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      John Barnes Homophobic statement.

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      • Forum Legend - Fagan
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      Re: John Barnes Homophobic statement.
      Reply #46: Jan 23, 2018 01:21:46 am
      Can't even have an opinion in today's world can you. The fact that this is even news and a thread on a public forum is just laughable.

      The world has gone insane and I won't have anybody tell me any different. Full of F***ing soft, cry baby hippies. Grow a F***ing pair and man up if this F***ing causes you distress and has offended you in some way.

      You've got 17, 18 year old lads fighting wars, dying in battlefields every day in shitholes like Syria and then you get gobshites on the internet like omg omg omg John Barnes doesn't feel comfortable around gay men.

      I'm not even convinced everybody holds the same beliefs either but it's almost as if it's considered 'cool' to do so, or people are so frightened to voice their opinion incase their is a backlash by these hippies.

      Me personally? Well I have a mate who's gay. Been mates with him for 15 years now. Love him. He's a boss lad. One of the soundest lads you'll ever meet. Met his partner too. Another great lad. But I have no problem admitting to him or to any of you that if they started snogging infront of me then I wouldn't feel all that comfortable. Does it mean I hate gays? No it F***ing doesn't.

      Nobody will force me to F***ing feel comfortable either and I couldnt a sh*t what any hippy calls me.
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      Re: John Barnes Homophobic statement.
      Reply #47: Jan 23, 2018 01:29:05 am
      642 species exhibit homosexual behaviour, only one is homophobic.
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      Re: John Barnes Homophobic statement.
      Reply #48: Jan 23, 2018 08:27:41 am
      It's completely acceptable. You can't force people to group think. You sound like a leftist cultural Marxist pleb.

      Is this like heimdall's burner account or?! :lmao:

      For F**k's sake, I love that all of those good people here who are saying it is not okay to think this way anymore are getting the responses of F**k YOU DON'T TELL ME HOW TO THINK YOU F***ing LEFTIST PLEB BLAH BLAH HELP ME GET MY THUMB OUTTA MY ASS.

      The irony is, it's a self perpetuating argument. You tell us not to tell you how to think, which in a round about way is telling us how to think. Difference is, you're all banging on about F***ing group think and Orwellian sh*t, while we're all saying hey, it's fine to have those opinions. However, we are also free to say your opinion sucks a bag of dicks *homophobes shiver*

      Digger is an idiot with these comments. While I don't condemn the man for them, I think - like my old man and many I know - he is just a product of his generation and was brought up to think of this as wrong. However, as a man who has dealt with a lot of racial intolerance, he should know a hell of a lot better. Saying "I'm not a homophobe BUT I don't wanna see it" is like saying "I'm not racist BUT I'd rather not share a bus seat with a black man" - it doesn't affect you in any way. Who gives a F**k if the fella thinks you might look good and is thinking of you in a sexual way? You wouldn't care if the girl at the office went home and diddled herself thinking about you, even if you were married or something, because you wouldn't know about it. If she came onto you and made you uncomfortable, it would be no different to if the man came onto you - it would be an unwanted advance. And if both stopped after you made yourself clear that you were not into it, then no harm done no matter the orientation. It's simplistic stupidity to draw distinctions just because you're "icky" about it being a man instead of a woman.

      But hey, that's just MY opinion you slack jawed knuckle-dragging yokels. Guess I'm just a F***ing soft cry baby hippy snowflake etc etc etc.

      642 species exhibit homosexual behaviour, only one is homophobic.

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      Re: John Barnes Homophobic statement.
      Reply #49: Jan 24, 2018 05:08:13 am
      But hey, that's just MY opinion you slack jawed knuckle-dragging yokels. Guess I'm just a f**king soft cry baby hippy snowflake etc etc etc.

      I'm not calling you a hippy for having no problems with gay men, im calling you a hippy if you're easily offended by somebody who does.

      As long as that person doesn't cause any harm to the person who is gay then who F***ing cares? Why does that offend you so much?

      If somebody doesn't want to socialise, be associated with or be around a gay man then that's their choice. And if they want to voice their opinion so people know that then again that's their choice. If they have the attitude of I'll leave you alone if you leave me alone then that's perfectly fine in my book. That person will never come into contact or interact with a gay man so he won't cause them any distress. I only ever have a problem if there is hatred/bullying involved etc and then of course I would agree in that the person is wrong.

      It really gets on my tits when somebody has the balls to be honest and tell people how they feel they then receive a backlash and get told they're wrong, and they can't feel that way, it's the 21st century and all this bollocks.

      The world is on its arse full of divvys who cry over anything and kick up a fuss over the tiniest of things. People are easily offended over anything nowadays. Heard JB has been kicked out that house now for voicing his opinion and were sat here talking about it on a forum, what a joke.

      JB feels uncomforrable around gay men. So F***ing what?

      It should only be news if it's 'john Barnes punches man because he is gay'.
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      Re: John Barnes Homophobic statement.
      Reply #50: Jan 24, 2018 05:20:46 am
      I'm not calling you a hippy for having no problems with gay men, im calling you a hippy if you're easily offended by somebody who does.

      As long as that person doesn't cause any harm to the person who is gay then who f**king cares? Why does that offend you so much?

      Curiosity of the day: It's okay to voice an initial opinion, but you're automatically a soft arse hippy if you counter that opinion?

      It's just my opinion that it's a little offensive and counter to everything a progressive society should be aiming for, and as such I think that voicing support counter to archaic ideals is important. But I'M the hippy and I'M the one being easily offended.

      I'm just, like, voicing my opinion, man.
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      Re: John Barnes Homophobic statement.
      Reply #51: Jan 24, 2018 12:03:08 pm
      Curiosity of the day: It's okay to voice an initial opinion, but you're automatically a soft arse hippy if you counter that opinion?

      It's just my opinion that it's a little offensive and counter to everything a progressive society should be aiming for, and as such I think that voicing support counter to archaic ideals is important. But I'M the hippy and I'M the one being easily offended.

      I'm just, like, voicing my opinion, man.

      And you are perfectly entitled to your opinion, but that's not the aim of this "progressive" society. The aim is to control the masses, make everyone think the same way, cut out individualism and free speech, if necessary by violence for example with groups like ANTIFA. Tell me how that differs from a totalitarian or dare I say Nazi/Fascist state?
      BTW I find it hilarious how ANTIFA are in effect the textbook example of Fascism in the way they operate.
      FL Red
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      Re: John Barnes Homophobic statement.
      Reply #52: Jan 24, 2018 12:08:54 pm
      Curiosity of the day: It's okay to voice an initial opinion, but you're automatically a soft arse hippy if you counter that opinion?

      It's just my opinion that it's a little offensive and counter to everything a progressive society should be aiming for, and as such I think that voicing support counter to archaic ideals is important. But I'M the hippy and I'M the one being easily offended.

      I'm just, like, voicing my opinion, man.

      It's always "ok" to voice your opinion...but I've learned sometimes it's better not to. Learning how to integrate into society is reliant on learning that lesson. I guarantee there are opinions I hold that I wouldn't ever offer up on here because I know my audience. Now if someone asks me my opinion about a controversial issue, I'll be happy to discuss with them as long as they are genuinely interested. I do agree that people are special kinds of soft these days. I suppose some may say we've progressed in that sense, but to me it just feels like the thought police and tolerance brigade are ready to pounce at every turn to tell you how you are supposed to think or feel about any given subject. Ultimately I try to do my best to judge every single person individually (judge might not even be the best word to use there....maybe evaluate) based on WHO they are, not what they identify as, or what beliefs they hold, etc....

      "All we are give peace a chance...."
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      Re: John Barnes Homophobic statement.
      Reply #53: Jan 24, 2018 12:58:28 pm
      And you are perfectly entitled to your opinion, but that's not the aim of this "progressive" society. The aim is to control the masses, make everyone think the same way, cut out individualism and free speech, if necessary by violence for example with groups like ANTIFA. Tell me how that differs from a totalitarian or dare I say Nazi/Fascist state?
      BTW I find it hilarious how ANTIFA are in effect the textbook example of Fascism in the way they operate.

      Well it is somewhat amusing to see you responding to my post but hey, you are one that likes to dance on the fence post.

      F**k off with your notion that progressive society is mass controlling. Quite simply it is asking for the right of every man and woman to be happy. Each and every man and woman and non binary etc etc has the right to be happy. Right? As long as what they need to be happy doesn't infringe on another's happiness (and every person does indeed have the ability to be happy without infringing on another, if they try) then the world is aces. But you fucks that think gays can't marry or that it's okay to judge a gay footballer, that racism doesn't exist, etc etc F***ing etc, bang on about how this world is getting too PC and too F***ing orwellian don't F***ing get that there is still so much injustice against people simply trying to be F***ing happy.

      Also your notions of what is textbook Fascism have been noted in the Trump thread and I will not give them the time of day here.

      It's always "ok" to voice your opinion...but I've learned sometimes it's better not to. Learning how to integrate into society is reliant on learning that lesson. I guarantee there are opinions I hold that I wouldn't ever offer up on here because I know my audience. Now if someone asks me my opinion about a controversial issue, I'll be happy to discuss with them as long as they are genuinely interested. I do agree that people are special kinds of soft these days. I suppose some may say we've progressed in that sense, but to me it just feels like the thought police and tolerance brigade are ready to pounce at every turn to tell you how you are supposed to think or feel about any given subject. Ultimately I try to do my best to judge every single person individually (judge might not even be the best word to use there....maybe evaluate) based on WHO they are, not what they identify as, or what beliefs they hold, etc....

      "All we are give peace a chance...."

      Nothing against you or anything like, despite disagreements occasionally you're a good fella but I disagree with this notion from a personal standpoint. If everyone throughout history just "integrated into society" then we'd be a F***ing backwards ass world right now (at least, more than we already are). As someone who grew up being bullied by the small town clique, that was always made to feel ostracised by the "integrated" folk - F**k that. This world will live by those that push the social norm, or will die by those that conform to the status quo of the F***ing dumb cu*ts that infiltrate every corner of this planet.

      Give peace a chance. I very much agree. Imagine...
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      Re: John Barnes Homophobic statement.
      Reply #54: Jan 24, 2018 01:17:52 pm
      Well it is somewhat amusing to see you responding to my post but hey, you are one that likes to dance on the fence post.

      F**k off with your notion that progressive society is mass controlling. Quite simply it is asking for the right of every man and woman to be happy. Each and every man and woman and non binary etc etc has the right to be happy. Right? As long as what they need to be happy doesn't infringe on another's happiness (and every person does indeed have the ability to be happy without infringing on another, if they try) then the world is aces. But you fucks that think gays can't marry or that it's okay to judge a gay footballer, that racism doesn't exist, etc etc f**king etc, bang on about how this world is getting too PC and too f**king orwellian don't f**king get that there is still so much injustice against people simply trying to be f**king happy.

      Also your notions of what is textbook Fascism have been noted in the Trump thread and I will not give them the time of day here.

      Nothing against you or anything like, despite disagreements occasionally you're a good fella but I disagree with this notion from a personal standpoint. If everyone throughout history just "integrated into society" then we'd be a f**king backwards ass world right now (at least, more than we already are). As someone who grew up being bullied by the small town clique, that was always made to feel ostracised by the "integrated" folk - f**k that. This world will live by those that push the social norm, or will die by those that conform to the status quo of the f**king dumb cu*ts that infiltrate every corner of this planet.

      Give peace a chance. I very much agree. Imagine...

      Hang on a second here my angry friend, I have no problem with gays or gays marrying etc so don't make sweeping assumptions about me please.  I am all for people respecting each other and I do agree that has to be the way forward for society, but I do not and never will accept that peoples thoughts and speech should be controlled, apart from where they are used to deliberately stir up hatred and division. I think it is very dangerous to ban free speech, because if you do that you push it underground where it festers and becomes something extremely nasty instead of being out in the open where it can be debated in a sensible way.
      FL Red
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      Re: John Barnes Homophobic statement.
      Reply #55: Jan 24, 2018 01:22:02 pm
      Well it is somewhat amusing to see you responding to my post but hey, you are one that likes to dance on the fence post.

      F**k off with your notion that progressive society is mass controlling. Quite simply it is asking for the right of every man and woman to be happy. Each and every man and woman and non binary etc etc has the right to be happy. Right? As long as what they need to be happy doesn't infringe on another's happiness (and every person does indeed have the ability to be happy without infringing on another, if they try) then the world is aces. But you fucks that think gays can't marry or that it's okay to judge a gay footballer, that racism doesn't exist, etc etc f**king etc, bang on about how this world is getting too PC and too f**king orwellian don't f**king get that there is still so much injustice against people simply trying to be f**king happy.

      Also your notions of what is textbook Fascism have been noted in the Trump thread and I will not give them the time of day here.

      Nothing against you or anything like, despite disagreements occasionally you're a good fella but I disagree with this notion from a personal standpoint. If everyone throughout history just "integrated into society" then we'd be a f**king backwards ass world right now (at least, more than we already are). As someone who grew up being bullied by the small town clique, that was always made to feel ostracised by the "integrated" folk - f**k that. This world will live by those that push the social norm, or will die by those that conform to the status quo of the f**king dumb cu*ts that infiltrate every corner of this planet.

      Give peace a chance. I very much agree. Imagine...

      Maybe my intent wasn't integrate into society I basically meant "get along with everyone" at least to the degree with which you can. Now that can be harder to do when you have disagreements or particularly when you discuss things like politics or religion. I used to spit fire to have my opinion heard and make my mind known but as I've gotten older, I've come to learn that most folks are going to believe what they will believe no matter what arguments you make to the contrary and no matter what facts you provide. Me included. I can't say I understand how it feels to be the subject of prejudice behavior and while I've grown a lot and have tried to overcome my own prejudices towards others, I know that  some still exist and I try very hard to at least quell them if I can't get rid of them altogether. Ultimately I think the best way to change people's minds is to show them with your actions (peaceful, loving actions) what kind of a person you  are, not with arguments and words.

      I do disagree about everyone having the right to be happy. It's a nice idea, but really there's nothing in religion, nature, science, or wherever that can convince me that the purpose and right of a human being is to be happy. For one, everyone's idea of happiness is completely different and the idea that you put limits on someone's happiness as much as it extends to the infringements of someone else's....well that's unfortunately wishful thinking. If you want to argue the right  to happiness from the most basic biological standpoint...the infringement on others has nothing to do with it.

      Either way, I digress...there I go trying to do the very thing I said you can't do...change someone's mind :D
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      Re: John Barnes Homophobic statement.
      Reply #56: Jan 24, 2018 01:33:29 pm
      Hang on a second here my angry friend, I have no problem with gays or gays marrying etc so don't make sweeping assumptions about me please.  I am all for people respecting each other and I do agree that has to be the way forward for society, but I do not and never will accept that peoples thoughts and speech should be controlled, apart from where they are used to deliberately stir up hatred and division. I think it is very dangerous to ban free speech, because if you do that you push it underground where it festers and becomes something extremely nasty instead of being out in the open where it can be debated in a sensible way.

      Debated in a sensible way. Okay, let us debate in a sensible way.

      Is there any good F***ing reason for anyone to hold any prejudice against homosexuals, be it the act of kissing or the act of marrying or anything in between.

      If you say yes, explain your good reason and please make sure you note that you are equally prejudiced against heterosexual actions of this nature, including your own, as this is the only way you can be safe in the knowledge you are not a hypocrite.

      If you say no, move on with your life as a decent human being.

      This is the F***ing point. Freedom of speech is all well and good, but when you bang on about your freedom of speech while making flippant statements about another persons lifestyle, that isn't harming yours in any way, but makes them feel less of a person for them, then you're infringing on THEIR freedoms. And therefore being a c**t.

      You love my gifs I know, so here we go:

      Maybe my intent wasn't integrate into society I basically meant "get along with everyone" at least to the degree with which you can. Now that can be harder to do when you have disagreements or particularly when you discuss things like politics or religion. I used to spit fire to have my opinion heard and make my mind known but as I've gotten older, I've come to learn that most folks are going to believe what they will believe no matter what arguments you make to the contrary and no matter what facts you provide. Me included. I can't say I understand how it feels to be the subject of prejudice behavior and while I've grown a lot and have tried to overcome my own prejudices towards others, I know that  some still exist and I try very hard to at least quell them if I can't get rid of them altogether. Ultimately I think the best way to change people's minds is to show them with your actions (peaceful, loving actions) what kind of a person you  are, not with arguments and words.

      I do disagree about everyone having the right to be happy. It's a nice idea, but really there's nothing in religion, nature, science, or wherever that can convince me that the purpose and right of a human being is to be happy. For one, everyone's idea of happiness is completely different and the idea that you put limits on someone's happiness as much as it extends to the infringements of someone else's....well that's unfortunately wishful thinking. If you want to argue the right  to happiness from the most basic biological standpoint...the infringement on others has nothing to do with it.

      Either way, I digress...there I go trying to do the very thing I said you can't do...change someone's mind :D

      I disagree again with your noting that their is no right to a human being to be happy, as I believe that is a fundamental part of human rights if we are to discuss them. Purpose? Sure, it depends what your purpose is. My purpose I feel is to try and be a better person for this world, which as you can see, flies directly in the place of happiness because it is angering as F**k trying to convince others of this kind of thought :D But I do believe if everyone tried, it's possible - but that's the issue, just like the John Lennon song, or communism. It's perfect in theory, but there will never be utopian support.

      So yeah, you're right. We all are trying to do the thing we say we can't do :D Respect though, a well written response.
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      Re: John Barnes Homophobic statement.
      Reply #57: Jan 24, 2018 01:51:50 pm
      Debated in a sensible way. Okay, let us debate in a sensible way.

      Is there any good f**king reason for anyone to hold any prejudice against homosexuals, be it the act of kissing or the act of marrying or anything in between.

      If you say yes, explain your good reason and please make sure you note that you are equally prejudiced against heterosexual actions of this nature, including your own, as this is the only way you can be safe in the knowledge you are not a hypocrite.

      If you say no, move on with your life as a decent human being.

      This is the f**king point. Freedom of speech is all well and good, but when you bang on about your freedom of speech while making flippant statements about another persons lifestyle, that isn't harming yours in any way, but makes them feel less of a person for them, then you're infringing on THEIR freedoms. And therefore being a c**t.

      You love my gifs I know, so here we go:

      I disagree again with your noting that their is no right to a human being to be happy, as I believe that is a fundamental part of human rights if we are to discuss them. Purpose? Sure, it depends what your purpose is. My purpose I feel is to try and be a better person for this world, which as you can see, flies directly in the place of happiness because it is angering as f**k trying to convince others of this kind of thought :D But I do believe if everyone tried, it's possible - but that's the issue, just like the John Lennon song, or communism. It's perfect in theory, but there will never be utopian support.

      So yeah, you're right. We all are trying to do the thing we say we can't do :D Respect though, a well written response.

      Wow you are now congratulating yourself for what you are saying, what a lovely little echo chamber you have created for yourself, I'm almost jealous, almost.
      Anyway as to your question if there is any good reason for someone to be predjudiced, I would say absolutely none that I can think of but then you make a very dangerous assumption if you believe people are rational, that's something you might learn as get a bit older, people are random, some are very nice, some are assholes, some are downright evil and nasty. Having said all that I still believe in free speech, AS LONG AS IT DOESN'T HURT OR DISCRIMINATE ANYONE, and if someone is hurt just by someone else's view then they are the one with the issues, they are the ones who are in your words a snowflake, they are the ones who need to build themselves an echo chamber and lock all the doors to the outside world rather than shut down free speech.
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      Re: John Barnes Homophobic statement.
      Reply #58: Jan 24, 2018 02:15:54 pm
      Wow you are now congratulating yourself for what you are saying, what a lovely little echo chamber you have created for yourself, I'm almost jealous, almost.

      Go f**k yourself you condescending tw*t.

      Anyway as to your question if there is any good reason for someone to be predjudiced, I would say absolutely none that I can think of

      then you make a very dangerous assumption if you believe people are rational, that's something you might learn as get a bit older, people are random, some are very nice, some are assholes, some are downright evil and nasty.

      Oh f**k off with your "when you get older sh*t" you f**king say that every f**king time you old crusty f**k. I'm well aware of how the world f**king works.

      Having said all that I still believe in free speech, AS LONG AS IT DOESN'T HURT OR DISCRIMINATE ANYONE, and if someone is hurt just by someone else's view then they are the one with the issues, they are the ones who are in your words a snowflake, they are the ones who need to build themselves an echo chamber and lock all the doors to the outside world rather than shut down free speech.

      You do understand how f**king stupid you are with this statement - it literally clashes so hard with itself it self combusts.


      *but if it does then the hurt or discriminated are the ones with the issues, NOT those that make the hurtful or discriminatory comments.

      What the f**king f**k is wrong with you, old man.

      Also, I don't know why you say "in your words snowflake" as you're the one who brought it into the vernacular here:

      Should we just ban the words white and black, would that be easier for you my little snowflake, for f**k sake grow up will you and develop a slightly thicker skin

      - I've just been using it to f**k with you ever since, especially when you whined like a little bi*ch over me calling you a racist while you condescend with every chance you get.

      « Last Edit: Jan 24, 2018 02:30:56 pm by bigvYNWA »
      Keith Singleton
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      Re: John Barnes Homophobic statement.
      Reply #59: Jan 24, 2018 03:17:41 pm
      F**k me this is a hot topic  :couch:
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      Re: John Barnes Homophobic statement.
      Reply #60: Jan 24, 2018 03:21:32 pm
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      Re: John Barnes Homophobic statement.
      Reply #61: Jan 24, 2018 03:24:36 pm
      Go f**k yourself you condescending tw*t.

      Oh f**k off with your "when you get older sh*t" you f**king say that every f**king time you old crusty f**k. I'm well aware of how the world f**king works.

      You do understand how f**king stupid you are with this statement - it literally clashes so hard with itself it self combusts.


      *but if it does then the hurt or discriminated are the ones with the issues, NOT those that make the hurtful or discriminatory comments.

      What the f**king f**k is wrong with you, old man.

      Also, I don't know why you say "in your words snowflake" as you're the one who brought it into the vernacular here:

      - I've just been using it to f**k with you ever since, especially when you whined like a little bi*ch over me calling you a racist while you condescend with every chance you get.

      You are a hypocrite of the worst kind, you say that all negative views and opinions should be banned because they are all hurtful then go on to verbally abuse me with the worst kind of base vulgarity in each and every single post, even after I wished you a happy birthday.

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      Re: John Barnes Homophobic statement.
      Reply #62: Jan 24, 2018 03:25:49 pm

      It has gone slightly off topic ;-)
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      Re: John Barnes Homophobic statement.
      Reply #63: Jan 24, 2018 03:33:51 pm
      You are a hypocrite of the worst kind, you say that all negative views and opinions should be banned because they are all hurtful then go on to verbally abuse me with the worst kind of base vulgarity in each and every single post, even after I wished you a happy birthday.

      Should we just ban the words white and black, would that be easier for you my little snowflake, for f**k sake grow up will you and develop a slightly thicker skin

      To be fair, never once called for those views to be "banned" (if that terminology has been used in a drunken stupor then I apologise, but I do not call for bans) - just that we, as humans, should move organically to a more enlightened view of humanity rather than saying "It's okay to be a homophobe and F**k you for denying my free speech"

      I am forceful in my position, equally as those against are forceful in their opposition.

      Thanks for the happy birthday though.
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      Re: John Barnes Homophobic statement.
      Reply #64: Jan 24, 2018 03:37:17 pm

      To be fair, never once called for those views to be "banned" (if that terminology has been used in a drunken stupor then I apologise, but I do not call for bans) - just that we, as humans, should move organically to a more enlightened view of humanity rather than saying "It's okay to be a homophobe and f**k you for denying my free speech"

      I am forceful in my position, equally as those against are forceful in their opposition.

      Thanks for the happy birthday though.

      Thanks, I appreciate that, I agree with you that society should become more tolerant but in my view that is already happening but it shouldn't be forced. Anyway lets draw a line under our argument and move on.
      fields of anny rd
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      Re: John Barnes Homophobic statement.
      Reply #65: Jan 24, 2018 03:47:33 pm
      John Barnes has been royally stitched up to be fair. My Mrs loves the bloody show and i've seen the whole thing includong his interview last night.

      He's on about society and not his own views, but in the way JCB expresses himself it looks bad written down.

      Here is his interview anyway:

      I was very disgusted with suggestions of me being homophobic,’ Barnes said.

      Had that been mentioned in there [during the nominations] we would’ve had it out there and then, I’m sure Shane would’ve been on my side, because that is not how it happened.’

      He added: ‘The discrimination we all feel is exactly the same, and I have spoken about this for 20 years in schools and universities. For me to come out to that was a big shock.’

      The claims emerged after a conversation with Shane Jenek, with Barnes saying how he thinks heterosexual men are not ‘comfortable’ being around gay men.

      Barnes said: ‘I know it shouldn’t be that way, but men are comfortable just being in a room with a woman. But with gays they don’t come with a gay man.

      ‘They assume he’s definitely going to want to have sex with me. And that’s why men aren’t comfortable with gay men. They think, “I wonder if he’s thinking about me without my clothes on”. It is an uncomfortable feeling that he is going to pounce on me.

      Because of the stigmatisation concerning the act itself, they’re thinking you’re gonna make a move on me, you’re going to touch me.’

      Barnes’ family also defended his comments in a statement, saying they were not ‘reflections of his own feelings’.
      « Last Edit: Jan 24, 2018 04:04:22 pm by fields of anny rd »
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      Re: John Barnes Homophobic statement.
      Reply #66: Jan 24, 2018 04:50:20 pm
      John Barnes has been royally stitched up to be fair. My Mrs loves the bloody show and i've seen the whole thing includong his interview last night.

      He's on about society and not his own views, but in the way JCB expresses himself it looks bad written down.

      Here is his interview anyway:

      I was very disgusted with suggestions of me being homophobic,’ Barnes said.

      Had that been mentioned in there [during the nominations] we would’ve had it out there and then, I’m sure Shane would’ve been on my side, because that is not how it happened.’

      He added: ‘The discrimination we all feel is exactly the same, and I have spoken about this for 20 years in schools and universities. For me to come out to that was a big shock.’

      The claims emerged after a conversation with Shane Jenek, with Barnes saying how he thinks heterosexual men are not ‘comfortable’ being around gay men.

      Barnes said: ‘I know it shouldn’t be that way, but men are comfortable just being in a room with a woman. But with gays they don’t come with a gay man.

      ‘They assume he’s definitely going to want to have sex with me. And that’s why men aren’t comfortable with gay men. They think, “I wonder if he’s thinking about me without my clothes on”. It is an uncomfortable feeling that he is going to pounce on me.

      Because of the stigmatisation concerning the act itself, they’re thinking you’re gonna make a move on me, you’re going to touch me.’

      Barnes’ family also defended his comments in a statement, saying they were not ‘reflections of his own feelings’.

      Yikes he needs to get a better publicist to dig himself out of this one and fast, in that interview it still sounds like he is one of the straight men who is uncomfortable around gay men which I assume is not what he means or perhaps he does and doesn't give a sh*t what people think in which case fair play to him, it's his opinion etc, but bye bye punditry work.
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      Re: John Barnes Homophobic statement.
      Reply #67: Jan 24, 2018 05:32:06 pm
      Go f**k yourself you condescending tw*t.

      Oh f**k off with your "when you get older sh*t" you f**king say that every f**king time you old crusty f**k. I'm well aware of how the world f**king works.

      You do understand how f**king stupid you are with this statement - it literally clashes so hard with itself it self combusts.


      *but if it does then the hurt or discriminated are the ones with the issues, NOT those that make the hurtful or discriminatory comments.

      What the f**king f**k is wrong with you, old man.

      Also, I don't know why you say "in your words snowflake" as you're the one who brought it into the vernacular here:

      - I've just been using it to f**k with you ever since, especially when you whined like a little bi*ch over me calling you a racist while you condescend with every chance you get.

      What about the happiness and the feelings of the person who doesn't feel comfortable around a gay man.

      F**k them! Right?

      One rule for one and another for the 'bigot'.

      Why is it like that though? Because it's the 21st century and nobody can have an opinion any more without thousands of people crying and kicking off?

      If somebody doesn't feel comfortable around a gay man then they don't have to explain it to you or the rest of the world. It's their life and nobody should force them to agree with homosexuality. If they don't like or agree with it then so what. Who gives a F**k. Tell me, why do we all have to? As long as they cause no harm to homosexuals and they want to distance themselves from them then why?

      If that person was a bully and purposely picked on homosexuals then I'd agree with you all day long. But I have no problem at all with somebody saying nah, homosexuals aren't for me, I feel a bit uncomfortable around them and don't want to associate myself with them. Fair enough, leave them alone and they'll leave you alone then!

      I go back to what I originally said. If somebody does actually get offended by that, which people will in today's world, then they need to get a F***ing grip of themselves.
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      Re: John Barnes Homophobic statement.
      Reply #68: Jan 24, 2018 06:34:24 pm
      What about the happiness and the feelings of the person who doesn't feel comfortable around a gay man.

      F**k them! Right?

      One rule for one and another for the 'bigot'.

      Why is it like that though? Because it's the 21st century and nobody can have an opinion any more without thousands of people crying and kicking off?

      If somebody doesn't feel comfortable around a gay man then they don't have to explain it to you or the rest of the world. It's their life and nobody should force them to agree with homosexuality. If they don't like or agree with it then so what. Who gives a F**k. Tell me, why do we all have to? As long as they cause no harm to homosexuals and they want to distance themselves from them then why?

      If that person was a bully and purposely picked on homosexuals then I'd agree with you all day long. But I have no problem at all with somebody saying nah, homosexuals aren't for me, I feel a bit uncomfortable around them and don't want to associate myself with them. Fair enough, leave them alone and they'll leave you alone then!

      I go back to what I originally said. If somebody does actually get offended by that, which people will in today's world, then they need to get a F***ing grip of themselves.

      I think there is a huge problem there.

      If you are uncomfortable with people being homosexual, then most likely it's down to the sexual acts that are performed right? If there is a gay couple having a tongue battle in front of me when I'm eating lunch, not appropriate at all just as it wouldn't be for a straight couple to be doing the same thing. Time and a place for that in my eyes.

      But to write off a person on every other level. To say you're uncomfortable having a conversation with someone about anything or even just being around them... I think it's somewhat sociopathic.

      If you don't like the idea of homosexual sex, then don't watch homosexual porn, you'll find you can go through life without seeing it. And having a conversation with a gay man or woman isn't going to suddenly open the floodgates and you're 3 minutes away from the conversation turning to anal sex...

      We're all just people. You have to have a real reason to be uncomfortable around someone, with the suffix of that word being vital one. If you have two gay men being wildly inappropriate in a public place, that's good grounds to be uncomfortable with them. If you feel that one person in particular is dressing you down with their eyes then by all means be uncomfortable around them. But to apply experiences with one or two people and cultivate it all members of a certain group... Not on for me.

      That being said, I think the statement made by Barnes was stupid but the double standards we have in society is wild. If he was a gay man talking about straight men this wouldn't be a story. If he was a woman talking about men this wouldn't be a story.

      He said something ill-advised. That doesn't make him a monster and it doesn't make him a homophobe, just makes him look a little stupid.

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