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      Staying Safe or Get Off The C19 Tracks .

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      Staying Safe or Get Off The C19 Tracks .
      Oct 25, 2020 06:25:02 pm
      Covid Or  All That Sh*t Going Down.

      Thought I would like to share with Forum members the experience I have been through and hope it helps keep them safe .
      I have previously posted this a couple of weeks ago but the forum Main Man gave me the thumbs up to put it here out front... so here goes.
      Cuppa time . Bit of a long read.

      As some of you know , three years ago in the summer of 2017 my cancer returned after being nine years in remission. If that wasn't enough of a shock I was given a terminal diagnosis  and offered palliative care : i.e. chemo just to prolong life for a while not being able to cure it.
      Dark times.

      A month later I received a call from my lovely oncologist , who called and said she wanted to see me urgently.
      A match of various cells meant I was eligible for a limited world wide trial of immunotherapy a ground breaking new way of attacking cancer cells.
      Only 800 people worldwide were going to be on it.
      When you are faced with your own mortality and that horizon is coming at you ..... there is no question that you wont try all and everything to live.
      I started that September attending every three weeks rain or shine and having three monthly scans never knowing if was still working.

      After a long tiring emotionally draining journey ... September last year 2019 I completed the treatment.
      I have been in remission since.

      No violins please but during this time my wife of 30 years bailed out on me. There were days of pain or denial and nights of nightmares.
      Many duvet days.
      She never once attending on over 600 hours of treatment / transport it was in itself enough to form a part of my petition to divorce her. That completed in March this year.

      During the two years of treatment there was forum reference made to me in the "Whatever Happened To" Thread and Billy 1 bless him let it be known what was happening.
      My Red brothers and sisters as one came together as a family and made some wonderful comments of encouragement that led me to be unable to read them due to the tears I was crying with the love that was coming out.

      There were special members .  You know each one of you , who you were,  as do I , so I wont name drop here.
      You and the  rest of my  Red family were there for me.

      This love affair over many years with my club has made me cry a few times in joy and sadness.
      This support was another time but something very special.

      I want to thank you again for all the love. Amazing.

      Now I  come to what I have learnt.

      Immunotherapy treats the T  Cells in the body's own immune system to attack the tumour.
      I learnt many things on the journey which I would like to share.

      *  N.B. This is not medical advice and nothing in it would require anyone to seek advice. *

      The immune system is the body's own private hit squad. It keeps you healthy by fighting off invaders in the modern day not so much Vikings but viruses.
      It is driven by having a healthy thyroid and gut bacteria that keeps your immunity in high readiness.

      The first thing to know is about anti biotics.  Anti bios may help with an infection but the  damage is that it  takes out the gut bacteria that is important for maintaining  your immune system.
      Collateral damage.
      Anti bios are of course needed and prescribed ( over prescribed in many expert's opinions) for serious infections to give the body a mega hit.
      However your gut bacteria is wiped out as collateral damage ergo your true immune system then is virtually non existent.
      Your immunity does slowly recover and the healthy gut bacteria build up again but meantime you are actually open to further infection.

      So ... how do you help the healthy bacteria in the gut to maintain high immunity?
      There is much on the internet about superfoods to eat but probably the easiest and best contributor is Yoghurt.
      Not the eye popping range of silly injected flavour ones but those with live cultures.

      You will see L Acidophilus  and also B Lactis on the pot.
      Greek yoghurt (NOT " Greek Style") often contains it.  Have a look in the supermarket or actually ask for it. Not the only one.

      All supermarkets stock them and some are naturally flavoured.
      Its just one of the best things you can do for your immunity.
      Also the spice Turmeric or better still Curcumin tablets which is the active ingredient of Turmeric. Also black pepper .

      Vitamin D.

      I was first treated in Toulouse in 2005 for cancer and it went into remission for a nearly a decade before coming back.
      My oncologist there ...Nathalie ...let me into a secret.
      That was that the cancer survival rates are higher in southern Europe than northern Europe which really could only be down to climate or diet.

      As a nation we still eat sh*t. We do.   Though things have dramatically improved we still eat sh*t processed food.
      Although not as bad as the States the food industry pump certain hormones into cattle and poultry that we go on to eat.
      So as far as diet is concerned you are what you eat.
      You wouldn't put urine into your petrol tank ...( I may have done when I was on the piss every day !) put highly refined specialised octane fuel to make your car actually work. Many people look after their cars better than they do there own living miracle ...their bodies.

      I digress. Most of us are lacking in basic vitamins and minerals we need.
      Drinking destroys B12 C and D. It depletes the body of other minerals.
      Smoking destroys primarily C in a big way that's why a smoker can look 10 years older than some one else of the same real age.
      Technically both are toxins.

      So food . Its down to the individual.
      I personally take every day a multi vit/mineral tablet. No advertising intended I take Wellman by Vitabiotics . That UK company have been around years , have got the best balance of vits and minerals and comes in a very dated box with some geezer on the packet. Good gear though.

      So the thing we can't control is the fact that we live in a damp wet often dark northern European country.
      When I lived out in Barca and South Of France for 15 years you get sunlight just going shopping , mooching  around town, getting in and out of your car... kids to school etc
      There was no need to hit the beach with the tourists as you were getting sunlight virtually every day of the year.

      Here we get SAD syndrome.
      Nearly all of us are deficient in the most important vitamin as an immune system driver. Vitamin D.

      My local GP only a few months ago was telling me that they did a survey of the Practice patients last year. Nearly all were Vit D deficient.

      Q. When loathsome Trump did his Covid stunt to Walter Reed Hospital two weeks ago what was the first thing the meds pumped into him?
      Vitamin D. Check it out on the net.

      So Vitamin D comes from sunlight and although there are other sources that is the main one. Just 20 mins out there every day getting a few rays is better than nothing.

      I take 3000 IU a day Vit D supplement every day and have done for three years now. That is a high dose (dont go over 4k)
      Just get them in the supermarket or online.
      Vit D is needed by the immune system.

      So its been mentioned about ginger haired people not needing supplements. I dont know enough about that but I do know that BAME people  biologically have low Vit D levels . Why ? Could be due to skin colour and genetics not needing the sunlight vitamin.... until living in a cold wet damp northern European country.

      Thyroid Function.
      This is a gland in the body that its function decreases with age.
      The decrease in function correlates very much as to the increase in Covid death rates.
      Again by taking a range of vits and minerals and a good diet  to help the Thyroid to continue to function and all you need to know about your diet is out there.

      While I'm banging on a bit now about your HEAD space.
      We are all going through it. Wherever you live in the world we don't know what going to happen.
      Will I lose my job ? Will my business close ? How are the bills to be paid?  When is this going to end?
      Anxiety Depression Addiction .


      Health is now the new Wealth.
      Stop buying Stuff. Thats called Affluenza.
      As long as you've got Heats and Eats that's all you need.
      In this country with a welfare state your needs are always catered for .......but your wants will never be satisfied.

      I'm no sandal wearing new age hippie but I keep sane in all of this by trying to live in the real world ... in the day .... in the breath because thats all you really have .... one breath.
      Yesterday is history . Gone Bye Bye.
      Tomorrow is a mystery. It hasn't arrived yet and there is f**k all you can do about the past or the future.

      Whilst we are worried about sh*t that doesn't matter .... it's like standing on two stools Yesterday and Tomorrow.
      We piss on Today.
      Yesterday ?  The  train has gone . We missed it . It ain't coming back

      Health and Time.
      When they are gone they are gone.  ( Virginity ? )

      Get some books......

         Eckhart Tolle.  ( Check some of his quotes to start with ...)

         Richard Carlson

         Thich Naht Han.

      Books on Mindfulness and books on Minimalism.

      Get close and back to Nature. Re-wild yourself.
      The plants and the animals don't know about Covid (bats excepted) and as the song went " Do They Know Its Christmas ?" . 

      Christmas ? One day. A load of hassle. The Christians didn't want a pagan revolution on their hands so they moved the Winter Solstice Rave Party back by four days. If you can't beat 'em .....join 'em and rebrand it as Christmas.
      Just be happy that you have your health ,friends and family.
      Buy an experience ...not a sh*t gift ....for Christmas. People and kids will remember it more

      Walk in the woods.
      Look at the sky.
      Study a cob web. Get down on the grass and watch an ant.
      Get back to play. Walk barefoot Get back to being a kid again and enjoy what is around you.  Its f**king amazing.
      Its free and its drug free.

      Do what makes you feel ALIVE !

      Last Saturday on Mental Health Weekend  I walked around town with a set of battery operated Christmas lights around my neck. The battery and switch were in my hoodie pocket. It was great cracking people up It gave me a buzz as well.
      I was the one who felt completely sane.
      Become a kid again.

      Anyway to quote a favourite Led Zeppelin track Ive "Rambled On" a bit.
      That's another one. Music.
      I told the ex to stuff all the CDs . Keep 'em.
      I went minimalism. Amazon Prime = 60 million songs. Pisses over Spotify/ Deezer anyday.
      Get an Alexa and give her some abuse. She's feisty and will give it back.
      Get  an Alexa Echo Auto and impress every one with more powers in the motor than a wizard in Harry Potter.

      Get a plant ....get a pet. I've got Billy Whizz. He's a fat over fed pigeon who roosts in a Copper Beech tree every night and has a special branch.
      I say good night to him and don't give a monkey's who hears me. We have deep meaningful conversations.
      I worry when he misses a night on his branch and is out on the razz.

      Enjoy Life .  We've only got the one on this planet as far as we know .

      Stay Safe  Don't worry about the Government. No other country knows what the f**king hell they are doing anyway. Its all new and an unknown. Blind and blind come to mind.
      If you must watch the negative news give CNN ago . The news anchors are brilliant .Watching it is like Mickey Mouse time.

      Take personal responsibility for your own safety .
      Don't rely on Nanny State.  They get it wrong .
      ( Jonathan Van Tam. April. "No evidence to wear a face mask" 
      How many people did he kill by spouting that sh*t ? )

      Look .  (As Robbie Fowler would say )
      If I've given something back to my family of Reds in my verbose meandering above then its only cos you guys were there for me when certain people I expected and wanted to be weren't.

      Remember: When you are out with your mates (or your hens) thinking you are living large being a macho man impressing them without a mask . ... FFS  THINK.

      In fourteen days you could be lying in an ICU ward gasping to breathe for the last time as your lungs fill up .... and where would your cool buddies be then ... even if they could see you ?
      No .
      The only people you would destroy are the people who love you and while you go under finally with the morphine ...they are left behind without the person that truly meant something to them. 

      You die. You die alone.

      Stay Safe . That train is coming.

      « Last Edit: Oct 26, 2020 09:39:54 am by MIRO »
      Norfolk Red
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      Re: Staying Safe or Get Off The C19 Tracks .
      Reply #1: Oct 25, 2020 07:01:27 pm
      Covid Or  All That Sh*t Going Down.

      Thought I would like to share with Forum members the experience I have been through and hope it helps keep them safe .
      I have previously posted this a couple of weeks ago but the forum Main Man gave me the thumbs up to put it here out front... so here goes.
      Cuppa time . Bit of a long read.

      As some of you know , three years ago in the summer of 2017 my cancer returned after being nine years in remission. If that wasn't enough of a shock I was given a terminal diagnosis  and offered palliative care : i.e. chemo just to prolong life for a while not being able to cure it.
      Dark times.

      A month later I received a call from my lovely oncologist , who called and said she wanted to see me urgently.
      A match of various cells meant I was eligible for a limited world wide trial of immunotherapy a ground breaking new way of attacking cancer cells.
      Only 800 people worldwide were going to be on it.
      When you are faced with your own mortality and that horizon is coming at you ..... there is no question that you wont try all and everything to live.
      I started that September attending every three weeks rain or shine and having three monthly scans never knowing if was still working.

      After a long tiring emotionally draining journey ... September last year 2019 I completed the treatment.
      I have been in remission since.

      No violins please but during this time my wife of 30 years bailed out on me. There were days of pain or denial and nights of nightmares.
      Many duvet days.
      She never once attending on over 600 hours of treatment / transport it was in itself enough to form a part of my petition to divorce her. That completed in March this year.

      During the two years of treatment there was forum reference made to me in the "Whatever Happened To" Thread and Billy 1 bless him let it be known what was happening.
      My Red brothers and sisters as one came together as a family and made some wonderful comments of encouragement that led me to be unable to read them due to the tears I was crying with the love that was coming out.

      There were special members .  You know who you were as do I , so I wont name drop here.
      You and the  rest of my  Red family were there for me.

      This love affair over many years with my club has made me cry a few times in joy and sadness.
      This support was another time but something special.

      I want to thank you again for all the love. Amazing.

      Now I  come to what I have learnt.

      Immunotherapy treats the T  Cells in the body's own immune system to attack the tumour.
      I learnt many things on the journey which I would like to share.

      This is not medical advice and nothing in it would require anyone to seek advice.

      The immune system is the body's own private hit squad. It keeps you healthy by fighting off invaders in the modern day not so much Vikings but viruses.
      It is driven by having a healthy thyroid and gut bacteria that keeps your immunity in high readiness.

      The first thing to know is about anti biotics.  Anti bios may help with an infection but the  damage is that it  takes out the gut bacteria that is important for maintaining  your immune system.
      Collateral damage.
      Anti bios are of course needed and prescribed ( over prescribed in many expert's opinions) for serious infections to give the body a mega hit.
      However your gut bacteria is wiped out as collateral damage ergo your true immune system then is virtually non existent.
      Your immunity does slowly recover and the healthy gut bacteria build up again but meantime you are actually open to further infection.

      So ... how do you help the healthy bacteria in the gut to maintain high immunity?
      There is much on the internet about superfoods to eat but probably the easiest and best contributor is Yoghurt.
      Not the eye popping range of silly injected flavour ones but those with live cultures.

      You will see L Acidophilus  and also B Lactis on the pot.
      Greek yoghurt (NOT " Greek Style") often contains it.  Have a look in the supermarket or actually ask for it. Not the only one.

      All supermarkets stock them and some are naturally flavoured.
      Its the best thing you can do for your immunity.

      Vitamin D.

      I was first treated in Toulouse in 2005 for cancer and it went into remission for a nearly a decade before coming back.
      My oncologist there ...Nathalie ...let me into a secret.
      That was that the cancer survival rates are higher in southern Europe than northern Europe which really could only be down to climate or diet.

      As a nation we still eat sh*t. We do.   Though things have dramatically improved we still eat sh*t processed food.
      Although not as bad as the States the food industry pump certain hormones into cattle and poultry that we go on to eat.
      So as far as diet is concerned you are what you eat.
      You wouldn't put urine into your petrol tank ...( I may have done when I was on the piss every day !) put highly refined specialised octane fuel to make your car actually work. Many people look after their cars better than they do there own living miracle ...their bodies.

      I digress. Most of us are lacking in basic vitamins and minerals we need.
      Drinking destroys B12 C and D. It depletes the body of other minerals.
      Smoking destroys primarily C in a big way that's why a smoker can look 10 years older than some one else of the same real age.
      Technically both are toxins.

      So food . Its down to the individual.
      I personally take every day a multi vit/mineral tablet. No advertising intended I take Wellman by Vitabiotics . That UK company have been around years , have got the best balance of vits and minerals and comes in a very dated box with some geezer on the packet. Good gear though.

      So the thing we can't control is the fact that we live in a damp wet often dark northern European country.
      When I lived out in Barca and South Of France for 15 years you get sunlight just going shopping , mooching  around town, getting in and out of your car... kids to school etc
      There was no need to hit the beach with the tourists as you were getting sunlight virtually every day of the year.

      Here we get SAD syndrome.
      Nearly all of us are deficient in the most important vitamin as an immune system driver. Vitamin D.

      My local GP only a few months ago was telling me that they did a survey of the Practice patients last year. Nearly all were Vit D deficient.

      Q. When loathsome Trump did his Covid stunt to Walter Reed Hospital two weeks ago what was the first thing the meds pumped into him?
      Vitamin D. Check it out on the net.

      So Vitamin D comes from sunlight and although there are other sources that is the main one. Just 20 mins out there every day getting a few rays is better than nothing.

      I take 3000 IU a day Vit D supplement every day and have done for three years now. That is a high dose (dont go over 4k)
      Just get them in the supermarket or online.
      Vit D is needed by the immune system.

      So its been mentioned about ginger haired people not needing supplements. I dont know enough about that but I do know that BAME people  biologically have low Vit D levels . Why ? Could be due to skin colour and genetics not needing the sunlight vitamin.... until living in a cold wet damp northern European country.

      Thyroid Function.
      This is a gland in the body that its function decreases with age.
      The decrease in function correlates very much as to the increase in Covid death rates.
      Again by taking a range of vits and minerals and a good diet  to help the Thyroid to continue to function and all you need to know about your diet is out there.

      While I'm banging on a bit now about your HEAD space.
      We are all going through it. Wherever you live in the world we don't know what going to happen.
      Will I lose my job ? Will my business close ? How are the bills to be paid?  When is this going to end?
      Anxiety Depression Addiction .


      Health is now the new Wealth.
      As long as you've got Heats and Eats that's all you need.
      In this country with a welfare state your needs are always catered for .......but your wants will never be satisfied.

      I'm no sandal wearing new age hippie but I keep sane in all of this by trying to live in the real world ... in the day .... in the breath because thats all you really have .... one breath.
      Yesterday is history . Gone Bye Bye.
      Tomorrow is a mystery. It hasn't arrived yet and there is f**k all you can do about the past or the future.

      Whilst we are worried about sh*t that doesn't matter .... it's like standing on two stools Yesterday and Tomorrow.
      We piss on Today.
      Yesterday ?  The  train has gone . We missed it . It ain't coming back

      Health and Time.
      When they are gone they are gone.  ( Virginity ? )

      Get some books.
      Eckhart Tolle.
      Richard Carlson
      Thich Naht Han.

      Books on Mindfulness and books on Minimalism.

      Get close and back to Nature. The leaves and the animals dont know about Covid (bats excepted) and as the song went " Do They Know Its Christmas " . 
      Christmas .One day. A load of hassle. The Christians didn't want a pagan revolution on their hands so they moved the Winter Solstice Rave Party back by four days. If you can't beat 'em .....join 'em and rebrand it as Christmas.
      Just be happy that you have your health ,friends and family.

      Walk in the woods.
      Look at the sky.
      Study a cob web. Get down on the grass and watch an ant.
      Get back to play. Walk barefoot Get back to being a kid again and enjoy what is around you.  Its f**king amazing.
      Its free and its drug free.

      Do what makes you feel ALIVE !

      Last Saturday on Mental Health Weekend  I walked around town with a set of battery operated Christmas lights around my neck. The battery and switch were in my hoodie pocket. It was great cracking people up It gave me a buzz as well.
      I was the one who felt completely sane.
      Become a kid again.

      Anyway to quote a favourite Led Zeppelin track Ive "Rambled On" a bit.
      That's another one. Music.
      I told the ex to stuff all the CDs . Keep 'em.
      I went minimalism. Amazon Prime = 60 million songs. Pisses over Spotify/ Deezer anyday.
      Get an Alexa and give her some abuse. She's feisty and will give it back.
      Get  an Alexa Echo Auto and impress every one with more powers than a wizard in Harry Potter.

      Get a plant ....get a pet. I've got Billy Whizz. He's a fat over fed pigeon who roosts in a Copper Beech tree every night and has a special branch.
      I say good night to him and don't give a monkey's who hears me. We have deep meaningful conversations.
      I worry when he misses a night on his branch and is out on the razz.

      Enjoy Life .  We've only got the one on this planet as far as we know .

      Stay Safe  Don't worry about the Government. No other country knows what the f**king hell they are doing anyway. Its all new and an unknown. Blind and blind come to mind.
      If you must watch the negative news give CNN ago . The news anchors are brilliant .Watching it is like Mickey Mouse time.

      Take personal responsibility for your own safety .
      Don't rely on Nanny State.  They get it wrong .
      ( Jonathan Van Tam. April. "No evidence to wear a face mask" 
      How many people did he kill by spouting that sh*t ? )

      Look .  (As Robbie Fowler would say )
      If I've given something back to my family of Reds in my verbose meandering above then its only cos you guys were there for me when certain people I expected and wanted to be weren't.

      Remember: When you are out with your mates (or your hens) thinking you are living large being a macho man impressing them without a mask . ... THINK.

      In fourteen days you could be in an ICU ward gasping to breathe for the last time as your lungs fill up .... and where would your buddies be then  even if they could see you.

      No . The only people you would destroy are the people who love you and while you go under finally with the morphine ...they are left without the person that truly meant something to them.

      Stay Safe . That train is coming.


      Wow and wow. That really hit home to me. Glad you are staying very positive on what must have been a nightmare for you. I can not even begin to take on board what you must have gone through, but do take on board a lot of what you said, thank you, and for opening my eyes and good luck in your quest for getting better. YNWA.
      David Wright
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      Re: Staying Safe or Get Off The C19 Tracks .
      Reply #2: Oct 25, 2020 07:19:08 pm
      Did not realise how much suffering you had been through, for such a long period of time. It just goes to prove that health should be your number one priority in life. Anyhow take good care of yourself, I have always enjoyed reading your posts, and hope to for a long time to come.
      • Forum Legend - Benitez
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      Re: Staying Safe or Get Off The C19 Tracks .
      Reply #3: Oct 25, 2020 07:22:50 pm
      He's right on Vit D. It's criminal that this is not widely publicised.

      Evidence too that Zinc is an immuno regulator

      Take both as supplements.
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      Re: Staying Safe or Get Off The C19 Tracks .
      Reply #4: Oct 25, 2020 07:24:46 pm
      Did not realise how much suffering you had been through, for such a long period of time. It just goes to prove that health should be your number one priority in life. Anyhow take good care of yourself, I have always enjoyed reading your posts, and hope to for a long time to come.

      Thanks David.
      Its all called LIFE.
      Gratitude. Make a list. It will surprise you.
      David Wright
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      Re: Staying Safe or Get Off The C19 Tracks .
      Reply #5: Oct 25, 2020 07:31:35 pm
      Thanks David.
      Its all called LIFE.
      Gratitude. Make a list. It will surprise you.

      Very fortunate to have many good friends, who are always there for you through thick & thin, this is what is known as real friends, which I know you will understand what I mean. It is what keeps you going in these seemingly difficult times for everyone.
      Klopps Snood
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      Re: Staying Safe or Get Off The C19 Tracks .
      Reply #6: Oct 25, 2020 08:23:36 pm
      Wow Skip, I read all of that with a lump in my throat, nobody knows what people go through at times, but I think you are very brave to share all that with us as it's a personal journey.

      I feel very lucky in my life that I've never really gone though anything major, but in the last year I've had some difficult times myself with various health problems and it's not nice at all, you've given me the inspiration to be more positive about things, after all were onlt here once.

      I've also recently started to take vitamin D as well, can't say I've noticed the difference yet, but hopefully I will, I'm very much a summer girl, born in July so love the sunshine, hate these long dark winter days and nights and already longing for March when the clocks go forward.

      It's a difficult time for everybody at the moment and we must all try and be kind and love our fellow people.

      Thank you so much for sharing your journey with us all and I wish you nothing but love, support and wellness.

      Take good care hun.

      Love Cas xxx
      • Forum Legend - Paisley
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      Re: Staying Safe or Get Off The C19 Tracks .
      Reply #7: Oct 25, 2020 10:02:12 pm
      Miro, first of all, let me say, it’s great to hear you have such a positive outlook which will go a long way to help your recovery. Also what you’ve posted, anyone taking the time to read it through, will get a huge lift in these current worrying times. Anyone wishing to take even some of the advise you offer, will only improve their health and well being.
      Well done mate, god bless you, and good health for the future. Y N W A   👍🏻👍🏻
      • Forum Legend - Dalglish
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      Re: Staying Safe or Get Off The C19 Tracks .
      Reply #8: Oct 25, 2020 11:17:44 pm
      Covid Or  All That Sh*t Going Down.

      Thought I would like to share with Forum members the experience I have been through and hope it helps keep them safe .
      I have previously posted this a couple of weeks ago but the forum Main Man gave me the thumbs up to put it here out front... so here goes.
      Cuppa time . Bit of a long read.

      As some of you know , three years ago in the summer of 2017 my cancer returned after being nine years in remission. If that wasn't enough of a shock I was given a terminal diagnosis  and offered palliative care : i.e. chemo just to prolong life for a while not being able to cure it.
      Dark times.

      A month later I received a call from my lovely oncologist , who called and said she wanted to see me urgently.
      A match of various cells meant I was eligible for a limited world wide trial of immunotherapy a ground breaking new way of attacking cancer cells.
      Only 800 people worldwide were going to be on it.
      When you are faced with your own mortality and that horizon is coming at you ..... there is no question that you wont try all and everything to live.
      I started that September attending every three weeks rain or shine and having three monthly scans never knowing if was still working.

      After a long tiring emotionally draining journey ... September last year 2019 I completed the treatment.
      I have been in remission since.

      No violins please but during this time my wife of 30 years bailed out on me. There were days of pain or denial and nights of nightmares.
      Many duvet days.
      She never once attending on over 600 hours of treatment / transport it was in itself enough to form a part of my petition to divorce her. That completed in March this year.

      During the two years of treatment there was forum reference made to me in the "Whatever Happened To" Thread and Billy 1 bless him let it be known what was happening.
      My Red brothers and sisters as one came together as a family and made some wonderful comments of encouragement that led me to be unable to read them due to the tears I was crying with the love that was coming out.

      There were special members .  You know each one of you , who you were,  as do I , so I wont name drop here.
      You and the  rest of my  Red family were there for me.

      This love affair over many years with my club has made me cry a few times in joy and sadness.
      This support was another time but something very special.

      I want to thank you again for all the love. Amazing.

      Now I  come to what I have learnt.

      Immunotherapy treats the T  Cells in the body's own immune system to attack the tumour.
      I learnt many things on the journey which I would like to share.

      *  N.B. This is not medical advice and nothing in it would require anyone to seek advice. *

      The immune system is the body's own private hit squad. It keeps you healthy by fighting off invaders in the modern day not so much Vikings but viruses.
      It is driven by having a healthy thyroid and gut bacteria that keeps your immunity in high readiness.

      The first thing to know is about anti biotics.  Anti bios may help with an infection but the  damage is that it  takes out the gut bacteria that is important for maintaining  your immune system.
      Collateral damage.
      Anti bios are of course needed and prescribed ( over prescribed in many expert's opinions) for serious infections to give the body a mega hit.
      However your gut bacteria is wiped out as collateral damage ergo your true immune system then is virtually non existent.
      Your immunity does slowly recover and the healthy gut bacteria build up again but meantime you are actually open to further infection.

      So ... how do you help the healthy bacteria in the gut to maintain high immunity?
      There is much on the internet about superfoods to eat but probably the easiest and best contributor is Yoghurt.
      Not the eye popping range of silly injected flavour ones but those with live cultures.

      You will see L Acidophilus  and also B Lactis on the pot.
      Greek yoghurt (NOT " Greek Style") often contains it.  Have a look in the supermarket or actually ask for it. Not the only one.

      All supermarkets stock them and some are naturally flavoured.
      Its just one of the best things you can do for your immunity.
      Also the spice Turmeric or better still Curcumin tablets which is the active ingredient of Turmeric.

      Vitamin D.

      I was first treated in Toulouse in 2005 for cancer and it went into remission for a nearly a decade before coming back.
      My oncologist there ...Nathalie ...let me into a secret.
      That was that the cancer survival rates are higher in southern Europe than northern Europe which really could only be down to climate or diet.

      As a nation we still eat sh*t. We do.   Though things have dramatically improved we still eat sh*t processed food.
      Although not as bad as the States the food industry pump certain hormones into cattle and poultry that we go on to eat.
      So as far as diet is concerned you are what you eat.
      You wouldn't put urine into your petrol tank ...( I may have done when I was on the piss every day !) put highly refined specialised octane fuel to make your car actually work. Many people look after their cars better than they do there own living miracle ...their bodies.

      I digress. Most of us are lacking in basic vitamins and minerals we need.
      Drinking destroys B12 C and D. It depletes the body of other minerals.
      Smoking destroys primarily C in a big way that's why a smoker can look 10 years older than some one else of the same real age.
      Technically both are toxins.

      So food . Its down to the individual.
      I personally take every day a multi vit/mineral tablet. No advertising intended I take Wellman by Vitabiotics . That UK company have been around years , have got the best balance of vits and minerals and comes in a very dated box with some geezer on the packet. Good gear though.

      So the thing we can't control is the fact that we live in a damp wet often dark northern European country.
      When I lived out in Barca and South Of France for 15 years you get sunlight just going shopping , mooching  around town, getting in and out of your car... kids to school etc
      There was no need to hit the beach with the tourists as you were getting sunlight virtually every day of the year.

      Here we get SAD syndrome.
      Nearly all of us are deficient in the most important vitamin as an immune system driver. Vitamin D.

      My local GP only a few months ago was telling me that they did a survey of the Practice patients last year. Nearly all were Vit D deficient.

      Q. When loathsome Trump did his Covid stunt to Walter Reed Hospital two weeks ago what was the first thing the meds pumped into him?
      Vitamin D. Check it out on the net.

      So Vitamin D comes from sunlight and although there are other sources that is the main one. Just 20 mins out there every day getting a few rays is better than nothing.

      I take 3000 IU a day Vit D supplement every day and have done for three years now. That is a high dose (dont go over 4k)
      Just get them in the supermarket or online.
      Vit D is needed by the immune system.

      So its been mentioned about ginger haired people not needing supplements. I dont know enough about that but I do know that BAME people  biologically have low Vit D levels . Why ? Could be due to skin colour and genetics not needing the sunlight vitamin.... until living in a cold wet damp northern European country.

      Thyroid Function.
      This is a gland in the body that its function decreases with age.
      The decrease in function correlates very much as to the increase in Covid death rates.
      Again by taking a range of vits and minerals and a good diet  to help the Thyroid to continue to function and all you need to know about your diet is out there.

      While I'm banging on a bit now about your HEAD space.
      We are all going through it. Wherever you live in the world we don't know what going to happen.
      Will I lose my job ? Will my business close ? How are the bills to be paid?  When is this going to end?
      Anxiety Depression Addiction .


      Health is now the new Wealth.
      As long as you've got Heats and Eats that's all you need.
      In this country with a welfare state your needs are always catered for .......but your wants will never be satisfied.

      I'm no sandal wearing new age hippie but I keep sane in all of this by trying to live in the real world ... in the day .... in the breath because thats all you really have .... one breath.
      Yesterday is history . Gone Bye Bye.
      Tomorrow is a mystery. It hasn't arrived yet and there is f**k all you can do about the past or the future.

      Whilst we are worried about sh*t that doesn't matter .... it's like standing on two stools Yesterday and Tomorrow.
      We piss on Today.
      Yesterday ?  The  train has gone . We missed it . It ain't coming back

      Health and Time.
      When they are gone they are gone.  ( Virginity ? )

      Get some books.
      Eckhart Tolle.
      Richard Carlson
      Thich Naht Han.

      Books on Mindfulness and books on Minimalism.

      Get close and back to Nature. The plants and the animals don't know about Covid (bats excepted) and as the song went " Do They Know Its Christmas ?" . 

      Christmas ? One day. A load of hassle. The Christians didn't want a pagan revolution on their hands so they moved the Winter Solstice Rave Party back by four days. If you can't beat 'em .....join 'em and rebrand it as Christmas.
      Just be happy that you have your health ,friends and family.

      Walk in the woods.
      Look at the sky.
      Study a cob web. Get down on the grass and watch an ant.
      Get back to play. Walk barefoot Get back to being a kid again and enjoy what is around you.  Its f**king amazing.
      Its free and its drug free.

      Do what makes you feel ALIVE !

      Last Saturday on Mental Health Weekend  I walked around town with a set of battery operated Christmas lights around my neck. The battery and switch were in my hoodie pocket. It was great cracking people up It gave me a buzz as well.
      I was the one who felt completely sane.
      Become a kid again.

      Anyway to quote a favourite Led Zeppelin track Ive "Rambled On" a bit.
      That's another one. Music.
      I told the ex to stuff all the CDs . Keep 'em.
      I went minimalism. Amazon Prime = 60 million songs. Pisses over Spotify/ Deezer anyday.
      Get an Alexa and give her some abuse. She's feisty and will give it back.
      Get  an Alexa Echo Auto and impress every one with more powers in the motor than a wizard in Harry Potter.

      Get a plant ....get a pet. I've got Billy Whizz. He's a fat over fed pigeon who roosts in a Copper Beech tree every night and has a special branch.
      I say good night to him and don't give a monkey's who hears me. We have deep meaningful conversations.
      I worry when he misses a night on his branch and is out on the razz.

      Enjoy Life .  We've only got the one on this planet as far as we know .

      Stay Safe  Don't worry about the Government. No other country knows what the f**king hell they are doing anyway. Its all new and an unknown. Blind and blind come to mind.
      If you must watch the negative news give CNN ago . The news anchors are brilliant .Watching it is like Mickey Mouse time.

      Take personal responsibility for your own safety .
      Don't rely on Nanny State.  They get it wrong .
      ( Jonathan Van Tam. April. "No evidence to wear a face mask" 
      How many people did he kill by spouting that sh*t ? )

      Look .  (As Robbie Fowler would say )
      If I've given something back to my family of Reds in my verbose meandering above then its only cos you guys were there for me when certain people I expected and wanted to be weren't.

      Remember: When you are out with your mates (or your hens) thinking you are living large being a macho man impressing them without a mask . ... FFS  THINK.

      In fourteen days you could be lying in an ICU ward gasping to breathe for the last time as your lungs fill up .... and where would your cool buddies be then ... even if they could see you ?

      No .
      The only people you would destroy are the people who love you and while you go under finally with the morphine ...they are left behind without the person that truly meant something to them. 

      You die. You die alone.

      Stay Safe . That train is coming.

      Hell of a read that mate & so much heart & compassion for your fellow reds .
       you’ve really had one hell of ride & bless you for sharing it with us all.
      your recommendations For a healthier lifestyle also highly recommended,especially the vits,for those that don’t like taking tablets there are lots of superfoods out there,liver ( iron & vitamin d) salmon & mackerel high in vitamin d
      All of these I eat regularly & I feel better for it & plain Greek yoghurt with some mandarine oranges is delicious.
      • Forum Legend - Paisley
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      Re: Staying Safe or Get Off The C19 Tracks .
      Reply #9: Oct 25, 2020 11:27:03 pm
      Covid Or  All That Sh*t Going Down.

      Thought I would like to share with Forum members the experience I have been through and hope it helps keep them safe .
      I have previously posted this a couple of weeks ago but the forum Main Man gave me the thumbs up to put it here out front... so here goes.
      Cuppa time . Bit of a long read.

      As some of you know , three years ago in the summer of 2017 my cancer returned after being nine years in remission. If that wasn't enough of a shock I was given a terminal diagnosis  and offered palliative care : i.e. chemo just to prolong life for a while not being able to cure it.
      Dark times.

      A month later I received a call from my lovely oncologist , who called and said she wanted to see me urgently.
      A match of various cells meant I was eligible for a limited world wide trial of immunotherapy a ground breaking new way of attacking cancer cells.
      Only 800 people worldwide were going to be on it.
      When you are faced with your own mortality and that horizon is coming at you ..... there is no question that you wont try all and everything to live.
      I started that September attending every three weeks rain or shine and having three monthly scans never knowing if was still working.

      After a long tiring emotionally draining journey ... September last year 2019 I completed the treatment.
      I have been in remission since.

      No violins please but during this time my wife of 30 years bailed out on me. There were days of pain or denial and nights of nightmares.
      Many duvet days.
      She never once attending on over 600 hours of treatment / transport it was in itself enough to form a part of my petition to divorce her. That completed in March this year.

      During the two years of treatment there was forum reference made to me in the "Whatever Happened To" Thread and Billy 1 bless him let it be known what was happening.
      My Red brothers and sisters as one came together as a family and made some wonderful comments of encouragement that led me to be unable to read them due to the tears I was crying with the love that was coming out.

      There were special members .  You know each one of you , who you were,  as do I , so I wont name drop here.
      You and the  rest of my  Red family were there for me.

      This love affair over many years with my club has made me cry a few times in joy and sadness.
      This support was another time but something very special.

      I want to thank you again for all the love. Amazing.

      Now I  come to what I have learnt.

      Immunotherapy treats the T  Cells in the body's own immune system to attack the tumour.
      I learnt many things on the journey which I would like to share.

      *  N.B. This is not medical advice and nothing in it would require anyone to seek advice. *

      The immune system is the body's own private hit squad. It keeps you healthy by fighting off invaders in the modern day not so much Vikings but viruses.
      It is driven by having a healthy thyroid and gut bacteria that keeps your immunity in high readiness.

      The first thing to know is about anti biotics.  Anti bios may help with an infection but the  damage is that it  takes out the gut bacteria that is important for maintaining  your immune system.
      Collateral damage.
      Anti bios are of course needed and prescribed ( over prescribed in many expert's opinions) for serious infections to give the body a mega hit.
      However your gut bacteria is wiped out as collateral damage ergo your true immune system then is virtually non existent.
      Your immunity does slowly recover and the healthy gut bacteria build up again but meantime you are actually open to further infection.

      So ... how do you help the healthy bacteria in the gut to maintain high immunity?
      There is much on the internet about superfoods to eat but probably the easiest and best contributor is Yoghurt.
      Not the eye popping range of silly injected flavour ones but those with live cultures.

      You will see L Acidophilus  and also B Lactis on the pot.
      Greek yoghurt (NOT " Greek Style") often contains it.  Have a look in the supermarket or actually ask for it. Not the only one.

      All supermarkets stock them and some are naturally flavoured.
      Its just one of the best things you can do for your immunity.
      Also the spice Turmeric or better still Curcumin tablets which is the active ingredient of Turmeric.

      Vitamin D.

      I was first treated in Toulouse in 2005 for cancer and it went into remission for a nearly a decade before coming back.
      My oncologist there ...Nathalie ...let me into a secret.
      That was that the cancer survival rates are higher in southern Europe than northern Europe which really could only be down to climate or diet.

      As a nation we still eat sh*t. We do.   Though things have dramatically improved we still eat sh*t processed food.
      Although not as bad as the States the food industry pump certain hormones into cattle and poultry that we go on to eat.
      So as far as diet is concerned you are what you eat.
      You wouldn't put urine into your petrol tank ...( I may have done when I was on the piss every day !) put highly refined specialised octane fuel to make your car actually work. Many people look after their cars better than they do there own living miracle ...their bodies.

      I digress. Most of us are lacking in basic vitamins and minerals we need.
      Drinking destroys B12 C and D. It depletes the body of other minerals.
      Smoking destroys primarily C in a big way that's why a smoker can look 10 years older than some one else of the same real age.
      Technically both are toxins.

      So food . Its down to the individual.
      I personally take every day a multi vit/mineral tablet. No advertising intended I take Wellman by Vitabiotics . That UK company have been around years , have got the best balance of vits and minerals and comes in a very dated box with some geezer on the packet. Good gear though.

      So the thing we can't control is the fact that we live in a damp wet often dark northern European country.
      When I lived out in Barca and South Of France for 15 years you get sunlight just going shopping , mooching  around town, getting in and out of your car... kids to school etc
      There was no need to hit the beach with the tourists as you were getting sunlight virtually every day of the year.

      Here we get SAD syndrome.
      Nearly all of us are deficient in the most important vitamin as an immune system driver. Vitamin D.

      My local GP only a few months ago was telling me that they did a survey of the Practice patients last year. Nearly all were Vit D deficient.

      Q. When loathsome Trump did his Covid stunt to Walter Reed Hospital two weeks ago what was the first thing the meds pumped into him?
      Vitamin D. Check it out on the net.

      So Vitamin D comes from sunlight and although there are other sources that is the main one. Just 20 mins out there every day getting a few rays is better than nothing.

      I take 3000 IU a day Vit D supplement every day and have done for three years now. That is a high dose (dont go over 4k)
      Just get them in the supermarket or online.
      Vit D is needed by the immune system.

      So its been mentioned about ginger haired people not needing supplements. I dont know enough about that but I do know that BAME people  biologically have low Vit D levels . Why ? Could be due to skin colour and genetics not needing the sunlight vitamin.... until living in a cold wet damp northern European country.

      Thyroid Function.
      This is a gland in the body that its function decreases with age.
      The decrease in function correlates very much as to the increase in Covid death rates.
      Again by taking a range of vits and minerals and a good diet  to help the Thyroid to continue to function and all you need to know about your diet is out there.

      While I'm banging on a bit now about your HEAD space.
      We are all going through it. Wherever you live in the world we don't know what going to happen.
      Will I lose my job ? Will my business close ? How are the bills to be paid?  When is this going to end?
      Anxiety Depression Addiction .


      Health is now the new Wealth.
      As long as you've got Heats and Eats that's all you need.
      In this country with a welfare state your needs are always catered for .......but your wants will never be satisfied.

      I'm no sandal wearing new age hippie but I keep sane in all of this by trying to live in the real world ... in the day .... in the breath because thats all you really have .... one breath.
      Yesterday is history . Gone Bye Bye.
      Tomorrow is a mystery. It hasn't arrived yet and there is f**k all you can do about the past or the future.

      Whilst we are worried about sh*t that doesn't matter .... it's like standing on two stools Yesterday and Tomorrow.
      We piss on Today.
      Yesterday ?  The  train has gone . We missed it . It ain't coming back

      Health and Time.
      When they are gone they are gone.  ( Virginity ? )

      Get some books.
      Eckhart Tolle.
      Richard Carlson
      Thich Naht Han.

      Books on Mindfulness and books on Minimalism.

      Get close and back to Nature. The plants and the animals don't know about Covid (bats excepted) and as the song went " Do They Know Its Christmas ?" . 

      Christmas ? One day. A load of hassle. The Christians didn't want a pagan revolution on their hands so they moved the Winter Solstice Rave Party back by four days. If you can't beat 'em .....join 'em and rebrand it as Christmas.
      Just be happy that you have your health ,friends and family.

      Walk in the woods.
      Look at the sky.
      Study a cob web. Get down on the grass and watch an ant.
      Get back to play. Walk barefoot Get back to being a kid again and enjoy what is around you.  Its f**king amazing.
      Its free and its drug free.

      Do what makes you feel ALIVE !

      Last Saturday on Mental Health Weekend  I walked around town with a set of battery operated Christmas lights around my neck. The battery and switch were in my hoodie pocket. It was great cracking people up It gave me a buzz as well.
      I was the one who felt completely sane.
      Become a kid again.

      Anyway to quote a favourite Led Zeppelin track Ive "Rambled On" a bit.
      That's another one. Music.
      I told the ex to stuff all the CDs . Keep 'em.
      I went minimalism. Amazon Prime = 60 million songs. Pisses over Spotify/ Deezer anyday.
      Get an Alexa and give her some abuse. She's feisty and will give it back.
      Get  an Alexa Echo Auto and impress every one with more powers in the motor than a wizard in Harry Potter.

      Get a plant ....get a pet. I've got Billy Whizz. He's a fat over fed pigeon who roosts in a Copper Beech tree every night and has a special branch.
      I say good night to him and don't give a monkey's who hears me. We have deep meaningful conversations.
      I worry when he misses a night on his branch and is out on the razz.

      Enjoy Life .  We've only got the one on this planet as far as we know .

      Stay Safe  Don't worry about the Government. No other country knows what the f**king hell they are doing anyway. Its all new and an unknown. Blind and blind come to mind.
      If you must watch the negative news give CNN ago . The news anchors are brilliant .Watching it is like Mickey Mouse time.

      Take personal responsibility for your own safety .
      Don't rely on Nanny State.  They get it wrong .
      ( Jonathan Van Tam. April. "No evidence to wear a face mask" 
      How many people did he kill by spouting that sh*t ? )

      Look .  (As Robbie Fowler would say )
      If I've given something back to my family of Reds in my verbose meandering above then its only cos you guys were there for me when certain people I expected and wanted to be weren't.

      Remember: When you are out with your mates (or your hens) thinking you are living large being a macho man impressing them without a mask . ... FFS  THINK.

      In fourteen days you could be lying in an ICU ward gasping to breathe for the last time as your lungs fill up .... and where would your cool buddies be then ... even if they could see you ?

      No .
      The only people you would destroy are the people who love you and while you go under finally with the morphine ...they are left behind without the person that truly meant something to them. 

      You die. You die alone.

      Stay Safe . That train is coming.


      Right ill do my topic tomorrow so..

      Brilliant post
      • Forum Ian Callaghan
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      • 887 posts | 103 
      Re: Staying Safe or Get Off The C19 Tracks .
      Reply #10: Oct 26, 2020 08:24:36 am
      at the risk of sounding like a middle class tw*t, weve started making and drinking Kefir for our guts. not too nice at the start but it grows on you.
      • LFC Reds Subscriber
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      Re: Staying Safe or Get Off The C19 Tracks .
      Reply #11: Oct 26, 2020 08:46:16 am
      at the risk of sounding like a middle class tw*t, weve started making and drinking Kefir for our guts. not too nice at the start but it grows on you.

      Nothing mct about that mate.

      Its a probiotic and could save your life. Thanks for the post . Keep on keeping on.
      • LFC Reds Subscriber
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      • Trust The Universe
      Re: Staying Safe or Get Off The C19 Tracks .
      Reply #12: Oct 26, 2020 09:29:04 am
      He's right on Vit D. It's criminal that this is not widely publicised.

      Evidence too that Zinc is an immuno regulator

      Take both as supplements.

      Thanks for the post Isaac .
      Didn't know about Zinc specifically but that is interesting.
      Co-Enzyme Q10 is another. Selenium another.

      He is right about the financial interests of Big Pharma. There are no big profits in Multi Vits etc and they cost nothing to make.
      Certain people would let the pandemic rip ... buy their shares in Johnson and Johnson or Astra Zeneca and watch those babies fly when a vaccine comes out.

      Prevention is better than cure.

      I once read many moons ago that excepting accidents ...   most "real" cause of death can be traced back to vitamin and mineral deficiency.
      Time to start eating a lump of coal again and to hell what your parents tell you. !
      « Last Edit: Oct 26, 2020 08:41:58 pm by MIRO »
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      Re: Staying Safe or Get Off The C19 Tracks .
      Reply #13: Oct 26, 2020 10:17:21 am
      Go Miro! Keep up the fight 💪🏼
      • LFC Reds Subscriber
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      Re: Staying Safe or Get Off The C19 Tracks .
      Reply #14: Oct 26, 2020 01:26:50 pm
      Sorry Skip I missed your epic opening post and have only just seen it and what a read that is.
      We have been in touch over the years so I was aware of your trials and selfishly inflicted tribulations by someone who should have been your pillar of strength.
      Thank you for the invaluable info about mind and body preservation, unbelievably selfless considering your previous ordeals.
      Keep on keeping on mate.
      • LFC Reds Subscriber
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      • Trust The Universe
      Re: Staying Safe or Get Off The C19 Tracks .
      Reply #15: Oct 26, 2020 02:36:30 pm
      Sorry Skip I missed your epic opening post and have only just seen it and what a read that is.
      We have been in touch over the years so I was aware of your trials and selfishly inflicted tribulations by someone who should have been your pillar of strength.
      Thank you for the invaluable info about mind and body preservation, unbelievably selfless considering your previous ordeals.
      Keep on keeping on mate.

      Hi Stu.
      Yes. You've been there on the end of the PMs between us.
      Socially distanced hugs for you and Liz.

      The Ex ?  Beyond comment and beyond belief if you the knew the real truth . Dream girl to Dross girl.
      Proves that you never really know someone. You think you do ... but you don't.
      • LFC Reds Subscriber
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      Re: Staying Safe or Get Off The C19 Tracks .
      Reply #16: Oct 26, 2020 05:03:39 pm
      Covid Or  All That Sh*t Going Down.

      Thought I would like to share with Forum members the experience I have been through and hope it helps keep them safe .
      I have previously posted this a couple of weeks ago but the forum Main Man gave me the thumbs up to put it here out front... so here goes.
      Cuppa time . Bit of a long read.

      As some of you know , three years ago in the summer of 2017 my cancer returned after being nine years in remission. If that wasn't enough of a shock I was given a terminal diagnosis  and offered palliative care : i.e. chemo just to prolong life for a while not being able to cure it.
      Dark times.

      A month later I received a call from my lovely oncologist , who called and said she wanted to see me urgently.
      A match of various cells meant I was eligible for a limited world wide trial of immunotherapy a ground breaking new way of attacking cancer cells.
      Only 800 people worldwide were going to be on it.
      When you are faced with your own mortality and that horizon is coming at you ..... there is no question that you wont try all and everything to live.
      I started that September attending every three weeks rain or shine and having three monthly scans never knowing if was still working.

      After a long tiring emotionally draining journey ... September last year 2019 I completed the treatment.
      I have been in remission since.

      No violins please but during this time my wife of 30 years bailed out on me. There were days of pain or denial and nights of nightmares.
      Many duvet days.
      She never once attending on over 600 hours of treatment / transport it was in itself enough to form a part of my petition to divorce her. That completed in March this year.

      During the two years of treatment there was forum reference made to me in the "Whatever Happened To" Thread and Billy 1 bless him let it be known what was happening.
      My Red brothers and sisters as one came together as a family and made some wonderful comments of encouragement that led me to be unable to read them due to the tears I was crying with the love that was coming out.

      There were special members .  You know each one of you , who you were,  as do I , so I wont name drop here.
      You and the  rest of my  Red family were there for me.

      This love affair over many years with my club has made me cry a few times in joy and sadness.
      This support was another time but something very special.

      I want to thank you again for all the love. Amazing.

      Now I  come to what I have learnt.

      Immunotherapy treats the T  Cells in the body's own immune system to attack the tumour.
      I learnt many things on the journey which I would like to share.

      *  N.B. This is not medical advice and nothing in it would require anyone to seek advice. *

      The immune system is the body's own private hit squad. It keeps you healthy by fighting off invaders in the modern day not so much Vikings but viruses.
      It is driven by having a healthy thyroid and gut bacteria that keeps your immunity in high readiness.

      The first thing to know is about anti biotics.  Anti bios may help with an infection but the  damage is that it  takes out the gut bacteria that is important for maintaining  your immune system.
      Collateral damage.
      Anti bios are of course needed and prescribed ( over prescribed in many expert's opinions) for serious infections to give the body a mega hit.
      However your gut bacteria is wiped out as collateral damage ergo your true immune system then is virtually non existent.
      Your immunity does slowly recover and the healthy gut bacteria build up again but meantime you are actually open to further infection.

      So ... how do you help the healthy bacteria in the gut to maintain high immunity?
      There is much on the internet about superfoods to eat but probably the easiest and best contributor is Yoghurt.
      Not the eye popping range of silly injected flavour ones but those with live cultures.

      You will see L Acidophilus  and also B Lactis on the pot.
      Greek yoghurt (NOT " Greek Style") often contains it.  Have a look in the supermarket or actually ask for it. Not the only one.

      All supermarkets stock them and some are naturally flavoured.
      Its just one of the best things you can do for your immunity.
      Also the spice Turmeric or better still Curcumin tablets which is the active ingredient of Turmeric. Also black pepper .

      Vitamin D.

      I was first treated in Toulouse in 2005 for cancer and it went into remission for a nearly a decade before coming back.
      My oncologist there ...Nathalie ...let me into a secret.
      That was that the cancer survival rates are higher in southern Europe than northern Europe which really could only be down to climate or diet.

      As a nation we still eat sh*t. We do.   Though things have dramatically improved we still eat sh*t processed food.
      Although not as bad as the States the food industry pump certain hormones into cattle and poultry that we go on to eat.
      So as far as diet is concerned you are what you eat.
      You wouldn't put urine into your petrol tank ...( I may have done when I was on the piss every day !) put highly refined specialised octane fuel to make your car actually work. Many people look after their cars better than they do there own living miracle ...their bodies.

      I digress. Most of us are lacking in basic vitamins and minerals we need.
      Drinking destroys B12 C and D. It depletes the body of other minerals.
      Smoking destroys primarily C in a big way that's why a smoker can look 10 years older than some one else of the same real age.
      Technically both are toxins.

      So food . Its down to the individual.
      I personally take every day a multi vit/mineral tablet. No advertising intended I take Wellman by Vitabiotics . That UK company have been around years , have got the best balance of vits and minerals and comes in a very dated box with some geezer on the packet. Good gear though.

      So the thing we can't control is the fact that we live in a damp wet often dark northern European country.
      When I lived out in Barca and South Of France for 15 years you get sunlight just going shopping , mooching  around town, getting in and out of your car... kids to school etc
      There was no need to hit the beach with the tourists as you were getting sunlight virtually every day of the year.

      Here we get SAD syndrome.
      Nearly all of us are deficient in the most important vitamin as an immune system driver. Vitamin D.

      My local GP only a few months ago was telling me that they did a survey of the Practice patients last year. Nearly all were Vit D deficient.

      Q. When loathsome Trump did his Covid stunt to Walter Reed Hospital two weeks ago what was the first thing the meds pumped into him?
      Vitamin D. Check it out on the net.

      So Vitamin D comes from sunlight and although there are other sources that is the main one. Just 20 mins out there every day getting a few rays is better than nothing.

      I take 3000 IU a day Vit D supplement every day and have done for three years now. That is a high dose (dont go over 4k)
      Just get them in the supermarket or online.
      Vit D is needed by the immune system.

      So its been mentioned about ginger haired people not needing supplements. I dont know enough about that but I do know that BAME people  biologically have low Vit D levels . Why ? Could be due to skin colour and genetics not needing the sunlight vitamin.... until living in a cold wet damp northern European country.

      Thyroid Function.
      This is a gland in the body that its function decreases with age.
      The decrease in function correlates very much as to the increase in Covid death rates.
      Again by taking a range of vits and minerals and a good diet  to help the Thyroid to continue to function and all you need to know about your diet is out there.

      While I'm banging on a bit now about your HEAD space.
      We are all going through it. Wherever you live in the world we don't know what going to happen.
      Will I lose my job ? Will my business close ? How are the bills to be paid?  When is this going to end?
      Anxiety Depression Addiction .


      Health is now the new Wealth.
      Stop buying Stuff. Thats called Affluenza.
      As long as you've got Heats and Eats that's all you need.
      In this country with a welfare state your needs are always catered for .......but your wants will never be satisfied.

      I'm no sandal wearing new age hippie but I keep sane in all of this by trying to live in the real world ... in the day .... in the breath because thats all you really have .... one breath.
      Yesterday is history . Gone Bye Bye.
      Tomorrow is a mystery. It hasn't arrived yet and there is f**k all you can do about the past or the future.

      Whilst we are worried about sh*t that doesn't matter .... it's like standing on two stools Yesterday and Tomorrow.
      We piss on Today.
      Yesterday ?  The  train has gone . We missed it . It ain't coming back

      Health and Time.
      When they are gone they are gone.  ( Virginity ? )

      Get some books......

         Eckhart Tolle.  ( Check some of his quotes to start with ...)

         Richard Carlson

         Thich Naht Han.

      Books on Mindfulness and books on Minimalism.

      Get close and back to Nature. Re-wild yourself.
      The plants and the animals don't know about Covid (bats excepted) and as the song went " Do They Know Its Christmas ?" . 

      Christmas ? One day. A load of hassle. The Christians didn't want a pagan revolution on their hands so they moved the Winter Solstice Rave Party back by four days. If you can't beat 'em .....join 'em and rebrand it as Christmas.
      Just be happy that you have your health ,friends and family.
      Buy an experience ...not a sh*t gift ....for Christmas. People and kids will remember it more

      Walk in the woods.
      Look at the sky.
      Study a cob web. Get down on the grass and watch an ant.
      Get back to play. Walk barefoot Get back to being a kid again and enjoy what is around you.  Its f**king amazing.
      Its free and its drug free.

      Do what makes you feel ALIVE !

      Last Saturday on Mental Health Weekend  I walked around town with a set of battery operated Christmas lights around my neck. The battery and switch were in my hoodie pocket. It was great cracking people up It gave me a buzz as well.
      I was the one who felt completely sane.
      Become a kid again.

      Anyway to quote a favourite Led Zeppelin track Ive "Rambled On" a bit.
      That's another one. Music.
      I told the ex to stuff all the CDs . Keep 'em.
      I went minimalism. Amazon Prime = 60 million songs. Pisses over Spotify/ Deezer anyday.
      Get an Alexa and give her some abuse. She's feisty and will give it back.
      Get  an Alexa Echo Auto and impress every one with more powers in the motor than a wizard in Harry Potter.

      Get a plant ....get a pet. I've got Billy Whizz. He's a fat over fed pigeon who roosts in a Copper Beech tree every night and has a special branch.
      I say good night to him and don't give a monkey's who hears me. We have deep meaningful conversations.
      I worry when he misses a night on his branch and is out on the razz.

      Enjoy Life .  We've only got the one on this planet as far as we know .

      Stay Safe  Don't worry about the Government. No other country knows what the f**king hell they are doing anyway. Its all new and an unknown. Blind and blind come to mind.
      If you must watch the negative news give CNN ago . The news anchors are brilliant .Watching it is like Mickey Mouse time.

      Take personal responsibility for your own safety .
      Don't rely on Nanny State.  They get it wrong .
      ( Jonathan Van Tam. April. "No evidence to wear a face mask" 
      How many people did he kill by spouting that sh*t ? )

      Look .  (As Robbie Fowler would say )
      If I've given something back to my family of Reds in my verbose meandering above then its only cos you guys were there for me when certain people I expected and wanted to be weren't.

      Remember: When you are out with your mates (or your hens) thinking you are living large being a macho man impressing them without a mask . ... FFS  THINK.

      In fourteen days you could be lying in an ICU ward gasping to breathe for the last time as your lungs fill up .... and where would your cool buddies be then ... even if they could see you ?
      No .
      The only people you would destroy are the people who love you and while you go under finally with the morphine ...they are left behind without the person that truly meant something to them. 

      You die. You die alone.

      Stay Safe . That train is coming.


      In our lives we meet lots of inspirational people who help and guide you through the tough times, they could be a family member, a real close friend or a total stranger, for most on these boards we are strangers, yet we are all part of the same family, I’ve been a part of this forum best part of a dozen years and have read and replied to many of Skips posts, I would like to think that in those 12 years I’ve become one of Skips friends although we have never met,
      I do know that we are on the same wavelength and share the same mindset when it comes to everything LFC, I suppose we are Red brothers albeit at a distance,

      I knew of your illness Skip, and knew you were in remission, I didn’t know it had returned nor of the new treatment,  I didn’t know of your wife’s abandonment either and that must have been devastating,

      So for you to explain your situation in the way you have is truly inspirational, to me you are that person I mentioned above, to share your experiences both good and bad to those you feel have helped you is just simply fantastic,
      I wish I could meet you Skip, I would love to shake your hand and give you a Klopp style hug, we’ve never met mate, but I know that you are a wonderful human being and the world is a lot brighter with you in it,

      You take care my friend, stay safe and keep those Xmas lights flashing.

        You’ll Never Walk Alone

      • "LFC Hipster"
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      Re: Staying Safe or Get Off The C19 Tracks .
      Reply #17: Oct 26, 2020 05:26:28 pm
      Big love Skip x
      Joey B
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      Re: Staying Safe or Get Off The C19 Tracks .
      Reply #18: Oct 26, 2020 06:12:28 pm
      Covid Or  All That Sh*t Going Down.

      Thought I would like to share with Forum members the experience I have been through and hope it helps keep them safe .
      I have previously posted this a couple of weeks ago but the forum Main Man gave me the thumbs up to put it here out front... so here goes.
      Cuppa time . Bit of a long read.

      As some of you know , three years ago in the summer of 2017 my cancer returned after being nine years in remission. If that wasn't enough of a shock I was given a terminal diagnosis  and offered palliative care : i.e. chemo just to prolong life for a while not being able to cure it.
      Dark times.

      A month later I received a call from my lovely oncologist , who called and said she wanted to see me urgently.
      A match of various cells meant I was eligible for a limited world wide trial of immunotherapy a ground breaking new way of attacking cancer cells.
      Only 800 people worldwide were going to be on it.
      When you are faced with your own mortality and that horizon is coming at you ..... there is no question that you wont try all and everything to live.
      I started that September attending every three weeks rain or shine and having three monthly scans never knowing if was still working.

      After a long tiring emotionally draining journey ... September last year 2019 I completed the treatment.
      I have been in remission since.

      No violins please but during this time my wife of 30 years bailed out on me. There were days of pain or denial and nights of nightmares.
      Many duvet days.
      She never once attending on over 600 hours of treatment / transport it was in itself enough to form a part of my petition to divorce her. That completed in March this year.

      During the two years of treatment there was forum reference made to me in the "Whatever Happened To" Thread and Billy 1 bless him let it be known what was happening.
      My Red brothers and sisters as one came together as a family and made some wonderful comments of encouragement that led me to be unable to read them due to the tears I was crying with the love that was coming out.

      There were special members .  You know each one of you , who you were,  as do I , so I wont name drop here.
      You and the  rest of my  Red family were there for me.

      This love affair over many years with my club has made me cry a few times in joy and sadness.
      This support was another time but something very special.

      I want to thank you again for all the love. Amazing.

      Now I  come to what I have learnt.

      Immunotherapy treats the T  Cells in the body's own immune system to attack the tumour.
      I learnt many things on the journey which I would like to share.

      *  N.B. This is not medical advice and nothing in it would require anyone to seek advice. *

      The immune system is the body's own private hit squad. It keeps you healthy by fighting off invaders in the modern day not so much Vikings but viruses.
      It is driven by having a healthy thyroid and gut bacteria that keeps your immunity in high readiness.

      The first thing to know is about anti biotics.  Anti bios may help with an infection but the  damage is that it  takes out the gut bacteria that is important for maintaining  your immune system.
      Collateral damage.
      Anti bios are of course needed and prescribed ( over prescribed in many expert's opinions) for serious infections to give the body a mega hit.
      However your gut bacteria is wiped out as collateral damage ergo your true immune system then is virtually non existent.
      Your immunity does slowly recover and the healthy gut bacteria build up again but meantime you are actually open to further infection.

      So ... how do you help the healthy bacteria in the gut to maintain high immunity?
      There is much on the internet about superfoods to eat but probably the easiest and best contributor is Yoghurt.
      Not the eye popping range of silly injected flavour ones but those with live cultures.

      You will see L Acidophilus  and also B Lactis on the pot.
      Greek yoghurt (NOT " Greek Style") often contains it.  Have a look in the supermarket or actually ask for it. Not the only one.

      All supermarkets stock them and some are naturally flavoured.
      Its just one of the best things you can do for your immunity.
      Also the spice Turmeric or better still Curcumin tablets which is the active ingredient of Turmeric. Also black pepper .

      Vitamin D.

      I was first treated in Toulouse in 2005 for cancer and it went into remission for a nearly a decade before coming back.
      My oncologist there ...Nathalie ...let me into a secret.
      That was that the cancer survival rates are higher in southern Europe than northern Europe which really could only be down to climate or diet.

      As a nation we still eat sh*t. We do.   Though things have dramatically improved we still eat sh*t processed food.
      Although not as bad as the States the food industry pump certain hormones into cattle and poultry that we go on to eat.
      So as far as diet is concerned you are what you eat.
      You wouldn't put urine into your petrol tank ...( I may have done when I was on the piss every day !) put highly refined specialised octane fuel to make your car actually work. Many people look after their cars better than they do there own living miracle ...their bodies.

      I digress. Most of us are lacking in basic vitamins and minerals we need.
      Drinking destroys B12 C and D. It depletes the body of other minerals.
      Smoking destroys primarily C in a big way that's why a smoker can look 10 years older than some one else of the same real age.
      Technically both are toxins.

      So food . Its down to the individual.
      I personally take every day a multi vit/mineral tablet. No advertising intended I take Wellman by Vitabiotics . That UK company have been around years , have got the best balance of vits and minerals and comes in a very dated box with some geezer on the packet. Good gear though.

      So the thing we can't control is the fact that we live in a damp wet often dark northern European country.
      When I lived out in Barca and South Of France for 15 years you get sunlight just going shopping , mooching  around town, getting in and out of your car... kids to school etc
      There was no need to hit the beach with the tourists as you were getting sunlight virtually every day of the year.

      Here we get SAD syndrome.
      Nearly all of us are deficient in the most important vitamin as an immune system driver. Vitamin D.

      My local GP only a few months ago was telling me that they did a survey of the Practice patients last year. Nearly all were Vit D deficient.

      Q. When loathsome Trump did his Covid stunt to Walter Reed Hospital two weeks ago what was the first thing the meds pumped into him?
      Vitamin D. Check it out on the net.

      So Vitamin D comes from sunlight and although there are other sources that is the main one. Just 20 mins out there every day getting a few rays is better than nothing.

      I take 3000 IU a day Vit D supplement every day and have done for three years now. That is a high dose (dont go over 4k)
      Just get them in the supermarket or online.
      Vit D is needed by the immune system.

      So its been mentioned about ginger haired people not needing supplements. I dont know enough about that but I do know that BAME people  biologically have low Vit D levels . Why ? Could be due to skin colour and genetics not needing the sunlight vitamin.... until living in a cold wet damp northern European country.

      Thyroid Function.
      This is a gland in the body that its function decreases with age.
      The decrease in function correlates very much as to the increase in Covid death rates.
      Again by taking a range of vits and minerals and a good diet  to help the Thyroid to continue to function and all you need to know about your diet is out there.

      While I'm banging on a bit now about your HEAD space.
      We are all going through it. Wherever you live in the world we don't know what going to happen.
      Will I lose my job ? Will my business close ? How are the bills to be paid?  When is this going to end?
      Anxiety Depression Addiction .


      Health is now the new Wealth.
      Stop buying Stuff. Thats called Affluenza.
      As long as you've got Heats and Eats that's all you need.
      In this country with a welfare state your needs are always catered for .......but your wants will never be satisfied.

      I'm no sandal wearing new age hippie but I keep sane in all of this by trying to live in the real world ... in the day .... in the breath because thats all you really have .... one breath.
      Yesterday is history . Gone Bye Bye.
      Tomorrow is a mystery. It hasn't arrived yet and there is f**k all you can do about the past or the future.

      Whilst we are worried about sh*t that doesn't matter .... it's like standing on two stools Yesterday and Tomorrow.
      We piss on Today.
      Yesterday ?  The  train has gone . We missed it . It ain't coming back

      Health and Time.
      When they are gone they are gone.  ( Virginity ? )

      Get some books......

         Eckhart Tolle.  ( Check some of his quotes to start with ...)

         Richard Carlson

         Thich Naht Han.

      Books on Mindfulness and books on Minimalism.

      Get close and back to Nature. Re-wild yourself.
      The plants and the animals don't know about Covid (bats excepted) and as the song went " Do They Know Its Christmas ?" . 

      Christmas ? One day. A load of hassle. The Christians didn't want a pagan revolution on their hands so they moved the Winter Solstice Rave Party back by four days. If you can't beat 'em .....join 'em and rebrand it as Christmas.
      Just be happy that you have your health ,friends and family.
      Buy an experience ...not a sh*t gift ....for Christmas. People and kids will remember it more

      Walk in the woods.
      Look at the sky.
      Study a cob web. Get down on the grass and watch an ant.
      Get back to play. Walk barefoot Get back to being a kid again and enjoy what is around you.  Its f**king amazing.
      Its free and its drug free.

      Do what makes you feel ALIVE !

      Last Saturday on Mental Health Weekend  I walked around town with a set of battery operated Christmas lights around my neck. The battery and switch were in my hoodie pocket. It was great cracking people up It gave me a buzz as well.
      I was the one who felt completely sane.
      Become a kid again.

      Anyway to quote a favourite Led Zeppelin track Ive "Rambled On" a bit.
      That's another one. Music.
      I told the ex to stuff all the CDs . Keep 'em.
      I went minimalism. Amazon Prime = 60 million songs. Pisses over Spotify/ Deezer anyday.
      Get an Alexa and give her some abuse. She's feisty and will give it back.
      Get  an Alexa Echo Auto and impress every one with more powers in the motor than a wizard in Harry Potter.

      Get a plant ....get a pet. I've got Billy Whizz. He's a fat over fed pigeon who roosts in a Copper Beech tree every night and has a special branch.
      I say good night to him and don't give a monkey's who hears me. We have deep meaningful conversations.
      I worry when he misses a night on his branch and is out on the razz.

      Enjoy Life .  We've only got the one on this planet as far as we know .

      Stay Safe  Don't worry about the Government. No other country knows what the f**king hell they are doing anyway. Its all new and an unknown. Blind and blind come to mind.
      If you must watch the negative news give CNN ago . The news anchors are brilliant .Watching it is like Mickey Mouse time.

      Take personal responsibility for your own safety .
      Don't rely on Nanny State.  They get it wrong .
      ( Jonathan Van Tam. April. "No evidence to wear a face mask" 
      How many people did he kill by spouting that sh*t ? )

      Look .  (As Robbie Fowler would say )
      If I've given something back to my family of Reds in my verbose meandering above then its only cos you guys were there for me when certain people I expected and wanted to be weren't.

      Remember: When you are out with your mates (or your hens) thinking you are living large being a macho man impressing them without a mask . ... FFS  THINK.

      In fourteen days you could be lying in an ICU ward gasping to breathe for the last time as your lungs fill up .... and where would your cool buddies be then ... even if they could see you ?
      No .
      The only people you would destroy are the people who love you and while you go under finally with the morphine ...they are left behind without the person that truly meant something to them. 

      You die. You die alone.

      Stay Safe . That train is coming.


      Joey B
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      Re: Staying Safe or Get Off The C19 Tracks .
      Reply #19: Oct 26, 2020 06:18:51 pm
      WOW !!! Read every word.You truly are an inspiration.All the advice you have passed on is in itself amazing re "biotics and vitamins"
      I wish you well sir.
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      Re: Staying Safe or Get Off The C19 Tracks .
      Reply #20: Oct 26, 2020 08:39:52 pm

      Luv Ya Debs.


      Shall we get the forum gossiping ? 

      Remember the Pink Wellies ?


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      Re: Staying Safe or Get Off The C19 Tracks .
      Reply #21: Oct 26, 2020 09:20:06 pm
      Luv Ya Debs.


      Shall we get the forum gossiping ? 

      Remember the Pink Wellies ?



      Dunno about ‘pink wellies’ Skip, but there are plenty of pink willies hangin around  :f_whistle:.

      (Pink Willies matter)

                                                                                Y  N  W A
      Robby The Z
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      Re: Staying Safe or Get Off The C19 Tracks .
      Reply #22: Oct 26, 2020 09:23:10 pm
      Luv Ya Debs.


      Shall we get the forum gossiping ? 

      Remember the Pink Wellies ?



      Hey Man - hang in there and thanks for such a beautifully transparent post.

      Lost my mom, my job, and basically a lot of dreams this year. This one helps provide a soundtrack to keeping going, not that you seem to need it.

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