefer the clubs to be run much like the German clubs where fans have a portion of the club and with a say unlike the greedy bas**rds who run them. Football clubs are allegedly supposed to be drain on finances the how come so many rich bas**rds WANT TO OWN THEM
So all in all yes I would change drastically change how owners run the supporters clubs, remember they are
F**k ALL WITHOUT SUPPORTERS, bur supporters come after owner's, financial investors, corporate customers, television company’s and a whole line of other leaches, but hey BILLY KEEP ENJOYING FILLING THEIR FAT WALLET
« Last Edit: Jan 21, 2025 03:10:04 pm by tezmac »