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      10 Most Evil Humans

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      10 Most Evil Humans
      Jan 01, 2011 10:23:20 am
      10. Delphine LaLaurie

      LaLaurie was a sadistic socialite who lived in New Orleans. Her home was a chamber of horrors. On April 10, 1834, a fire broke out in the mansion’s kitchen, and firefighters found two slaves chained to the stove. They appeared to have started the fire themselves, in order to attract attention. The firefighters were lead by other slaves to the attic, where the real surprise was. Over a dozen disfigured and maimed slaves were manacled to the walls or floors. Several had been the subjects of gruesome medical experiments. One man appeared to be part of some bizarre sex change, a woman was trapped in a small cage with her limbs broken and reset to look like a crab, and another woman with arms and legs removed, and patches of her flesh sliced off in a circular motion to resemble a caterpillar. Some had had their mouths sewn shut, and had subsequently starved to death, whilst others had their hands sewn to different parts of their bodies. Most were found dead, but some were alive and begging to be killed, to release them from the pain. LaLaurie fled before she could be bought to justice – she was never caught. You can read a more indepth article on Delphine LaLaurie here.

      9. Ilse Koch

      Known as The “bi*ch of Buchenwald” because of her sadistic cruelty towards prisoners, Ilse Koch was married to another evil Nazi, who served in the SS, Karl Otto Koch, but outshone him in the depraved, inhumane disregard for life which was her trademark. She used her sexual prowess by wandering around the camps naked, with a whip, and if any man so much as glanced at her she would have them shot on the spot. The most infamous accusation against Ilse Koch was that she had selected inmates with interesting tattoos to be killed, so that their skins could be made into lampshades for her home (though, unfortunately, no evidence of these lampshades has been found). After the war she was arrested and spent time in prison on different charges, eventually hanging herself in her cell in 1967, apparently consumed by guilt.

      8. Shirō Ishii

      Ishii was a microbiologist and the lieutenant general of Unit 731, a biological warfare unit of the Imperial Japanese Army during the Second Sino-Japanese War. He was born in the former Shibayama Village of Sanbu District in Chiba Prefecture, and studied medicine at Kyoto Imperial University. In 1932, he began his preliminary experiments in biological warfare as a secret project for the Japanese military. In 1936, Unit 731 was formed. Ishii built a huge compound — more than 150 buildings over six square kilometers — outside the city of Harbin, China.

      Some of the numerous atrocities committed by Ishii, and others under his command in Unit 731, include: vivisection of living people (including pregnant women who were impregnated by the doctors), prisoners had limbs amputated and reattached to other parts of their body, some prisoners had parts of their bodies frozen and thawed to study the resulting untreated gangrene. Humans were also used as living test cases for grenades and flame throwers. Prisoners were injected with inoculations of disease, disguised as vaccinations, to study their effects. To study the effects of untreated venereal diseases, male and female prisoners were deliberately infected with syphilis and gonorrhea via rape, then studied. A complete list of these horrors can be found here.

      Having been granted immunity by the American Occupation Authorities at the end of the war, Ishii never spent any time in jail for his crimes and died at the age of 67, of throat cancer.

      7. Ivan IV of Russia

      Ivan IV of Russia, also know as Ivan the Terrible, was the Grand Duke of Muscovy, from 1533 to 1547, and was the first ruler of Russia to assume the title of Tsar. In 1570, Ivan was under the belief that the elite of the city of Novgorod planned to defect to Poland, and led an army to stop them, on January 2. Ivan’s soldiers built walls around the perimeter of the city in order to prevent the people of the city escaping. Between 500 and 1000 people were gathered every day by the troops, then tortured and killed in front of Ivan and his son. In 1581, Ivan beat his pregnant daughter-in-law for wearing immodest clothing, causing a miscarriage. His son, also named Ivan, upon learning of this, engaged in a heated argument with his father, which resulted in Ivan striking his son in the head with his pointed staff, causing his son’s (accidental) death.

      6. Oliver Cromwell

      The Cromwellian conquest of Ireland (1649–53) refers to the re-conquest of Ireland by the forces of the English Parliament, led by Oliver Cromwell, during the Wars of the Three Kingdoms. The consequence of this conquest (in order to displace Catholic authority) was 200,000 civilian deaths from war-related famine and disease, and 50 thousand Irish being taken as slaves. Cromwell considered Catholics to be heretics so the Irish conquest was a modern day Crusade for him. The bitterness caused by the Cromwellian settlement was a powerful source of Irish nationalism from the 17th century onwards. He died in 1658, and was so hated that, in 1661, he was exhumed from the grave and given a posthumous execution – his corpse was hung in chains at Tyburn, and he was later dismembered and his remains thrown into a pit, with his head being displayed on a pole outside Westminster Hall for the next twenty-four years.

      5. Jiang Qing

      Jiang Qing was the wife of Mao Tse-tung, the Communist dictator of China. Through clever maneuvering, she managed to reach the highest position of power within the communist party (short of being President). It is believed that she was the main driving force behind China’s Cultural Revolution (of which she was the deputy director). During the Cultural Revolution, much economic activity was halted, and countless ancient buildings, artifacts, antiques, books and paintings were destroyed by Red Guards. The 10 years of the Cultural Revolution also brought the education system to a virtual halt, and many intellectuals were sent to prison camps. Millions of people in China, reportedly, had their human rights annulled during the Cultural Revolution. Millions more were also forcibly displaced. Estimates of the death toll – civilians and Red Guards – from various Western and Eastern sources are about 500,000 in the true years of chaos of 1966—1969, but some estimates are as high as 3 million deaths, with 36 million being persecuted.

      4. Pol Pot

      Pol Pot was the leader of the Khmer Rouge and the Prime Minister of Cambodia, from 1976 to 1979, having been de facto leader since mid-1975. During his time in power, Pol Pot imposed an extreme version of agrarian communism where all city dwellers were relocated to the countryside to work in collective farms and forced labour projects. The combined effect of slave labour, malnutrition, poor medical care and executions is estimated to have killed around 2 million Cambodians (approximately one third of the population). His regime achieved special notoriety for singling out all intellectuals and other “bourgeois enemies” for murder. The Khmer Rouge committed mass executions in sites known as the Killing Fields. The executed were buried in mass graves. In order to save ammunition, executions were often carried out using hammers, axe handles, spades or sharpened bamboo sticks.

      3. Heinrich Himmler

      Heinrich Himmler, the architect of the holocaust and final solution, and considered to be the biggest mass murderer ever, by some (although it’s really Josef Stalin). The holocaust would not have happened if not for this man. He tried to breed a master race of Nordic appearance, the Aryan race. His plans for racial purity were ended by Hitler’s vanity in making rash military decisions rather than letting his generals make them, thus ending the war prematurely. Himmler was captured after the war. He unsuccessfully tried to negotiate with the west, and was genuinely shocked to be treated as a criminal upon capture. He committed suicide by swallowing a cyanide capsule he had bit upon.

      2. Adolf Hitler

      Adolf Hitler was appointed Chancellor of Germany in 1933, becoming “Führer” in 1934 until his suicide in 1945. By the end of the second world war, Hitler’s policies of territorial conquest and racial subjugation had brought death and destruction to tens of millions of people, including the genocide of some six million Jews, in what is now known as the Holocaust. On 30 April, 1945, after intense street-to-street combat, when Soviet troops were spotted within a block or two of the Reich Chancellory, Hitler committed suicide, shooting himself while simultaneously biting into a cyanide capsule. Hitler ranks over Himmler merely for the fact that it was in his power to prevent Himmler’s policies being implemented.

      1. Josef Stalin

      Stalin was General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union’s Central Committee, from 1922 until his death, in 1953. Under Stalin’s leadership, the Ukraine suffered from a famine (Holodomor) so great it is considered by many to be an act of genocide on the part of Stalin’s government. Estimates of the number of deaths range from 2.5 million to 10 million. The famine was caused by direct political and administrative decisions. In addition to the famine, Stalin ordered purges within the Soviet Union of any person deemed to be an enemy of the state. In total, estimates of the number murdered under Stalins reign, range from 10 million to 60 million.
      gareth g
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      Re: 10 Most Evil Humans
      Reply #1: Jan 01, 2011 01:46:05 pm
      What, no Woy?
      • Forum Legend - Paisley
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      Re: 10 Most Evil Humans
      Reply #2: Jan 01, 2011 01:48:38 pm

      That's cause owls aren't humans ;)
      gareth g
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      Re: 10 Most Evil Humans
      Reply #3: Jan 01, 2011 02:01:11 pm
      Good point, but detrimental to owls!
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      Re: 10 Most Evil Humans
      Reply #4: Jan 01, 2011 04:33:15 pm
      Some nice people there
      • Forum Legend - Shankly
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      Re: 10 Most Evil Humans
      Reply #5: Jan 01, 2011 05:33:53 pm

      Nice fella.

      Jiang Qing was a sadistic bi*ch. That blurb does no justice in painting the real picture of her. The most evil woman i have seen, killing, torturing and punishing for fun as if it were a game.
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      Re: 10 Most Evil Humans
      Reply #6: Jan 01, 2011 05:35:54 pm
      I remember having a massive debate at school once over whether Hitler was worse than Stalin, this settles it then.
      • Forum Legend - Paisley
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      Re: 10 Most Evil Humans
      Reply #7: Jan 01, 2011 05:53:59 pm
      Surprised Myra Hindley & Ian Brady arn't amongst that lot and also Jon Venables and Robert Thompson.
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      Re: 10 Most Evil Humans
      Reply #8: Jan 01, 2011 07:22:11 pm
           fred&rose west. sick fcukers.
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      Re: 10 Most Evil Humans
      Reply #9: Jan 01, 2011 07:28:10 pm
      Dennis Nilsen he was a sick fook
      as was

      John Wayne Gacy

      As was

      Richard Ramirez

      as was

      Harold Shipman

      as was

      jeffrey dahmer

      as was

      Ted Bundy.

      and apologies to Irish Fans

      But them cu*ts Martin McGuiness and Jerry Adams they were sick bas**rds and have a lot of innocent blood on their hands.

      Could go on and on and on.
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      Re: 10 Most Evil Humans
      Reply #10: Jan 02, 2011 12:15:12 am
      Ed Gein - the subject of both 'Psycho' and the Texas Chainsaw series. Very fu**ed up guy. They arrested his so they could search the house and found;

      * Four noses
      * Whole human bones and fragments
      * Nine masks of human skin
      * Bowls made from human skulls
      * Ten female heads with the tops sawed off
      * Human skin covering several chair seats
      * Mary Hogan's head in a paper bag
      * Bernice Worden's head in a burlap sack
      * Nine vulvas in a shoe box
      * Skulls on his bedposts
      * Organs in the refrigerator
      * A pair of lips on a draw string for a windowshade
      * A belt made from human female nipples
      * A lampshade made from the skin from a human face

      Gruesome indeed.
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      Re: 10 Most Evil Humans
      Reply #11: Jan 02, 2011 01:52:22 am
      Good list. I think History always showed Hitler as the worst dictator of the 20th Century, but Stalin, due to being victorious after the war was ignored. However, Stalin was the worst dictator ever. He murdered 10x more civilians than Hitler and of all those deaths they can be directly attributed to Stalins orders.

      I would of put Reinhard Heydrich on the list before Himmler and Ilsa Koch. Himmler and Koch were sadistic fuckers but Heydrich invented the Einsatzgruppen and the "Final Solution". He wrote the blueprint for the Holocaust. History always relates Hitler to the Holocaust but it was put into action and Implemented entirely on Heydrichs directions and plan.
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      Re: 10 Most Evil Humans
      Reply #12: Jan 02, 2011 02:13:14 am
      Ed Gein - the subject of both 'Psycho' and the Texas Chainsaw series. Very fu**ed up guy.

      I don't think he was evil. He was just really insane and sick. He didn't even kill that many people, he mostly dug dead people up. Intrigueing story though, makes me wonder with people like that how much their upbringing influenced them.
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      Re: 10 Most Evil Humans
      Reply #13: Jan 02, 2011 03:24:03 pm
      I don't think he was evil. He was just really insane and sick. He didn't even kill that many people, he mostly dug dead people up. Intrigueing story though, makes me wonder with people like that how much their upbringing influenced them.

      Well in terms of pure statistics you're right, because he only killed around two people - but in my opinion the insane and disgusting nature of what he did goes hand in hand with being evil.
      • Forum Emlyn Hughes
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      Re: 10 Most Evil Humans
      Reply #14: Jan 02, 2011 03:45:57 pm
      I think that Lenin should be in that list too.
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      Re: 10 Most Evil Humans
      Reply #15: Jan 02, 2011 04:27:16 pm
      Well in terms of pure statistics you're right, because he only killed around two people - but in my opinion the insane and disgusting nature of what he did goes hand in hand with being evil.
      I don't know, guess it's just how you view evil. To me real evil is people like Hitler and Stalin. Intelligent people who consciously choose to control, hurt and kill millions of people. These are people that had a choice, and still chose that path. They knew very well what they did, and didn't have to do it.. but still did it. Ed Gein however, was a schizophreniac with transgender urges. He was an insane person, fu**ed up by his mother in his childhood. I don't believe people like him ever have a conscious choice to be or do otherwise, which makes him less accountable for his actions, how sick and twisted they may be.
      • Forum Legend - Benitez
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      Re: 10 Most Evil Humans
      Reply #16: Jan 02, 2011 05:03:43 pm
      Yeah it really depends on how you view the motives, like upbringing and mental issues and such. Personally I think if you do it, it's on you, mercy shouldn't be given to you due to factors from other people - you've commited the actions and been caught. Full stop. That's just my opinion though, I only scrape the surface on this sort of thing knowledge wise  :)
      LFC Viking
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      Re: 10 Most Evil Humans
      Reply #17: Jan 02, 2011 05:46:30 pm
      Ed Gein - the subject of both 'Psycho' and the Texas Chainsaw series. Very fu**ed up guy. They arrested his so they could search

      That's disgusting.

      I think Hitler is always seen as worse as Stalin because the true figures and true details of his horrors are much more covered up than Hitler's are.
      For example most historians are quite sure on the amount of Jews killed in the Holocaust but just picking out the the last one in the blurb for Stalin, the amount of people murdered under his reign is between 10-60m. That's a big difference.
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      Re: 10 Most Evil Humans
      Reply #18: Jan 02, 2011 06:06:07 pm
      6m Jews, 10m total casualties. What surprises me is that people only highlight the Jews being killed when it was more than that. Much more. People who didn't look like the Aryan race they wanted were killed, many of the poor killed, and civilians too when the SS went into other countries. Barbaric.

      Stalin was just a power hungry w**ker who killed his way to the top. Hitler at least did it for a reason, Stalin most of the time killed for fun. Not a big consolation for Hitler i know, but it's using a comparison of their tirades to come to a conclusion that Stalin is pure evil and Hitler is more of a psychopath.

      Love history and learning about it, especially modern times from the French Revolution onwards.
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      Re: 10 Most Evil Humans
      Reply #19: Jan 14, 2011 10:49:45 am
      The vast majority of these fuckers are just criminally insane with the power to appear credible initially and gain acceptance. With no apparent constraints their madness then has no boundaries and the evil is infectious.
      • Forum Emlyn Hughes
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      Re: 10 Most Evil Humans
      Reply #20: Jul 15, 2011 11:11:32 pm
      G&H should have been added..
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      Re: 10 Most Evil Humans
      Reply #21: Aug 24, 2011 03:47:59 am
      I personally don't believe that 6 million jews were systematically murdered, it's been proved time an time again that this is just not true. This is the official death total report from the international red cross...

      The majority of the deaths were also typhus related or from starvation.  Hitler never in his writings (including the 800+ pages of Mein Kampf) mentions a "final solution" of the Jews that consists of extermination. He believed the Jews should be used as slave labour during war time efforts.

      Considerations about the holocaust numbers...

      The population of Jews?  Per World Almanac figures, it INCREASED by 584,549 between 1941 and 1948. So, this being the case, where did the 6,000,000 dead go?

      Article on gas chaimbers.

      I'm no anti-semitic, i just know history is written by the victors.

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      Re: 10 Most Evil Humans
      Reply #22: Aug 24, 2011 09:38:27 am
       Hicks and Gillett,enough said.

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