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      Dear Tom and George: David Maddock an open letter

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      Dear Tom and George: David Maddock an open letter
      May 19, 2010 03:53:17 pm
      Dear Tom and George... do you realise this is the most important summer in Liverpool's history?

      The Mirror David Maddock

      The Daily Mirror's Merseyside Correspondent, David Maddock, writes an open letter to George Gillett and Tom Hicks, the owners of Liverpool Football Club....

      Dear messrs Hicks and Gillett,

      I am writing to ask a simple question of you both. Namely, do you realise that this is quite possibly the single most important summer in the history of Liverpool Football Club?

      By now, I know you are aware that you have presided over a financial disaster at the English soccer ‘franchise’ you purchased with much bravado in 2007. No doubt you will blame the global credit crunch and the collapse of the financial markets for your problems, but the simple fact remains that you are unable to put into place the plans you had for the club.

      That is why you are selling. The level of interest payments now placed on the club is so crippling that there is no profit left over to fund the development necessary to increase the value of your investment.

      You can not build a stadium. You can not even buy marquee players to extend the image of your brand across the developing markets of South East Asia and the Americas. So you are left with a brand that maintains the potential which prompted you to buy it, but without the means to realise that potential.

      So you are selling up, you are getting out; you have saddled up the steed and are preparing to hit the trail. Those troublesome fans – the little people you had banked on exploiting - have made life uncomfortable for you, they have made you unwelcome at your own franchise. They have exposed your plans for what they are: the pursuit of corporate profit.

      But that is not the reason you are going. You can live with being hated from 5,000 miles away if it means making more profit. You are going because you feel you can not make any more profit.

      Your plan was to tart the property up, making it infinitely more valuable, and then sell it for considerably more than you paid. But the banking collapse put paid to those plans, the banks are continually squeezing your line of credit, and you don’t have the money to make the improvements.

      So you will sell it half renovated. You’ll bang on about the huge potential, the opportunity to cash in on a massive global fan base, and you’ll even chuck in some flashy plans for an extension, that will be worth more than it costs to build.

      One problem though. This summer. The most important summer in the history of Liverpool Football Club. Because the way you are going, at the end of this summer, your “property with great development potential” could be worth diddly squat.

      Already you are carrying ÂŁ350million worth of debt that is growing by the day, and that is even before a disappointing season where failure to qualify for the Champions League will have a massive impact on financial performance. Already, interest payments are wiping out any operating profits the company makes.

      But you’ve got even bigger problems ahead, because the whole point of football as a business is that financial performance is intrinsically linked to playing performance. Stop winning on the pitch, and you risk the complete collapse of your brand.

      And there is a very real risk of that now. The news that Cesc Fabregas wants out of Arsenal because he feels they can’t compete with the biggest clubs should have the alarm bells screaming for you.

      If he feels that about Arsenal – a club in exponentially better financial health than yours – then what about Fernando Torres and Steven Gerrard? They are your only marquee players, the only faces that sell merchandising in Asia, they are the assets your brand is built on. And they must surely want to leave.

      You haven’t invested in the team for two years. You have allowed a situation to grow where the players are no longer all together in the dressing room, and are no longer all behind their manager either.

      You have created a situation where your best two players, the key figures in the immediate future of your brand, feel that Liverpool are a hopeless case. No Champions League football, no investment, no direction, just muddling along without any response to the disasters of the last campaign.

      And what have you done about it? Nothing. You are sitting and fiddling while Anfield burns, presumably because you think that if you sit tight and don’t get involved, then the banks you have appointed to sell the club will get on and do the job, and deliver you a big fat cheque.

      The season ended two weeks ago. It was Liverpool’s worst season in a decade. The problems at the club seem worse now than they have done in 50 years. You have political infighting between board and manager, between manager and players, and even between the fans.

      And what do you do? Nothing. No addressing the infighting. No addressing the lack of investment. No addressing the fears of the players. No addressing the unrest in the dressing room. No promises to manager or players. So what do you expect will happen?

      Everything will sort itself out, everyone will stay put and get along, and the personnel who weren’t good enough last season will suddenly be transformed – without any additions – into champions this time around? Dream on.

      What will happen is that Gerrard and Torres will leave. And so will Mascherano and Benayoun. And probably anybody else who is good enough to want better than the nonsense you are offering them.

      And then what? Your manager may remain, and you may give him some of the funds that will be raised from the sale of your best players (though no doubt much of it will go towards reducing the crippling debt).

      But do you have any faith that those world class players can be replaced adequately? Do you really believe that you can start again and build a completely new side when your best players leave in July?

      What will you get then anyway, in July, when everyone else has bought the best players? And what sort of player will you attract to a club that the likes of Steven Gerrard and Fernando Torres have deemed is a basket case?

      Look at the last few seasons and you’ll see the type of player that is prepared to come to Anfield under your regime. You’ll have a team stuffed full of Degens, Dossenas, Aquilanis, Babels and Voronins.

      You were already seventh, almost mid-table anyway. So where will that leave you? Lower mid-table? Relegation scrappers? And all the time the debt will be growing, the loyal fans will be rebelling, and the emerging markets will be switching their fragile allegiances to other more attractive franchises.

      Do you think Liverpool will be worth the crazy figures you are asking then? Do you think you’ll make a profit then? Do you think your plans to ride off into the sunset with a big, fat cheque will still be viable?

      Of course, not one Liverpool fan gives a stuff about your big fat cheque, and every single one of them would love to see you lose money on your investment to teach you the lesson that football clubs are not simply a brand to be milked for corporate profit.

      But every single one of those fans cares passionately about their club, because for them, it is more than just a product. And they care about the state you will leave Liverpool in, because the way you are going there could be nothing left of the club after the most important summer in Anfield history.

      If that happens, you won’t just have Liverpool fans to answer to. If you destroy an icon of British sporting history, an icon of British social and cultural history, then you will have most of a nation to answer to.

      Bear that in mind as you sit there, fiddling while Anfield burns. But bear in mind, too, the one thing that clearly means so much to you – money – could be slipping through your fingers as your inaction runs Liverpool into the ground this summer.

      If you don’t want your investment to turn to dust – and just look at English football history to see what happens to clubs that go into terminal decline – then you have to act now.

      You need first of all to stop Torres and Gerrard following the example of Fabregas. To do that, you need to give them hope for the future, which means investment in the future.

      You need a new broom to get rid of the despair of last season and see it replaced with excitement for the coming one. Only money can achieve that, because you need to invest in the best talent available – to attract world class talent at all levels of your club.

      And it needs to happen now. Not in July, but now. You have days, not months, to persuade your best players to stay, and only a massive gesture can do that. Only a massive investment can do that.

      It is risky sure, because it means borrowing even more money, given that you won’t invest any of your own cash. But it is worth the risk. Speculate to accumulate and all that.

      This is the most important summer in Liverpool’s history. If you get it wrong, as you have done for the past three years, then your investment will be worth nothing. You have to act decisively, and then you have to leave. As quickly as possible. And don’t bother shutting the door on your way out.

      Yours truly,

      « Last Edit: May 19, 2010 04:13:55 pm by Reslivo »
      • Forum Emlyn Hughes
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      Re: Dear Tom and George.. David Maddock and open letter
      Reply #1: May 19, 2010 04:01:45 pm
      F***ing great letter. spot on
      • Forum Emlyn Hughes
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      Re: Dear Tom and George.. David Maddock and open letter
      Reply #2: May 19, 2010 04:10:30 pm
      Exactly what we need. Fans, players and the media finally realising where our problem stems from and putting the pressure on the owners to sell up. A great column ;D
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      Re: Dear Tom and George.. David Maddock and open letter
      Reply #3: May 19, 2010 04:12:53 pm
      Well said and well written. Truly reflects the desire and the hope of all Liverpool fans out there across the globe.
      • Forum Phil Babb
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      Re: Dear Tom and George: David Maddock an open letter
      Reply #4: May 19, 2010 05:57:19 pm
      Me thinks there might be an ulterior motive by the highly opiniated Mr Maddock , it was only a couple of weeks ago we were scathing in our criticism of him for writing a misleading article quoting Gulliem Ballege, maybe he has been looking at the posts and is attempting a little damage limitation .
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      Re: Dear Tom and George: David Maddock an open letter
      Reply #5: May 19, 2010 06:02:50 pm
      Very good letter. Blows hot and cold this fella. 

      I'm more than pleased that some people in the media are actually recognising that they haven't invested in us in their tenure over the club. I wonder what that does to all the articles I've read saying we've underachieved considering how much money we've spent?
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      Re: Dear Tom and George: David Maddock an open letter
      Reply #6: May 19, 2010 06:06:07 pm
      Maybe the e-mail campaign had a profound effect on the media as there is some fairly balanced articles coming out of late.
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      Re: Dear Tom and George: David Maddock an open letter
      Reply #7: May 19, 2010 06:11:12 pm
      Great letter, although i started to think that it was going the wrong way at the beginning...but how will this get through to them 2 thick tw*ts, because im sure they read broadsheets such as the Telegraph???
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      Re: Dear Tom and George: David Maddock an open letter
      Reply #8: May 19, 2010 06:34:41 pm
      To give the author the benefit of the doubt and to echo RLBs sentiments, maybe the campaign is starting to show signs of being effective. Maybe some of the receipients sat down and read some of our mails and educated themselves in the process. Without doubt the underlying message is we want these thieving scumbags out of our club asap. Buy some players by all means this summer but do let the gates hit you on the way out and stay the f@ck away from us and our club if you know whats good for you. Let someone who knows how to invest in a club takeover and crawl back in under your rocks. We need to turn this around this summer. We shouldnt be affected as badly as others by the 25 rule put it is vital we enter this period with the right 25 senior players who all have confidence that everyone in the club is pulling in the same direction. Lets erase the memory of a club run by greed and self service and lets have a club that exists purely to be successful on the pitch
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      Re: Dear Tom and George: David Maddock an open letter
      Reply #9: May 19, 2010 06:40:59 pm
      Very good letter. Blows hot and cold this fella. 

      Just trying to wring every little bit out of the story.

      Nice sentiments, but wouldn't start blowing his trumpet just yet.
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      Re: Dear Tom and George: David Maddock an open letter
      Reply #10: May 19, 2010 07:03:29 pm
      He could have saved a whole lot of finger exercise and just put.

      Dear Tom & George.

      Would you please do me the kind favour of F***ing off.

      Cheers David.
      • Forum Jason McAteer
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      Re: Dear Tom and George: David Maddock an open letter
      Reply #11: May 19, 2010 07:05:30 pm
      I think he is spot on with his observation that this summer is critical to LFC, and that they should either sell up at a realistic price (ÂŁ800m? Dream on...), or that money should be made available to strengthen the squad. And unless one of those options happens very soon, the slide in performance will accelerate.
      Diego LFC
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      Re: Dear Tom and George: David Maddock an open letter
      Reply #12: May 19, 2010 07:18:39 pm
      I thought it was a great read. About f***in time too.
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      Re: Dear Tom and George: David Maddock an open letter
      Reply #13: May 19, 2010 07:30:57 pm
      Absolutley bang on the money,its what ive been thinking since this disaster of a season finished,day after day of no news no nothing ,nothing but the sound of silence..........very,very worrying.....please F**k of back to america and do the right thing and sell this wonderfull club to someone who cares ...... :mad:
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      Re: Dear Tom and George: David Maddock an open letter
      Reply #14: May 19, 2010 07:42:32 pm
      Have to say excellant post, well done Dave Maddock putting into prespective what we fans have been saying for weeks.
      • Forum Jamie Redknapp
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      Re: Dear Tom and George: David Maddock an open letter
      Reply #15: May 19, 2010 08:20:12 pm
      Excellent letter, and i think we have got through to national paper at last. Where can we go from here what i hate about the close season is its hard for us to get the publicity this campaign needs to kick on.
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      Re: Dear Tom and George: David Maddock an open letter
      Reply #16: May 19, 2010 08:58:06 pm
      A very good read. Pity the muppets won't be reading it, not that they care for anyone's opinion anyway!
      • Forum Emlyn Hughes
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      Re: Dear Tom and George: David Maddock an open letter
      Reply #17: May 19, 2010 11:29:57 pm
      Chuffed as, that he is writing this stuff. He has come in for stick and rightly so. But, respect, where respect is due. Hope this is the result of our email campaign.   
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      Re: Dear Tom and George: David Maddock an open letter
      Reply #18: May 19, 2010 11:48:39 pm
      Not really going to read anything into this at all people. We just keep going over old ground here, we can read all the well written, biased and unbiased articles in the world. It still doesn't change the situation at this Club, who's going to read this? We will, for sure. Will Hicks and Gillett?, i very much doubt it. We need a miracle, and for that, i am praying.
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      Re: Dear Tom and George: David Maddock an open letter
      Reply #19: May 19, 2010 11:52:50 pm
      Well said, David.

      But I bet if the Yanks actually saw this letter they'd look at each other and laugh with a response of;
      "To hell with your icon of British sporting history, I'm gaad damn retiring soon and this will be another gaad damn nice little sweetener for when I finally do!"
      I personally hope they get aids. In the face!
      Got that of the mirror web page comment section, nail on the head for me they will just laugh at that letter. Love the last bit, hope it happens. C**TS

      Love the letter, great to see the media attacking them two bas**rds instead of Rafa for a change.
      • Forum Emlyn Hughes
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      Re: Dear Tom and George: David Maddock an open letter
      Reply #20: May 19, 2010 11:53:39 pm
      Not really going to read anything into this at all people. We just keep going over old ground here, we can read all the well written, biased and unbiased articles in the world. It still doesn't change the situation at this Club, who's going to read this? We will, for sure. Will Hicks and Gillett?, i very much doubt it. We need a miracle, and for that, i am praying.

      Maybe not, but its about time there was some unbiased views littering the tabloid newspapers.
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      Re: Dear Tom and George: David Maddock an open letter
      Reply #21: May 20, 2010 12:02:06 am
      Maybe not, but its about time there was some unbiased views littering the tabloid newspapers.

      It doesn't really matter to me mate. The only people who really care about Liverpool Football Club are the fans, and that is the way it will always be. Certain journalists may be changing their view lately and maybe that is due in part to the e-mail campaign. In a few weeks they will all revert to type, as they always do. We all know that the media in general dislike us, so to see some of them suddenly change their views just makes me more suspicious of their motives.....
      • Forum Emlyn Hughes
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      Re: Dear Tom and George: David Maddock an open letter
      Reply #22: May 20, 2010 12:08:43 am
      It doesn't really matter to me mate. The only people who really care about Liverpool Football Club are the fans, and that is the way it will always be. Certain journalists may be changing their view lately and maybe that is due in part to the e-mail campaign. In a few weeks they will all revert to type, as they always do. We all know that the media in general dislike us, so to see some of them suddenly change their views just makes me more suspicious of their motives.....

      I understand where your coming from. But, doesn't this give us hope that we can change things with things like the 'email campaign'.

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