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      Today is the 9th of February and on this date LFC's match record is P20 W9 D5 L6

      Pundits and Commentators

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      el batez
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      Pundits and Commentators
      Jan 09, 2011 04:55:45 pm
      Why oh why do we get ex-Livepool players commentating on our games and not giving the team a bit of respect, there was Jim Beglin saying stuff like MU should step it up a gear and turn the screw?

      It always seems to me and many others that they don't want us to do better than than the others.  Hansen and Lawro seem to do it also Jason Mc plus others, the only ones seem to be Aldo, The Saint and the old school who are 100% LFC and not butt kissing to the people who are giving them a couple of quid.

      Beglin in my eyes has never given this club of ours the respect it deserves, he always seems to go for the opposition and as for today listening to his comments it made me sad to think he played for us as of the rest. I know as a forum member we we should not slag off our ex-players but as of late there are to many derogatory remarks towards players and the club, so in my eyes they should keep that little so called experienced mouth shut!.
      « Last Edit: Oct 11, 2024 09:06:02 pm by JD »
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      Re: Pundits and Comentators.
      Reply #1: Jan 09, 2011 04:57:11 pm
      Money, money, money mate.
      Frankly, Mr Shankly
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      Re: Pundits and Comentators.
      Reply #2: Jan 09, 2011 04:57:58 pm
      Lawro was F***ing miserable on Radio 5. Is he jealous at Kenny?

      Amazingly Sam Allardyce said this - 'It was never a penalty'. Shock horror!
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      Re: Pundits and Comentators.
      Reply #3: Jan 09, 2011 04:59:28 pm
      Lawro was f**king miserable on Radio 5. Is he jealous at Kenny?

      Amazingly Sam Allardyce said this - 'It was never a penalty'. Shock horror!
      Yes I thought Sam was most friendly to us.
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      Re: Pundits and Comentators.
      Reply #4: Jan 09, 2011 05:03:16 pm
      Why oh why do we get ex-Liverool players commentating on our games and not giving the team a bit of respect,there was Jim Beglin saying stuff like MU should step it up a gear and turn the screw?,it always seems to me and many others that they don't want us to do better than than the others .Hansen and Lawro seem to do it also Jason Mc plus others,the only ones seem to be Aldo The Saint and the old school who are 100% LFC and not butt kissing to the people who are giving them a couple of quid.Beglin for In my eyes has never give this club of ours the the respect it deserves,he always seems to go for the opposition and as for today listening to his comments it made me sad to think He played for us as of the rest. I know as a forum member we we should not slag off our ex-players but as of late there are to many derogatory remarks towards players and the club, so in my eyes they should keep that little so called experienced mouth shut!.

      Lawrensen is a c**t, do you not remember his disrespect after the six minutes truth chanting in 2006 "let's just get on with the football" Ian St John preferring to call Houllier The Frenchman during the treble season rather than use his name and has been referring to rafa as The Spaniard. And as for Aldo it depends on who is interviewing him, he'll talk sense on Radio City, then be caught writing absolute bollocks in one of the Irish papers.

      As long they're getting paid they'll spout whatever sh*te the tv lot want to hear.
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      Re: Pundits and Comentators.
      Reply #5: Jan 09, 2011 05:06:07 pm
      Yes I thought Sam was most friendly to us.

      That fat c**t knew it wasn't a pen but didn't want to upset his mate, from one view it's a pen on the replay it doesn't then just stuttering all the way through half-time. Should stick to eating pies and have that final coronary.
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      Re: Pundits and Comentators.
      Reply #6: Jan 09, 2011 05:09:55 pm
      He did say Webb was too far away and the linesman didnt flag but i agree a coronry would'nt go a miss.
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      Re: Pundits and Commentators.
      Reply #7: Jan 09, 2011 06:18:21 pm
      Agreed, its all about the cash for those people..
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      Re: Pundits and Commentators.
      Reply #8: Jan 09, 2011 06:32:25 pm
      lawro is a tw*t
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      Re: Pundits and Commentators.
      Reply #9: Jan 09, 2011 06:42:25 pm
      In recent days it is down to this:

      LFC fans vs the world.

      The media hate us and wind us up and we go nuts at them in everyway possible. They post crap like "It's rafa's fault " " He spent 300m " " Kenny isn't the man " etc...
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      Re: Pundits and Commentators.
      Reply #10: Jan 09, 2011 07:16:17 pm
      I actually like Jim Beglin cos he calls it as he sees it.  He tries not to be biased and i don't mind that at all.
      It's the garbage spouted by others when it flies in the face of reality that i can't stand.  A team that is one up and a man up at home should turn the screw in my opinion.
      Lawro though, now he is a t**t.  Seems to have completely forgotten that he wanted Roy in the job in the first place when he called for his head this week.  Kn*b of the highest order.
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      Re: Pundits and Commentators.
      Reply #11: Jan 09, 2011 07:18:36 pm
      I actually like Jim Beglin cos he calls it as he sees it.  He tries not to be biased and I don't mind that at all.

      Wrong. Beglin is a c**t. It's amazing to think that he actually played for us, because he can't say anything positive about us during a match.
      • Forum Ronnie Moran
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      Re: Pundits and Commentators.
      Reply #12: Jan 09, 2011 08:11:48 pm
      Nothing new really. These so-called specialists couldn't make the difference between a tiger and a lion.

      At the moment, it's good bucks putting down liverpool fc, jumping on the wagon and following whatever the press is saying..Only a few have a realistic view on what is going on..and May it continue! Henry and co are not idiots, let's wait an see in a year from now and see all these pundits crawling back under their rock.
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      Re: Pundits and Commentators.
      Reply #13: Jan 09, 2011 09:57:41 pm
      In recent days it is down to this:

      LFC fans vs the world.

      Its not in recent days.....its been like that since we were successful.

      Us v The World.

      F*ck Em All.
      • Forum Erik Meijer
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      Re: Pundits and Commentators.
      Reply #14: Jan 09, 2011 10:00:59 pm
      Lawro was f**king miserable on Radio 5. Is he jealous at Kenny?

      Amazingly Sam Allardyce said this - 'It was never a penalty'. Shock horror!

      Yeah, I thought the same.  Sam will get an almighty b*ll*kin from his master tonight for suggesting they may have cheated.
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      Re: Pundits and Commentators.
      Reply #15: Jan 09, 2011 10:01:40 pm

      Interesting.....pundits get paid more for criticising LFC?
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      Re: Pundits and Commentators.
      Reply #16: Jan 09, 2011 10:11:11 pm
      Interesting.....pundits get paid more for criticising LFC?
      No, but Im pretty sure their jobs depend on what the listeners want to hear, which in recent years is the demise of our football club. Nobody wants to hear how well Liverpool are doing apart from Liverpool fans.

      But you must of noticed how the majority of opposing fans and media seem to enjoy our downfall?
      Simply because its something to talk about.
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      Re: Pundits and Commentators.
      Reply #17: Jan 09, 2011 10:13:50 pm
      I'm sure Beglin supports the scum... damaged goods.

      Lawro just a Lemming.

      Hansen, calls it as he see's it at the time. Which somethimes hurts.

      Aldrigde, 100% Red

      You can always use this when the lies start..

      red trooper
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      Re: Pundits and Commentators.
      Reply #18: Jan 09, 2011 10:40:57 pm
      Simply don't believe any of the 'experts' or 'pundits' , these are the same people who thought England had a good chance at the recent world cup finals !! and they appear to have it in their job description to be against certain teams for life ( like Liverpool and Leeds actually) but hey! the joke will be on them when it comes full circle and bites them hard on their arses !
      Red Rob 60
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      Re: Pundits and Commentators.
      Reply #19: Jan 09, 2011 10:44:11 pm
      In recent days it is down to this:

      LFC fans vs the world.

      The media hate us and wind us up and we go nuts at them in everyway possible. They post crap like "It's rafa's fault " " He spent 300m " " Kenny isn't the man " etc...

      It's always been that way and it always will be.

      We need players and managers who stand up for the traditions and values of the club despite, not because of, the media and the powers that be.

      For a time we lost our club to Purslime and his bi*ch Hodgson now it looks like we have it back and Kenny will guide us into a new era.

      It's poetic... but it wouldn't be at any other club. We are different.

      Frankly, Mr Shankly
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      Re: Pundits and Commentators.
      Reply #20: Jan 09, 2011 10:45:04 pm
      Love how the BBC didn't acknowledge what a cheating c**t Berbatov is.
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      Re: Pundits and Commentators.
      Reply #21: Jan 09, 2011 10:47:54 pm
      I remember reading a year or two back that of all football 'fans' in the country about 15% supported LFC.

      Now, if you work for a national TV station/radio (which obviously pays more than local radio/TV), are you going to last longer pleasing the 85% or the 15%.

      Sad fact, but true.

      In some cases, such as John Aldridge, you can please the locals when you're talking to local radio/LFC.TV AND then say something entirely different when you're talking to the 85%, such as your national Irish newspaper column.

      Hansen's another interesting case.  His BBC columns are usually much different to when he is in the Liverpool matchday magazine.

      There are very few ex-players in the media who I listen to.  I always make sure I know what they are saying and in what context.  Phil Thompson is one who will stick up for the reds generally, even on a national broadcaster such as Sky.  David Fairclough, similarly.

      Aldo, Lawro, Barnes, Hansen, Neal, Beglin, Houghton, Whelan, Souness all play to their galleries.  They should remember which club helped get them their jobs in the first place.
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      Re: Pundits and Commentators.
      Reply #22: Jan 09, 2011 10:51:04 pm
      I used to let them get to me but the fact of the matter is there are a lot of people who post on here who talk more sense about football than the vast majority of the so called experts.

      Most of them feel that because they played the game they are experts but when they open their mouths it is clear they are not.

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