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      Conspiracy Theories

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      Re: Conspiracy Theories
      Reply #23: Feb 09, 2009 12:45:23 pm
      here in Liverpool we have just got a massive warehouse built (on the edge of kirkby),
      now if you research fema camps in america and mass coffins as a preparation for some sort of disasters in the future it makes me worry
      i also saw only yesterday one of these massive warehouses near to Skem, up-holland area

      who else has seen one of these 11 story warehouses, have not yet researched the official use for these warehouses
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      Re: Conspiracy Theories
      Reply #24: Feb 10, 2009 10:34:42 am
      I like a few conspiracies, the moon landing is a good one as is 9/11. I like ones that are history based such as those listed and did Britain know about Pearl Harbour before it happened and so on.
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      Re: Conspiracy Theories
      Reply #25: Feb 10, 2009 01:05:28 pm
      If anybody does believe 911 was an inside job and about 70% of americans are sceptical these days,
       you really need to find out why,you really need to expand your knowledge,
       best site is and some alex jones videos on youtube, it will really shock you, and make you change your views on the world..........(these sites are religion free, as we all hate to be preached to)
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      Re: Conspiracy Theories
      Reply #26: Feb 16, 2009 08:37:03 am
      Osama bin Laden on the CIA payroll
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      Re: Conspiracy Theories
      Reply #27: Feb 16, 2009 12:02:04 pm
      Has anybody ever done that thing on Microsoft Word about 9/11? Pretty freaky.

      Go on Microsoft Word, select the 'Wingdings' font.

      Type in Q33 NY (make sure they are capital letters)

      Apparently, thats the number of the flight, and look at the pictures that have come up on your screen.
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      Re: Conspiracy Theories
      Reply #28: Feb 16, 2009 12:23:56 pm
      Has anybody ever done that thing on Microsoft Word about 9/11? Pretty freaky.

      Go on Microsoft Word, select the 'Wingdings' font.

      Type in Q33 NY (make sure they are capital letters)

      Apparently, thats the number of the flight, and look at the pictures that have come up on your screen.

      Except it isn't true.  ::)

      It's incredible what some people will believe - that's how conspiracy theories gain ground - people not even checking facts.
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      Re: Conspiracy Theories
      Reply #29: Feb 16, 2009 12:41:45 pm
      Ahhh fair enough, I didn't really think it was true myself but still the concept of it being true is quite scary.

      That proves it wrong though so just count it as an example of an untrue conspiracy! :)
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      Re: Conspiracy Theories
      Reply #30: Mar 03, 2009 11:35:36 pm
      They are getting close to martial law in the USA and Mexico is collapsing, for anybody who is intereste in what is about to engulf the world after this financial disaster reaches its peak, here is another piece of evidence. Wake up UK to what is happening, MODS if this subject is too strong for this forum and you are getting hassled by men in black let me know and i will write my dross somewhere else

        Terror Memos Reveal Total Destruction Of U.S. Constitutional Freedoms

      Terror Memos Reveal Total Destruction Of U.S. Constitutional Freedoms 030309memos

      No official reversal, illegal practices can continue

      Steve Watson
      Tuesday, March 3, 2009

      By releasing internal Justice Department memos showing how the Bush fronted Neocons systematically destroyed civil liberties in America after 9/11, the Obama administration has sought to distance itself from such practices. However, closer inspection of the actions of the new regime, reveal no deviation from such policies in the war on terror.

      Nine memos/opinions, said by the Bush administration to give legal grounding to detention and torture of terror suspects, were released yesterday.

      They reveal how the rights of all American citizens have been effectively stripped away under the auspices of the so called “war on terror”.

      A 2002 opinion written by then-assistant attorney general John Yoo, stated that the rights of any suspect could be rescinded.

      “The power to dispose of the liberty of individuals captured … remain in the hands of the president alone,” Yoo wrote.

      Another 2003 opinion written for Alberto Gonzales, then counsel for Bush, stated:

      “Congress can no longer regulate the president’s ability to detain and interrogate enemy combatants than it may regulate his ability to direct troop movements.”

      Another memo intended for John Bellinger, who was then legal advisor to the National Security Council, suggested that the president’s “power to suspend treaties is wholly discretionary,” indicating that international laws could be ignored if necessary.

      Perhaps the most despicable of the memos dated from October 23rd 2001, Just weeks after 9/11. As reported by AP, it effectively stated that constitutional free-speech protections and a prohibition on unreasonable search and seizure could take a back seat to military needs in fighting terrorism inside the country.

      “The government’s compelling interests in wartime justify restrictions on the scope of individual liberty,” it said.

      “The current campaign against terrorism may require even broader exercises of federal power domestically,” John Yoo and Justice Department official Robert Delahunty wrote.

      “The president has the legal and constitutional authority to use military force within the United States to respond to and combat future acts of terrorism… the Posse Comitatus Act does not bar deployment.” it continues.

      “We do not think that a military commander carrying out a raid on a terrorist cell would be required to demonstrate probable cause or to obtain a (search) warrant,” the memo reads, also stating that the Fourth Amendment laws “are unsuited to the demands of wartime.”

      Effectively the Justice Department gave the green light for military forces within the U.S. to smash in people’s doors, search their homes without probable cause, drag them away without charge and detain and torture them for as long as they like at the behest of the president.

      Furthermore, the memo states, “First Amendment speech and press rights may also be subordinated to the overriding need to wage war successfully,” envisioning the possibility of censorship restrictions on newspapers and the Internet.

      A September 25 2001 memo previews what would become an extensive debate over the National Security Administration’s warrantless surveillance program, saying “the president must be able to use whatever means necessary to prevent attacks on the United States; this power, by implication, includes the authority to collect information necessary for its effective exercise.”

      All nine memos can be read at The Department of Justice website.

      In effect, the DoJ Ok’d a total suspension of the U.S. Constitution after 9/11.

      (Article continues below)

      Terror Memos Reveal Total Destruction Of U.S. Constitutional Freedoms obamadecept_340x169

      Though, the Obama administration has tentatively stated that the memos are invalid, the new president’s actions do not reflect such an assertion.

      As reported last month, one of Obama’s first actions in office was to sign an executive order securing the continued practice of secretly capturing, transporting and imprisoning so called “enemy combatants”.

      Under executive orders issued by Obama just two days into his tenure, the CIA still has authority to carry out what are known as renditions, secret abductions and transfers of prisoners to countries that cooperate with the United States, the Los Angeles Times reported.

      “The Obama administration appears to have determined that the rendition program was one component of the Bush administration’s war on terrorism that it could not afford to discard.” Greg Miller noted.

      A minor provision within one executive order states that instructions to close the CIA’s secret prisons “do not refer to facilities used only to hold people on a short-term, transitory basis”, meaning that some “black sites” can remain open.

      Though former CIA officials have admitted that rendition is mostly unproductive, an administration official told the LA Times anonymously: “Obviously you need to preserve some tools — you still have to go after the bad guys. The legal advisors working on this looked at rendition. It is controversial in some circles and kicked up a big storm in Europe. But if done within certain parameters, it is an acceptable practice.”

      As we further illuminated in our previous report, Obama’s much lauded declaration to “ban” torture and his “commitment” to close down detention facilities is full of loopholes and hidden clauses designed to allow such practices and premises to be continued, albeit with renewed secrecy.

      If Obama were truly committed to ending the legacy of torture and secret detention, he would authorize the prosecution of those officials responsible, all the way up to the top. Instead, he , along with his CIA Director Leon Panetta, has said he will do no such thing.

      Indeed, the latest sign of allowing such crimes to go unpunished comes in the form of federal prosecutor John Durham signaling that even though he has yet to complete his investigation, he is unlikely to indict any CIA employees for incinerating 92 secret interrogation tapes that purportedly show suspects being waterboarded.

      Furthermore, we have not seen Obama repeal Patriot Acts I and II, nor have we seen a reversal of Bush’s signing statement that would effectively repeal the John Warner Defense Authorization Act.

      We have not seen any evidence to suggest that the NSA will cease warrantless secret surveillance and phone-taps of American citizens.

      We have not seen any deviation from the Bush-era war on terror policies.

      We have not seen any CHANGE.
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      Re: Conspiracy Theories
      Reply #31: Mar 05, 2009 03:16:34 pm
      In relation to the sri lankan cricket shootings on the first two days of the test both team buses left at the same time but on the third day (the day of the shooting) the Pakistani bus left five minutes after the Sri Lankan bus.

      Seems a bit sus to me.
      • Forum Ronnie Moran
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      Re: Conspiracy Theories
      Reply #32: Mar 15, 2009 06:08:27 pm
      Anyone thats interested in this sort of stuff should check out Ring of Power and the Esoteric Agenda very long documentaries but well worth checking out
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      Re: Conspiracy Theories
      Reply #33: Mar 18, 2009 02:10:52 pm
      Thanks super skirtl, will watch them later....
      BUT for those who dont believe in a NWO here is the evidence from one of the UK's biggest newspapers Financial times.

      The Financial Times, one of the most respected and widely read newspapers on the planet, features an editorial today that openly admits the agenda to create a world government based on anti-democratic principles and concedes that the term “global governance” is merely a euphemism for the move towards a centralized global government.

      For years we were called paranoid nutcases for warning about the elite’s plans to centralize global power and destroy American sovereignty. Throughout the 1990’s people who talked about the alarming move towards global government were smeared as right-wing lunatics by popular culture and the media.

      Now the agenda is out in the open and in our faces, the debunkers have no more ammunition with which to deride us.

      A jaw-dropping editorial written by the Financial Times’ chief foreign affairs commentator Gideon Rachman entitled ‘And now for a world government’ lays out the plan for global government and how it is being pushed with deceptive language and euphemisms in order to prevent people from becoming alarmed.

      “For the first time in my life, I think the formation of some sort of world government is plausible,” writes Rachman, citing the financial crisis, “global warming” and the “global war on terror” as three major pretexts through which it is being introduced.

      Rachman writes that “global governance” could be introduced much sooner than many expect and that President elect Barack Obama has already expressed his desire to achieve that goal, making reference to Obama’s circle of advisors which includes Strobe Talbott, who in 1992 stated, “In the next century, nations as we know it will be obsolete; all states will recognize a single, global authority. National sovereignty wasn’t such a great idea after all.”

      Rachman then concedes that the more abstract term “global governance,” which is often used by top globalists like David Rockefeller as a veil to offset accusations that a centralized global government is the real agenda, is merely a trick of “soothing language” that is used to prevent “people reaching for their rifles in America’s talk-radio heartland”.

      “But some European thinkers think that they recognise what is going on,” says Rachman. “Jacques Attali, an adviser to President Nicolas Sarkozy of France, argues that: “Global governance is just a euphemism for global government.” As far as he is concerned, some form of global government cannot come too soon. Mr Attali believes that the “core of the international financial crisis is that we have global financial markets and no global rule of law”.

      Rachman proceeds to outline what the first steps to an official world government would look like, including the creation of “A legally binding climate-change agreement negotiated under the auspices of the UN and the creation of a 50,000-strong UN peacekeeping force”.

      “A “world government” would involve much more than co-operation between nations,” writes Rachman. “It would be an entity with state-like characteristics, backed by a body of laws. The European Union has already set up a continental government for 27 countries, which could be a model. The EU has a supreme court, a currency, thousands of pages of law, a large civil service and the ability to deploy military force.”

      “So, it seems, everything is in place. For the first time since homo sapiens began to doodle on cave walls, there is an argument, an opportunity and a means to make serious steps towards a world government,” concludes Rachman, before acknowledging that the path to global government will be “slow and painful”.

      Tellingly, Rachman concedes that “International governance tends to be effective, only when it is anti-democratic,” citing the continual rejection of EU expansion when the question is put to a vote. “In general, the Union has progressed fastest when far-reaching deals have been agreed by technocrats and politicians – and then pushed through without direct reference to the voters,” writes Rachman.

      So there you have it - one of the world’s top newspapers, editorially led by chief economics commentator Martin Wolf, a top Bilderberg luminary, openly proclaiming that not only is world government the agenda, but that world government will only be achieved through dictatorial measures because the majority of the people are dead against it.

      Will we still be called paranoid conspiracy theorists for warning that a system of dictatorial world government is being set up, even as one of the world’s most influential newspapers admits to the fact? Or will people finally wake up and accept that there is a globalist agenda to destroy sovereignty, any form of real democracy, and freedom itself in the pursuit of an all-powerful, self-interested, centralized, unrepresentative and dictatorial world government?
      • Forum Ronnie Moran
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      Re: Conspiracy Theories
      Reply #34: Mar 20, 2009 02:36:53 pm
      Excellent article robbyr

      More and more in our faces everyday mate
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      Re: Conspiracy Theories
      Reply #35: Mar 25, 2009 11:00:09 pm
      Ok, now our police are being armed.... 6000 of them with tasers, so if your pissing down an alleyway and suddenly your having a heart attack you know what has happened.

      UK police get 6000 Tasers in national roll-out

       Tag:  Central Government    Print article: Printer friendly page    Email article: Send this story to a friend       This was published: 20 Mar 2009 - 05:45 am   ShareThis
      Police forces are to receive over 6,000 new Tasers, Home Secretary Jacqui Smith announced yesterday. This follows the first wave of Tasers from the ÂŁ8 million new funding made available to support a national roll-out of Tasers to specially trained police response officers.

      The roll-out across England and Wales to extend the use of Tasers beyond dedicated firearms officers to specially trained police response officers followed a successful trial in ten forces. An additional ÂŁ2.3million fund is also being made available to pay for cartridges. Assisting forces with the purchase of Taser cartridges will help ensure that this valuable form of defence is rolled out as quickly as possible.

      Tasers are safer for the police and for the public. In situations where there has been a real possibility of someone being seriously injured or killed, Tasers have contributed to resolving the incident without injury.
      In a significant proportion of cases they have not needed to be fired; drawing or aiming the Taser has been enough of a deterrent.

      Additional funding for 10,000 Tasers was made available to support the extension and police forces were asked to bid to the Home Office for the number of Tasers they required.

      Home Secretary Jacqui Smith said:
      "I am proud that we have one of the few police services around the world that do not regularly carry firearms and I want to keep it that way.

      "Everyday the police put themselves in danger to protect us, the public. They deserve our support, so I want to give the police the tools they tell me they need to confront dangerous people. That is why I have given every police force the number of Tasers they have requested.

      "I am pleased that police forces up and down the country have used the additional funding I made available for Tasers."

      Paul McKeever of the Police Federation of England and Wales said:

      "We are extremely pleased that a number of forces seem to have utilised the additional funding given for the extension of Taser. The investment rightly reflects the professionalism of police officers nation wide and recognises the vital role Taser plays in the fight against crime.

      "It is extremely disappointing however that the Metropolitan Police Authority has not taken advantage of this funding. Not only does Taser provide a less lethal alternative to firearms but it provides confidence and reassurance to officers when confronted with volatile situations."

      Derek Talbot, Assistant Chief Constable of Northamptonshire Police and Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO) spokesperson on Taser said:

      "ACPO welcomed the support of the Home Secretary for our proposal to roll out Tasers to specially trained units across the country following a successful 12 month trial in ten police forces. The trial showed that in over 80 per cent of incidents where Tasers were used, the situation was resolved without recourse to discharge the weapon.

      "This showed further evidence that Taser use is a proportionate, low risk means of resolving incidents where the public or officers face severe violence or the threat of such violence which cannot safely be dealt with by other means.

      "The opportunity for more specially trained officers to be equipped with Taser is a welcome enhancement to Public and Officer safety"

      The roll-out of Taser followed reports from the Association of Chief Police Officers and the Home Office Scientific Development Branch which found that Tasers provided real benefits for both public and police officer safety in incidents involving serious violence.

      Statistics from the trial show of the 661 recorded uses of Tasers, 85 per cent involved the weapon just being drawn, aimed, arced or the subject being 'red-dotted' - showing Tasers powerful deterrent effect and its benefits in preventing any escalation in violence. Tasers were only discharged in 93 of the 661 uses.

      The extension means that officers in specially trained units are able to use Tasers in situations where they face serious violence or threats of serious violence to the public, themselves or the subject. This is set out in ACPO guidance on its use.
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      Re: Conspiracy Theories
      Reply #36: May 14, 2009 10:17:15 am
      Anyone seen Zeitgeist?

      I watched this today and it's got some convincing points on how 'the men behind the curtain' are trying to rule one single world government. I recommend this to you Robbyr.

      You can download it here (torrent):
      Zeitgeist 1:
      Zeitgeist 2 ( i haven't seen this yet):

      From what i've read it's a FREE online doco.
      bad boy bubby
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      • @KaiserQueef
      Re: Conspiracy Theories
      Reply #37: May 15, 2009 09:05:14 am
      the latest theory revolves around an escelation to the israel conflict that could draw in iran, and so then russia , then usa, then we have world war 3

      ...and that would benefit who and in what way?

      Theses (conspiracy theorists) dudes play to a willing, paranoid audience. Some may well be "in it" for the money but i'm more of the opinion they're paranoid as F**k themselves.
      • Forum Michael Robinson
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      Re: Conspiracy Theories
      Reply #38: May 15, 2009 02:12:06 pm
      The biggest conspiracy of all was, when U.E.F.A banned all english clubs from Europe.

      Bunch of Anglophobes
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      Re: Conspiracy Theories
      Reply #39: May 15, 2009 02:34:55 pm
      ...and that would benefit who and in what way?

      Theses (conspiracy theorists) dudes play to a willing, paranoid audience. Some may well be "in it" for the money but I'm more of the opinion they're paranoid as f**k themselves.
      I will have to disagree
      why. well, the point is the world is changing very fast for the worse, and if you can explain to me why these things are changing then maybe i will believe you

      1. Why is the education system so controlled and dumbed down
      2. Why are cameras everywhere (control perhaps)
      3. Why do they want to bring in ID cards SO Venemousley, control perhaps
      4. Why have all the banks suddenly gone almost bust and asked for collosol amounts of cash which does NOT need to be accounted for and tracked
      5. Why are people encouraged to watch TV and not get out and about, brainwashing and subliminal programming perhaps
      6. Why are family values being discouraged.
      7. Why are politicians so corrupt and why do people only care about themselves and not the general well-being of us all.
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      Re: Conspiracy Theories
      Reply #40: May 16, 2009 04:37:20 pm

      Bunch of Anglophobes
      ...and that would benefit who and in what way?

      Theses (conspiracy theorists) dudes play to a willing, paranoid audience. Some may well be "in it" for the money but I'm more of the opinion they're paranoid as f**k themselves.
      hmmm no reply, no answers for me , wonder why not.
      bad boy bubby
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      • @KaiserQueef
      Re: Conspiracy Theories
      Reply #41: May 16, 2009 05:23:38 pm
      I will have to disagree
      why. well, the point is the world is changing very fast for the worse, and if you can explain to me why these things are changing then maybe I will believe you

      1. Why is the education system so controlled and dumbed down
      2. Why are cameras everywhere (control perhaps)
      3. Why do they want to bring in ID cards SO Venemousley, control perhaps
      4. Why have all the banks suddenly gone almost bust and asked for collosol amounts of cash which does NOT need to be accounted for and tracked
      5. Why are people encouraged to watch TV and not get out and about, brainwashing and subliminal programming perhaps
      6. Why are family values being discouraged.
      7. Why are politicians so corrupt and why do people only care about themselves and not the general well-being of us all.

      You ask a lot of questions in an attempt to avoid answering my original question robbyr! Are you a politician?   ;D

      I'll ask you again - Who the f**k will benefit? Those who are already in power? Those who are already filthy rich? Who?  :mad:
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      Re: Conspiracy Theories
      Reply #42: May 16, 2009 06:53:16 pm
      ...and that would benefit who and in what way?

      Theses (conspiracy theorists) dudes play to a willing, paranoid audience. Some may well be "in it" for the money but I'm more of the opinion they're paranoid as f**k themselves.

      Why the answer to that one is easy, the new world order (or the elite controllists who control our government through stealth), they dont belong to one country, they are an organisation and a society who seeks world domination through stealth and through subvertion of our politicians who usually do it for their own gain (even though in the long run it will not be beneficial to them), these are the same people who started both world wars so they could sell arms and gain profit.

      and yes they are already filthy rich, but getting rich is not their long term goal, power is more important to them than money, but power is gained through financial control.
      They want us all to be their servants and they want us all to be dependent on them not only financially.
      bad boy bubby
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      • @KaiserQueef
      Re: Conspiracy Theories
      Reply #43: May 17, 2009 04:03:36 pm
      Why the answer to that one is easy, the new world order (or the elite controllists who control our government through stealth), they dont belong to one country, they are an organisation and a society who seeks world domination through stealth and through subvertion of our politicians who usually do it for their own gain (even though in the long run it will not be beneficial to them), these are the same people who started both world wars so they could sell arms and gain profit.

      and yes they are already filthy rich, but getting rich is not their long term goal, power is more important to them than money, but power is gained through financial control.
      They want us all to be their servants and they want us all to be dependent on them not only financially.

      So they are already powerful enough to control all the banking systems and manipulate World Wars, yes?

      Tell me; is this the Leader of the New World Order?

      Robby, mate, I think you're brilliant and all but would you wise up, ya mad eejit.  ;D

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      Re: Conspiracy Theories
      Reply #44: May 17, 2009 06:20:37 pm
      We will see, within a few years what happens on that front, i already have a mounted machine gun in my loft, with an electronic turret that opens to fire on all who attempt to attack me, the only thing i dont believe in is chemtrails, even though some us govt sources have admitted they are doing them already, to cool down the atmosphere hmm
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      Re: Conspiracy Theories
      Reply #45: May 18, 2009 01:13:20 am
      I do find it astonashing that peoples heads are so much in the sand, youve got to all open your minds up to WHAT could just be happening, and if you look at the documented evidence you opinions slowly change. In my eyes the world has been descending into chaos since the start of the last centuary.

      We really must all stop watching flavoured TV news and find out what is happening for real, by being objective.
      In reality its not really funny, its very frightening, and even i take a risk writing this article, i will probably stop soon as its probably a bit unsafe and counter productive for myself.

      But if you want to live for the day then thats up to you all, but one day soon we will probably descend into a orwellian world, a world where it internet is sensored and used as propoganda (already happening in China, plans for Australia even usa and uk), a world where freedom of speach is limited (UK already has free speech zones (a think the natzies invented)), Everything is accountable to the antiterrorist laws, vaccinations will become mandatory (mercury is used to mix them), all of our contacts, emails, and mobile phones will be monitored, sh*t i could go on and on, but if people dont want to listen then thats their own freedom and mistake.

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